What can never be shared between the Nazi abomination
and Environmentalism
and Environmentalism
E 'can that ' Eugenics was not spread by the Americans and the Germans?
The crazy assumptions of social Darwinism are still in vogue?
And how can a wealthy family of Jewish origin (the Rockefellers) have encouraged the same Eugenics
that killed most of the Jewish people?
that killed most of the Jewish people?
Often when we talk about environment, we are repeating that the Earth can not sustain today's human population, nor those to come, and that therefore we must think of plans
depopulation and decline from the Third World.
depopulation and decline from the Third World.
This seems sensible, if if only those same people and foundations that today denounced the overpopulation
once said that plans were used for the depopulation since otherwise the idiots and the lame (and the poor and non-white) played to the bitter end would irreparably damage the human gene pool and undermining its future evolution.
Today, the Foundation itself (eg, Rockefeller Foundation) and same people are involved with the so-called CriptoEugenetica or mask their intentions eugenics under false names. In particular, use the ' Environmentalism to support the same measures argued that when the' Eugenics was clear. But now tell us that the Third World countries (mostly inhabited by non causaciche povereglio and impoverished by the choices of that same elite) are overcrowded and that this damages the environment, and tell us that the world is overpopulated
and therefore must take all necessary steps to reduce the birth rate (or increase mortality '), some say by force.
In other words the 'Environmentalism is used as an excuse for, or plans to pursue me
And what's worse is that the so-called "overpopulation
" that other environmental issues (the CO2 with
Carbon Taxfor example) will serve as anchors to accept the world a World Government, with global taxes and planetary police and army (with the excuse that need global action to solve global problems, crafted in most cases ..).
short , L '
Environmentalism is the same old modern Eugenics, or at least the same purposes and is touted often hidden even from the same people ...
I leave you with this interesting article:
-Link Original English: http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/Articles/Government_Depopulation . htm
Link Italian translation:
for the depopulation government edict
Of Deanna Spingola
January 29, 2010
translation: http://nwo-truthresearch.blogspot.com
Rockefeller Jr, according to information by Raymond B. Fosdick, provided the financial backing for the movement of Planned Parenthood Margaret Sanger.
[2] Sanger, a feminist and an activist of birth control, he instituted the first family planning clinic New York City. Several U.S. foundations financed the eugenics research, including the Carnegie Institution, who funded the studies of eugenics Davenport at Cold Spring Harbor, and the Rockefeller Foundation, which gave grants in the 30s of 900 'to search the Galton Eugenics Laboratory at University College London and at Cornell Medical School in New York. [3] Advocates of population control and eugenics of the study include Theodore Roosevelt, Charles Wilson, president of Harvard and Irving Fisher, Yale's president and chairman of 'Eugenics Research Association in the 20s 900', plus a host of important public figures . [4] The President Theodore Roosevelt appointed Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. to the U.S. Supreme Court where he served from 1902 to 1932. Holmes was an advocate of selective breeding and issued the verdict in the case of sterilization of Carrie Buck in 1927.
He said: 'It's better for the world if, instead of waiting to see the implementation of the degeneration of children with crimes or let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit to continue their species. The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the fallopian tubes. Three generations of imbeciles are enough. The Rockefeller Foundation financed what is known as Psychiatric Genetics, a new specialties. The Foundation restructured the practice of medicine in Germany, including the management of Kaise Wilhelm Institute for Psychiatry and the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Eugenics and Human Heredity sotto la direzione dello prichiatra svizzero Ernst Rudin, supportato dai suoi fidati protetti, Otmar Verschuer e il Dr. Franz J. Kallman. Nel 1932, il movimento Britannico di eugenetica designò il Dr. Rubin come il presidente della Federazione Mondiale di Eugenetica. Il movimento eugenetico promosse l'uccisione o la sterilizzazione delle persone onerose, gli individui che Henry Kissinger denominò "mangiatori inutili"
[7] Rockefeller finanziò il Kaiser Wilhelm Institute di Eugenetica in Germania, fondato nel 1927. La famiglia Bush si uni a John D. Rockefeller e alla Famiglia Reale Britannica nella sponsorizzazione delle iniziative di eugenetica che diedero luogo ai programmi di igiene razziale Hitler. Prescott Bush was successively is found guilty of trading with the Nazis during the Second World War. According to court records, the Rockefeller family and their Standard Oil Company supported Hitler more than they did the allies during the war. In fact, a judge declare Rockefeller guilty of treason. Dr. Glum documented the insidious eugenics program to create a "super race", which was not originally sponsored by Adolf Hitler, but the elite American families such as Rockefeller, Carnegie, Harriman, Morgan, DuPont, Kellogg and Bush. [ 8]
