The World Bank (UN body) has launched a competition (in 2009) to finance projects by private individuals and NGOs against the greenhouse effect. Of course, if the Global wormings existed, it would be a noble gesture (even if these " philanthropic gestures" are never disinterested), but for now we pretend to believe in Global Warming and put aside the question. fact the absurd thing is not so much competition, but who won the competition, or rather in the nature of the winning design! It was won by the NGO Glaciares leading a project to WHITE PAINTING OF THE ANDES, in order to make it more reflective and Combat Warming Global!?! | But which is composed of bunch of drunken stoned the jury that reviewed the proposals? No one came to mind that the titanic undertaking not only deforms the Andes but might lead to unpredictable and incalculable environmental damage data from the peeling paint from the paint as well? | Fortunately, as far as I know, the project must have arenatoo after the first few strokes, and now the Andes still have their natural color ... _______________________________ ORIGINAL LINK: . php? idArt = 591 Added: 07/18/2010 PAINTING OF THE WHITE ANDE Anna Bono | The Peruvian NGO Glaciares is one of the winners launched in 2009 by the World Bank (UN body) "100 ideas to save the planet." He won with a project that consists of white paint to paint the mountains of Peru: the white reflects the sun's radiation, the areas painted in this color do not absorb calore e quindi, imbiancando le montagne, se ne salveranno i ghiacciai che, se no, secondo ricerche commissionate dalla Banca Mondiale stessa, scompariranno del tutto entro i prossimi 20 anni per effetto del global warming. Eduardo World Gold è il responsabile scientifico del progetto da realizzarsi utilizzando una vernice fatta di calce, acqua e bianco d'uovo che va spalmata a mano, senza macchinari "per proteggere gli animali e mostrare rispetto verso Apu, lo spirito tutelare che abita nelle viscere di ogni montagna". Grazie a un finanziamento di 200.000 dollari della Banca Mondiale, sei persone (quattro scelte tra gli abitanti local village and two of the staff of Glaciares) have already begun to paint the walls white over 4,700 meters high Mount Chalon Hat, in the Andean region of Ayacucho. In 15 days should paint the first 20 hectares and then go up to cover 70. But 3,000 kilometers of the Andes are waiting to be saved. Significant remarks of the Peruvian Minister of the Environment: "It is an immense stupidity." Wanting to articulate the opinion of the Minister succinctly, you can begin by saying that the spirits of nature magari non sono così ostili ai macchinari come si tende a credere. Ma, a essere seri, altri interrogativi si pongono. Se, ad esempio, la vernice non reggesse all'impatto con gli agenti atmosferici, che conseguenze sull'ambiente potrebbero avere tutta quella calce e quella chiara d'uovo che, o sciogliendosi o scrostandosi via via, si depositerebbero a valle per chilometri mescolandosi al terreno, in parte portati via dal vento chissà dove, quindi involontariamente respirati e inghiottiti ovunque da uomini e animali? | Per contro, se per qualche controindicazione si rendesse necessario sverniciare le mountains, it would be possible without damaging the ecosystem with solvents and debris? And how much would it cost? But the most important question concerns the certainty that the Earth's temperature is actually increasing inexorably and that it is a constant phenomenon, destined to last for generations, perhaps forever. If so, in fact it would be better taken as soon as possible projects to limit damage caused by global warming. A chapter of the book | Danish environmentalist Biorn Lomborg, We are fresh (Mondadori, 2008), explains that the temperatures in urban areas can be reduced by 8-10 degrees by painting with white buildings and roads, planting trees and expanding green areas. In the frequent international summit dedicated to environmental issues, advanced exorbitant demands of funds for the prevention and containment of global warming and the damage it caused. During the last climate summit organized by the United Nations last December in Copenhagen African countries alone even demanded 60 billion dollars a year. So if the planet is to mobilize in a titanic effort to combat rising temperatures, investments for this purpose every resource available as clamoring for humanitarian and environmental organizations and heads of state in many poor countries, what would happen if he feared the heating did not occur, or if they continued to alternate periods when temperatures rise and periods which decrease, as has happened in past centuries? Not so remote in the event of a new little ice age, and taking into account the same as Lomborg says that the cold is far more victims of the heat, nothing worse than being with the entire city painted in white and without sufficient resources to fight having too many charges against the cold to prevent global warming. | | Photos of the Andes, for now painted In other words, since it seems actually impossible to know what the weather will in ten or one hundred years, the presumption of being able to predict and pretend to make the necessary adjustments may be too expensive even for a rich civilization and technology advanced as ours. Humanity has so far been able to adapt to the environment and resources in exploiting Since its inception, addressed the environmental problems as they arose, with increasingly good results thanks to the constant progress of science and technology. It can still do it, provided you do not get blinded by ideologies and delusions of omnipotence that attach to the man for good or evil a power which does not hold. _________________________________ | by | "Greenhouse Effect: The Big Buffalo" | http://effetto-serra. | |
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