[7] Rockefeller finanziò il Kaiser Wilhelm Institute di Eugenetica in Germania, fondato nel 1927. La famiglia Bush si uni a John D. Rockefeller e alla Famiglia Reale Britannica nella sponsorizzazione delle iniziative di eugenetica che diedero luogo ai programmi di igiene razziale Hitler. Prescott Bush was successively is found guilty of trading with the Nazis during the Second World War. According to court records, the Rockefeller family and their Standard Oil Company supported Hitler more than they did the allies during the war. In fact, a judge declare Rockefeller guilty of treason. Dr. Glum documented the insidious eugenics program to create a "super race", which was not originally sponsored by Adolf Hitler, but the elite American families such as Rockefeller, Carnegie, Harriman, Morgan, DuPont, Kellogg and Bush. [ 8]
Hitler, which was financed by international bankers, became the Chancellor of the Third Reich January 30, 1933. Wilhelm Frick, the Interior Minister, introduced early sterilization law that was enacted within six months after Hitler became Chancellor. The sterilization was used for "life unworthy of life." Some individuals who, according to testimony, was permitted to sterilize, including those with "congenital (now called mental deficiency), an estimate of 200,000, manic depressive insanity, 20,000; schizophrenia, 80,000; epilepsy, 60,000; Huntington (a hereditary disorder of the brain), 600; hereditary blindness, 4000, hereditary deafness, 16,000; severe physical deformities, 20,000, and hereditary alcoholism, 10,000. The projection totale di 410.000 fu considerata solo preliminare, tesa maggiormente a persone già nelle istituzioni; si ritenne che un più grande numenro di persone sarebberero eventualmente state identificate e sterilizzate."[9]

Dopo che i nazisti presero il potere, l'I.G. Farben e la Standard Oil di Rockefeller si fusero un una singola entità che conteneva i benefici nutrienti di entrambe le compagnie. La I.G. Farben era, fino al 1937, controllata dalla famiglia Warburg che aveva collaborato con Rockefeller nell'imabarcarsi nell'eugenetica nazista. La Standared Oil mantenne la sua alleanza con la I.G. Farben anche dopo che gli Stati Uniti entrarono in guerra. Nel 1940-41, la I.G. Farben costrui a large industrial complex adjacent to the Polish concentration camp of Auschwitz where she planned to use slave labor to make gasoline from coal. The regular German president Emil Helfferich admitted that the Standard Oil financed part of the operations at Auschwitz. [10] In the fall of 1941, the Secretary of War Henry Stimson contacted Dr. Frank B. Jewett, president of the National Academy of Sciences, to discuss the further development of biological weapons. This was before America's entry into World War II, but according to his diary, the Secretary Stimson was well aware of upcoming events. Soon after, President Stimson Roosevelt authorized to establish a body to oversee the civilian biological warfare within the jurisdiction of the Federal Security Agency. George Merck, Merck Pharmaceutical owner and a close adviser to Roosevelt, he was appointed director of the new War Research Service. [11]
Frank McDougall participated in public health in the old League of Nations. He created a link between community health, nutrition, agricultural development and economic policies. The United Nations at a conference in Hot Springs between October 16 and November 1, 1945 set the Interim Commission on Food and Agriculture the United Nations. Officials drew up the constitution of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). McDougall was the chief architect and promoter of the organization [12].
The Department of Human Heredity was transferred from London to Copenhagen in 1947, in a recently constructed building paid for by the Rockefeller Foundation. I'iniziale International Conference in Human Genetics following World War II was convened in Copenhagen in 1956. Vershuer, a protege of Rudin, since he was a member of the American Eugenics, synonymous with the Population Council of Rockefeller. Dr. Kallman, manager, organizes the American Society of Human Genetics as coordinator of the Human Genome Project. Later, Rockefeller moved the U.S. eugenics movement in the offices of their family, where they also direct the future of population control and pro-abortion groups. The Eugenics Society later became the Society for the Study of Social Biology. [13] Studio # 23 of Policy Planning U.S. State Department in 1948, signed by George F. Kennan, concluded: "We have 50% of the world's wealth but only 6.3% of its population. In this situation we can not be the object of envy and resentment. Our real task is to develop a model relationships that allow us to maintain this relationship without a definite difference in the expense of our national security. To do that we should dispense with all sentimentality and daydreaming, and our attention will be concentrated everywhere on our immediate national objectives. We must not deceive ourselves that we can afford today the luxury of altruism and charity in the world. We need to stop discussions about vague and unreal objectives as human rights, improvement of living standards and democratization. Not far from the day where we would have to do with a concept of direct power. Less we are hampered by idealistic slogans, the better. "[14]
John Foster Dulles, the president of the Rockefeller Foundation concluded, after The notes learned in a series of tours abroad, that there was a "need to stop the expansion of non-white populations." In 1952, Frederick Osborn, an officer of the American Eugenics Society, assisted by John D. Rockefeller III, organized the Population Council and served there as the first administrator. In 1958, Eisenhower selected William H. Draper to head a committee to assess the appropriate military actions in other countries. Draper suggested that attention should be given stronger threat to the population explosion and study procedures for depopulation of the poorest countries and non-whites, who represent a threat to national security of the United States [15].
Apparently, a thriving non-white population could reduce the resources available which could be better used by the white population. In addition, population growth produces resentful individuals who oppose the policies aggressively elitist.
In 1965, the Population Action International (originally known as the Population Crisis Committee), was founded by Hugh Moore, Lammot du Pont Copeland and William H. Draper Jr. The global organization based in Washington, DC. Since 2001, in association with the Population Action International, and with the encouragement of Congress, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) handed out information to foreign countries in an effort to start family planning and reproductive health programs and other cover. In 1961, John D. Rockefeller III, presented the Second Conference McDougall to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. This is preceded by a decade of protocols on the population that will become part of the Rockefeller Kissinger's NSSM 200. Rockefeller said in his speech: "In my view, population growth is second only to the control of atomic weapons as a fundamental issue on the agenda." [16]
La Fondazione Rockefeller finanziò il movimento inglese di eugenetica. La famiglia Rockefeller aveva legami prossimi alla Casata dei Rothschild alla quale la gigante società Standard Oil doveva i suoi inizi. Presumibilmente i Rothschild, una famiglia Talmudica con connessioni vicino alla massoneria e agli illuminati, promuovevano attivamente e finanziavano l'eugenetica e la depopolazione dietro le quinte. Dagli anni '60, la Società di Eugenetica Inglese abbracciò la cripto-eugenetica, sotto la quale essi avrebbero partecipato all'eugenetica senza chiamarla realmente eugenetica. I Rockefeller diedero il loro sostegno alla Società di Eugenetica Inglese attraverso l'istituzione dell' International Planned Parenthood Federation, in collaboration with the Eugenics Society. This formed a private global system in which the elite could choreograph a holocaust, in the context of the supply of humanitarian services, all under the jurisdiction of the United Nations flag, another front organization of the Rockefeller [17]. George HW Bush of Texas, who served in Congress since January 3, 1967 to January 3, 1971, gave rise to legislative investigation on global overpopulation. [18] MD Dr. MacArthur, Deputy Director of Research and Technology for Pentagon, the Defense Department, said 10 million dollars to the Subcommittee of the House of Congress for stanziamenti per lo sviluppo di un'arma biologica attraverso l'House Bill 15090. Il 9 giugno 1969 la Casa Repubblicana incaricò un comitato di ricerca, presieduto da George H. W. Bush, sentita la testimonianza del generale William H. Draper, del Population Crisis Committee e del Dr. William Moran del Population Reference Bureau. Draper riferì che c'erano tre questioni rilevanti nel controllo della popolazionone - i censimenti del 1970 negli Stati Uniti e nel 1971 in Gran Bretagna avrebbero dovuto essere universali e non limitati a 2 paesi; l'accelerazione della contraccezione; l'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità avrebbe dovuto implementare propri programmi internazionali quali vaccinazioni, ecc.[19]
Gli scienziati leading the World Health Organization, as reported in Bulletin of the World Health Organization , asked that the virus had been created to study their influence on humans. The Department of Defense, now funds with $ 10 million, intends to conduct studies on agents that destroy the immune system for biological warfare. In 1983, Dr. Robert Strecker, an internist and gastroenterologist, who is also a trained pathologist with a Ph.D. in pharmacology, produced the Strecker Memorandum
where he argued that the AIDS virus is man-made. Working in association with his brother, Attorney Ted Strecker, they discovered thousands of documents that verify the man-made AIDS. Strecker claimed that it would be impossible virologically that HIV has been taken from monkeys, the disease was unknown in Africa before 1975. Strecker says that the World Health Organization (WHO), funded by the Department of Defense, started a test on a lymphotrophic virus, a virus that could infect cattle humans. In 1977 the WHO launched a massive campaign to eradicate smallpox in Africa among the urban population. Over 100 million Africans were deliberately inoculated with smallpox vaccines contaminated with AIDS. In 1978, over 2000 white male homosexuals were vaccinated against hepatitis B by the Centers for Disease Control and the New York Blood Center, even with vaccines contaminated with AIDS. [20] Merck, Sharp and Dohme (MSD) to finance research for the vaccine for hepatitis B that Dr. Strecker claimed spread the HIV infection in homosexual in the United States. [21] These types of weapons were apparently a vital problem immediately after 9 / 11 when John Bolton gave a speech to the Biological Weapons Convention 19 November 2001 in Geneva, Switzerland, stating our concern about the use by "terrorists" of chemical and biological weapons. [22 ] We have trained many foreigners use of chemical and biological weapons at Fort McClellan in Alabama. Kissinger received the Nobel Prize for Peace After directing the dispersal of tons of Monsanto's toxic Agent Orange in Vietnam. This chemical, which contains dioxin, continues to negatively affect Vietnamese citizens and former U.S. military personnel and their children with horrible birth defects and neurological disorders. In contrast, Ali Hassan al-Majid, who dispersed chemicals at Halabja, was recently executed for the same activity. Kissinger orchestrated the secret bombing fixed in neutral Cambodia over a period of 4 years, supposedly to protect Americans in Vietnam. Since 1970, Congress had prohibited the bombing of Cambodia in every note of the military appropriation, except for the open purpose - the protection of U.S. citizens - but apparently not by Agent Orange. [23] According to Time magazine of April 19, 1976, "From Communist victory last year, about 500,000 to 600,000 people, a tenth of the population of Cambodia, have died in political reprisals, illness or hunger ... To escape the bloodshed, at least 25,000 Cambodians fled across the border in Thailand. They tell stories of people being beaten to death to save ammunition. Others have been tied together and buried alive by Bulldozzer, or suffocated by plastic bags tied over their heads. "[24] By creating further resentment, the United States settled Lon Nol who collected millions U.S. dollars in economic aid. He declared himself head of state, prime minister and supreme commander of the armed forces, after dissolving the assembly in October 1971 and have declared a state of emergency. He then allowed the U.S. to carpet bomb Cambodia. [25] Lon Nol retired to Hawaii on April 1, 1975 with half a million dollars, honored by U.S. taxpayers. [26] The Khmer Rouge of Pol Pot, with their killing fields, the main settlement of the middle class, the famine, the destruction of the economy and concentration camps followed the American activities in the area. From experiments on biological warfare in Indochina, Kissinger, the President Richard Nixon, Kissinger authorized to direct the compilation of a population Polica the National Security Council. The work was completed during the administration of President Gerald Ford. Their efforts resulted in The National Security Study Memorandum, NSSM 200, Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (popolazionione implications of the growth of global security and U.S. interests abroad), Dated December 10, 1974 . E 'was officially adopted as the policy of the United States November 26, 1975, memorandum to President Ford's 314. It is still effective, as it has never been revoked. Every administration subsequently implemented policies on people using their own methodology. The NSSM 200 was declassified on 8 February 2007.
Population control is at the service of strategic interests, economic and U.S. military at the expense of the third world or less developed countries (LDCs). The plan says that their population growth is harmful and is a serious threat to U.S. national security for four reasons: (1) the great nations can gain political power (2) The United States and its allies have a strategic need to materials from these countries (3) A high birth rate means more young people are more likely than older people to challenge the constructor of global power (4) La crescita della popolazione dei paesi relativamente svantaggiati mette a repentaglio gli investimenti statunitensi.[27] Il NSSM 200 ha implicazioni particolari per 13 paesi - India, Brasile, Egitto, Nigeria, Indonesia, Filippine, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Messico, Tailandia, Turchia, Etiopia e Colombia. Il NSSM 200 elenca il Brasile che, a quel tempo, aveva una popolazione di oltre 100 milioni che dominava il continente demograficamente. Dal 2000, le proiezioni sulla popolazione erano pari a circa 212 milioni di persone.[28] Questo tipo di crescita della popolazione è stata inaccettabile per l'elite.
Nel 1975 Kissinger viaggiò con Gerald Ford in Indonesia, dove si incontrarono con il dictator Suharto supported and armed by the U.S., who oversaw the killing of millions during their reign of 35 years. The day after Ford and Kissinger went, Indonesian forces invaded the independent territory of East Timor A third of the territory's population was exterminated during the subsequent occupation of 20 years, but this had little impact on the continuing arms shipments American and the Western regime in Jakarta. Documents released recently state that Suharto was given the green light for the invasion by the President and the U.S. secretary of state. Nixon and Kissinger, along with John Negroponte, an aide to Kissinger and the officer responsible for Vietnam's National Security Council, staged a coup of the government that created chaos in Cambodia in March 1970. Negroponte would then act as an ambassador to Iraq from 2004-2005 and as director of national intelligence from 2005 to 2007. On 26 March 2001, the Los Angeles Times pointed out: "While he was ambassador to Honduras from 1981 to 1985, Negroponte directed the secret rearmament of the Contra rebels in Nicaragua and was accused by human rights groups to supervise - if not overseeing - a squadron of CIA-backed death during his employment. " The CIA had unlimited funds to assist the government in its efforts to depopulation. In concert with Oliver North, "He also helped orchestrate a deal secret, later known as Iran-Contra to send arms through Honduras to help the Contras overthrow the Sandinista government. "[29] Negroponte was in charge of the U.S. Embassy in Honduras when hundreds of Hondurans labeled "subversives" were kidnapped, raped, tortured and killed by Battalion 316, trained Honduran intelligence unit, funded and supported by the Pentagon and the CIA. The 316th Battalion also participated in the secret CIA operations in Nicaragua. [30] Negroponte was Deputy Secretary of State under Condoleezza Rice. On October 2, 1979, Robert S. McNamara, World Bank President and former Secretary of Defense durante la guerra del Vietnam, parlando ad un gruppo di banchieri internazionali disse:"Noi possiamo iniziare con il problema più critico di tutti, la crescita della popolazione," concludendo che, "O il tasso di nascita corrente si dovrà abbassare più rapidamante, o il tasso di morte deve aumentare...Ci sono, naturalemente, molte vie con cui il tasso di morte può alzarzi. In un'epoca termonucleare, noi possiamo realizzarlo molto velocemente e in modo risoluto." E' una dichiarazione sorprendente vista la posizione cripto-eugenetica presa dalla Società di Eugenetica Americana, un'opinione di cui McNamara, evidentemente un eugenetista specializzato, era certamente al corrente. Si può solo ipotizzare che egli non fosse agree with the views of the Company, and was arrogant enough to ignore [31]. McNamara and Maurice Strong, a Rockefeller and a shaker operating eco-friendly, organized the UN Earth Summit in Stockholm in 1972. [32 ] The New York Times said that Strong was the "Keeper of the Planet." Strong is grateful to George H. Bush maneuvered into the position of Secretary General of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in 1992, nell'Earth Summit, convened in Rio de Janeiro, which supported environmental regulations and the global economy. [33] Strong thinks that people should have a license to have kids. The Population Plan fu inizialmente implementato da Brent Scowcroft, un collega di Kissinger di lunga data, Vice-Presidente del Kissinger Associated e consigliere della sicurezza nazionale sotto Ford nel 1974-1977 e sotto George Bush dal 1989 al 1993. Il direttore della CIA George H. W. Bush (dal Novembre 1975 al Gennaio 1977) aiutò Scowcroft che fu co-autore di
A World Transformed con lui. Oltre al National Security Advisor, sono responsabili nell'esecuzione del piano di popolazione i Segretari dei Dipartimenti di Stato, Tesoro, Difesa, e Agricoltura. Ogni amministrazione utilizza queste agenzie e determina la propria strategia di spopolamento del pianeta. Scowcroft fu Presidente del Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board dal 2001 al 2005 sotto il Presidente George W. Bush and Barack Obama also helped in the selection of his national security team. Scowcroft apparently facilitated the efforts of Obama to continue the strategy of Bush's war of depopulation in the Middle East. In 1974 the United Nations convened the World Food Conference in Rome, where he focused on two issues, as suggested by the United States. The first issue was the growth in world population and food shortages. The second theme was the escalation of food prices as a result of an alleged loss of food worldwide. Both oil prices and those of wheat were grown by about 400-500 percent every year. A hypothetical food crisis coupled with the ability America as the world's largest producer of food to the U.S. government placed the responsibility of the food and prices resulting in an alliance between the U.S. grain traders and government which leads to genetic tampering. [34] The Reagan administration favored Monsanto and other private companies that produced questionable safe food products designed for commecio world. The genetically modified organisms (GMOs), with few or no tests were introduced in the U.S. market. The Vice President George Herbert Walker Bush, former CIA Director, was the main proponent of the Reagan administration in this innovative field of genetically modified products. [35] The U.S. citizens were deliberately exposed, partly because the labeling of GMOs was banned by the FDA. [36] The Terminator expensive elite seed from Monsanto, fertile for just one system, "in the hands of one or more governments intent to use food as a weapon, the Terminator was a biological warfare tool almost 'too good to believe.' "[37]
Because so many third world countries are managed in the interests of Anglo-American eugenics, the seeds Terminator provide ample opportunity to implement the tyrants of famine.
During the '60s and '70s, the indigenous non-white population of the United States, through the Indian Health Service (Health Services India) Office of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, arranged a program of orderly generational loss against Native American women in the age of pregnancy where they sterilized about 42 percent of those living on reservations without informing them. This was done in conjunction with other medical procedures. Presumably, this program ended in 1976 after allegations were made and confirmed. None of the officials lost their jobs or suffered legal consequences occurred as a result of his participation in this program. They were, after all, according to government procedures that were relevant to national non-white populations [38]. More recently, in 1990, the Organization World Health common injection of tetanus among women between the ages of fifteen and forty-five years in Nicaragua, Mexico, Philippines and some African countries. Unaware of women, tetanus injections were associated with or chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a natural hormone which, when combined with the tetanus toxin, prevents a woman to sustain the pregnancy. This program, in order to impose a state of permanent sterilization, was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and began in 1972. Sterilization is incredibly frightening, but you have not stopped there. Depopulation efforts, led by the World Health Organization and the U.S. Department of Defense, include more aggressive protocols. The British military, whose tactics we have frequently adopted, used for biological warfare, the first since 1385 when they threw the remains of plague victims and the carcasses of sick animals in the cities of their enemies. In North America, Lord Jeffrey Amherst did deploy his men covered charges of smallpox among the helpless people of India in order to decimate their enemy without firing a bullet. Amherst's tactics created an epidemic among the Cherokee in 1783 that helped the forces of George Washington and ended the resistance of the Cherokee. The Smithsonian Institution was founded by Freemasons admitted the use of biological warfare in Amherst, "During the bitter fighting in 1763-1764 Jeffrey Amherst ordered that the Indians around Fort Pitt were infected with gifts of blankets filled with smallpox. The Indian revolt failed, and Fort Pitt was easily detected after a violent epidemic of smallpox broke out among the soldiers who were besieging the fortress. "
The U.S. military has repeated the tactic of biological warfare by means of Amherst the distribution of blankets infected with smallpox to Mandan to Fort Clark, South Dakota today. This led to the outbreak of the 1836-1840 smallpox. Mandan, from about 2400, were only thirty-one survivors. [40] L 'U.S. Army repeated the tactic of introducing loads death blankets with the same disease of the Missouri River to Mandan in 1830.
Biological warfare has become the policy of the U.S. government after the British used it against the Indian allies of the French during the French and Indian War (1754-1763). Therefore, during the 19th century, the U.S. Army disseminated contaminated blankets to the Indians in order to exterminate them. Smallpox is now available in the dry state, and cholera, were very effective. [41] Very probably smallpox, a highly contagious disease, cost the lives of many Plains Indians of North, a "virgin population," in a year , 1837-1838, when military operations were sent against them. The Indians used a very descriptive name for smallpox - the face gear. [42] The U.S. military has also conducted germ warfare Filipino injecting prisoners with plague germs and beri-beri during our occupation of the Philippines from 1898.
In 1998, South Africa, at the Commission on Truth and Reconciliation was given the following testimony: "The United States encouraged the apartheid regime in South Africa to develop a program of chemical and biological weapons that were aimed at the black population of country. Dr. Wouter Basson, the South African general who led the project from its inception in 1981, said he took notes in a meeting with the Generale Maggiore William Augerson. Egli (Augerson) ritiene che la guerra chimica è un'arma strategica ideale, perchè le infrastrutture sono conservate assieme con i servizi e solo le persone che vivono vengono uccise. Il clima caldo in Africa è l'ideale per questo tipo di arma in quanto la diffusione di veleno è migliore e l'assorbimento è aumentato attraverso la sudorazione e l'incremento del flusso sanguigno nelle persone che sono i target.”[43]
La guerra genocida gira attorno al conteggio dei corpi - gli uomini disarmati, le donne e i bambini, sono tutti obiettivi della guerra totale per raggiungere l'obiettivo della riduzione della popolazione mondiale. Tuttavia la guerra distrugge molte delle infrastrutture. Di Therefore, other methods have been developed as effective and may even increase profits in other industries and services, also affiliated with the elite, who routinely sees other human beings as commodities and a source of profit, even in death. The genocide, in disguise, is practiced regularly in order to limit the "excesses" in order to preserve the land and its resources for the "fittest". The elite who control the governments are indifferent to the slaughter, starvation, slave labor, the suffering of others, as evidenced by a callous response to former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright when questioned about the 500,000 children who died in Iraq due to sanctions taxes the United States. She said: "It was worth it." [44] The Malthusian mentality of the elite believed that the survival of the fittest can be translated in the sacrifice of the vast majority of the population of the earth. Choreographed economic crisis, sanctions (imposed by the government famine), man-made famines, wars, energy wars orchestrated, disease and mass migration in hostile territories are all methods of thinning the population. Abortion, claimed to be the choice, and homosexuality, promoted as an alternative lifestyle, all contribute to the reduction in birth rates. Both the sexual revolution of Alfred Kinsey that the women's movement of Glory Steinem were funded and facilitated by the elite. The rapacious elite manage to hide his miserable machinations through the distraction of the masses with entertainment and stupid addiction from which they derive their profits too.
Many Americans believe that God permits all our possible action against other ethnic groups just because we are Americans. God almost certainly does not authorize any thing the U.S. government. In reality, the divine authorization fallacious statement hides the enormity of the authorization of the State to evil. The United States could and should use their power for good. Apparently, we have established our ethical standards, completely free from all guilt and, according to Henry Kissinger, our behavior should not be internationalized. In other words, we forgive and maybe support unilateral attacks to other countries but other countries should not act the same way. The children of every country should have equal rights and protection as American white children [45].
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Frank McDougall participated in public health in the old League of Nations. He created a link between community health, nutrition, agricultural development and economic policies. The United Nations at a conference in Hot Springs between October 16 and November 1, 1945 set the Interim Commission on Food and Agriculture the United Nations. Officials drew up the constitution of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). McDougall was the chief architect and promoter of the organization [12].
The Department of Human Heredity was transferred from London to Copenhagen in 1947, in a recently constructed building paid for by the Rockefeller Foundation. I'iniziale International Conference in Human Genetics following World War II was convened in Copenhagen in 1956. Vershuer, a protege of Rudin, since he was a member of the American Eugenics, synonymous with the Population Council of Rockefeller. Dr. Kallman, manager, organizes the American Society of Human Genetics as coordinator of the Human Genome Project. Later, Rockefeller moved the U.S. eugenics movement in the offices of their family, where they also direct the future of population control and pro-abortion groups. The Eugenics Society later became the Society for the Study of Social Biology. [13] Studio # 23 of Policy Planning U.S. State Department in 1948, signed by George F. Kennan, concluded: "We have 50% of the world's wealth but only 6.3% of its population. In this situation we can not be the object of envy and resentment. Our real task is to develop a model relationships that allow us to maintain this relationship without a definite difference in the expense of our national security. To do that we should dispense with all sentimentality and daydreaming, and our attention will be concentrated everywhere on our immediate national objectives. We must not deceive ourselves that we can afford today the luxury of altruism and charity in the world. We need to stop discussions about vague and unreal objectives as human rights, improvement of living standards and democratization. Not far from the day where we would have to do with a concept of direct power. Less we are hampered by idealistic slogans, the better. "[14]
John Foster Dulles, the president of the Rockefeller Foundation concluded, after The notes learned in a series of tours abroad, that there was a "need to stop the expansion of non-white populations." In 1952, Frederick Osborn, an officer of the American Eugenics Society, assisted by John D. Rockefeller III, organized the Population Council and served there as the first administrator. In 1958, Eisenhower selected William H. Draper to head a committee to assess the appropriate military actions in other countries. Draper suggested that attention should be given stronger threat to the population explosion and study procedures for depopulation of the poorest countries and non-whites, who represent a threat to national security of the United States [15].
Apparently, a thriving non-white population could reduce the resources available which could be better used by the white population. In addition, population growth produces resentful individuals who oppose the policies aggressively elitist.
In 1965, the Population Action International (originally known as the Population Crisis Committee), was founded by Hugh Moore, Lammot du Pont Copeland and William H. Draper Jr. The global organization based in Washington, DC. Since 2001, in association with the Population Action International, and with the encouragement of Congress, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) handed out information to foreign countries in an effort to start family planning and reproductive health programs and other cover. In 1961, John D. Rockefeller III, presented the Second Conference McDougall to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. This is preceded by a decade of protocols on the population that will become part of the Rockefeller Kissinger's NSSM 200. Rockefeller said in his speech: "In my view, population growth is second only to the control of atomic weapons as a fundamental issue on the agenda." [16]
La Fondazione Rockefeller finanziò il movimento inglese di eugenetica. La famiglia Rockefeller aveva legami prossimi alla Casata dei Rothschild alla quale la gigante società Standard Oil doveva i suoi inizi. Presumibilmente i Rothschild, una famiglia Talmudica con connessioni vicino alla massoneria e agli illuminati, promuovevano attivamente e finanziavano l'eugenetica e la depopolazione dietro le quinte. Dagli anni '60, la Società di Eugenetica Inglese abbracciò la cripto-eugenetica, sotto la quale essi avrebbero partecipato all'eugenetica senza chiamarla realmente eugenetica. I Rockefeller diedero il loro sostegno alla Società di Eugenetica Inglese attraverso l'istituzione dell' International Planned Parenthood Federation, in collaboration with the Eugenics Society. This formed a private global system in which the elite could choreograph a holocaust, in the context of the supply of humanitarian services, all under the jurisdiction of the United Nations flag, another front organization of the Rockefeller [17]. George HW Bush of Texas, who served in Congress since January 3, 1967 to January 3, 1971, gave rise to legislative investigation on global overpopulation. [18] MD Dr. MacArthur, Deputy Director of Research and Technology for Pentagon, the Defense Department, said 10 million dollars to the Subcommittee of the House of Congress for stanziamenti per lo sviluppo di un'arma biologica attraverso l'House Bill 15090. Il 9 giugno 1969 la Casa Repubblicana incaricò un comitato di ricerca, presieduto da George H. W. Bush, sentita la testimonianza del generale William H. Draper, del Population Crisis Committee e del Dr. William Moran del Population Reference Bureau. Draper riferì che c'erano tre questioni rilevanti nel controllo della popolazionone - i censimenti del 1970 negli Stati Uniti e nel 1971 in Gran Bretagna avrebbero dovuto essere universali e non limitati a 2 paesi; l'accelerazione della contraccezione; l'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità avrebbe dovuto implementare propri programmi internazionali quali vaccinazioni, ecc.[19]
Gli scienziati leading the World Health Organization, as reported in Bulletin of the World Health Organization , asked that the virus had been created to study their influence on humans. The Department of Defense, now funds with $ 10 million, intends to conduct studies on agents that destroy the immune system for biological warfare. In 1983, Dr. Robert Strecker, an internist and gastroenterologist, who is also a trained pathologist with a Ph.D. in pharmacology, produced the Strecker Memorandum
where he argued that the AIDS virus is man-made. Working in association with his brother, Attorney Ted Strecker, they discovered thousands of documents that verify the man-made AIDS. Strecker claimed that it would be impossible virologically that HIV has been taken from monkeys, the disease was unknown in Africa before 1975. Strecker says that the World Health Organization (WHO), funded by the Department of Defense, started a test on a lymphotrophic virus, a virus that could infect cattle humans. In 1977 the WHO launched a massive campaign to eradicate smallpox in Africa among the urban population. Over 100 million Africans were deliberately inoculated with smallpox vaccines contaminated with AIDS. In 1978, over 2000 white male homosexuals were vaccinated against hepatitis B by the Centers for Disease Control and the New York Blood Center, even with vaccines contaminated with AIDS. [20] Merck, Sharp and Dohme (MSD) to finance research for the vaccine for hepatitis B that Dr. Strecker claimed spread the HIV infection in homosexual in the United States. [21] These types of weapons were apparently a vital problem immediately after 9 / 11 when John Bolton gave a speech to the Biological Weapons Convention 19 November 2001 in Geneva, Switzerland, stating our concern about the use by "terrorists" of chemical and biological weapons. [22 ] We have trained many foreigners use of chemical and biological weapons at Fort McClellan in Alabama. Kissinger received the Nobel Prize for Peace After directing the dispersal of tons of Monsanto's toxic Agent Orange in Vietnam. This chemical, which contains dioxin, continues to negatively affect Vietnamese citizens and former U.S. military personnel and their children with horrible birth defects and neurological disorders. In contrast, Ali Hassan al-Majid, who dispersed chemicals at Halabja, was recently executed for the same activity. Kissinger orchestrated the secret bombing fixed in neutral Cambodia over a period of 4 years, supposedly to protect Americans in Vietnam. Since 1970, Congress had prohibited the bombing of Cambodia in every note of the military appropriation, except for the open purpose - the protection of U.S. citizens - but apparently not by Agent Orange. [23] According to Time magazine of April 19, 1976, "From Communist victory last year, about 500,000 to 600,000 people, a tenth of the population of Cambodia, have died in political reprisals, illness or hunger ... To escape the bloodshed, at least 25,000 Cambodians fled across the border in Thailand. They tell stories of people being beaten to death to save ammunition. Others have been tied together and buried alive by Bulldozzer, or suffocated by plastic bags tied over their heads. "[24] By creating further resentment, the United States settled Lon Nol who collected millions U.S. dollars in economic aid. He declared himself head of state, prime minister and supreme commander of the armed forces, after dissolving the assembly in October 1971 and have declared a state of emergency. He then allowed the U.S. to carpet bomb Cambodia. [25] Lon Nol retired to Hawaii on April 1, 1975 with half a million dollars, honored by U.S. taxpayers. [26] The Khmer Rouge of Pol Pot, with their killing fields, the main settlement of the middle class, the famine, the destruction of the economy and concentration camps followed the American activities in the area. From experiments on biological warfare in Indochina, Kissinger, the President Richard Nixon, Kissinger authorized to direct the compilation of a population Polica the National Security Council. The work was completed during the administration of President Gerald Ford. Their efforts resulted in The National Security Study Memorandum, NSSM 200, Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (popolazionione implications of the growth of global security and U.S. interests abroad), Dated December 10, 1974 . E 'was officially adopted as the policy of the United States November 26, 1975, memorandum to President Ford's 314. It is still effective, as it has never been revoked. Every administration subsequently implemented policies on people using their own methodology. The NSSM 200 was declassified on 8 February 2007.
Population control is at the service of strategic interests, economic and U.S. military at the expense of the third world or less developed countries (LDCs). The plan says that their population growth is harmful and is a serious threat to U.S. national security for four reasons: (1) the great nations can gain political power (2) The United States and its allies have a strategic need to materials from these countries (3) A high birth rate means more young people are more likely than older people to challenge the constructor of global power (4) La crescita della popolazione dei paesi relativamente svantaggiati mette a repentaglio gli investimenti statunitensi.[27] Il NSSM 200 ha implicazioni particolari per 13 paesi - India, Brasile, Egitto, Nigeria, Indonesia, Filippine, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Messico, Tailandia, Turchia, Etiopia e Colombia. Il NSSM 200 elenca il Brasile che, a quel tempo, aveva una popolazione di oltre 100 milioni che dominava il continente demograficamente. Dal 2000, le proiezioni sulla popolazione erano pari a circa 212 milioni di persone.[28] Questo tipo di crescita della popolazione è stata inaccettabile per l'elite.
Nel 1975 Kissinger viaggiò con Gerald Ford in Indonesia, dove si incontrarono con il dictator Suharto supported and armed by the U.S., who oversaw the killing of millions during their reign of 35 years. The day after Ford and Kissinger went, Indonesian forces invaded the independent territory of East Timor A third of the territory's population was exterminated during the subsequent occupation of 20 years, but this had little impact on the continuing arms shipments American and the Western regime in Jakarta. Documents released recently state that Suharto was given the green light for the invasion by the President and the U.S. secretary of state. Nixon and Kissinger, along with John Negroponte, an aide to Kissinger and the officer responsible for Vietnam's National Security Council, staged a coup of the government that created chaos in Cambodia in March 1970. Negroponte would then act as an ambassador to Iraq from 2004-2005 and as director of national intelligence from 2005 to 2007. On 26 March 2001, the Los Angeles Times pointed out: "While he was ambassador to Honduras from 1981 to 1985, Negroponte directed the secret rearmament of the Contra rebels in Nicaragua and was accused by human rights groups to supervise - if not overseeing - a squadron of CIA-backed death during his employment. " The CIA had unlimited funds to assist the government in its efforts to depopulation. In concert with Oliver North, "He also helped orchestrate a deal secret, later known as Iran-Contra to send arms through Honduras to help the Contras overthrow the Sandinista government. "[29] Negroponte was in charge of the U.S. Embassy in Honduras when hundreds of Hondurans labeled "subversives" were kidnapped, raped, tortured and killed by Battalion 316, trained Honduran intelligence unit, funded and supported by the Pentagon and the CIA. The 316th Battalion also participated in the secret CIA operations in Nicaragua. [30] Negroponte was Deputy Secretary of State under Condoleezza Rice. On October 2, 1979, Robert S. McNamara, World Bank President and former Secretary of Defense durante la guerra del Vietnam, parlando ad un gruppo di banchieri internazionali disse:"Noi possiamo iniziare con il problema più critico di tutti, la crescita della popolazione," concludendo che, "O il tasso di nascita corrente si dovrà abbassare più rapidamante, o il tasso di morte deve aumentare...Ci sono, naturalemente, molte vie con cui il tasso di morte può alzarzi. In un'epoca termonucleare, noi possiamo realizzarlo molto velocemente e in modo risoluto." E' una dichiarazione sorprendente vista la posizione cripto-eugenetica presa dalla Società di Eugenetica Americana, un'opinione di cui McNamara, evidentemente un eugenetista specializzato, era certamente al corrente. Si può solo ipotizzare che egli non fosse agree with the views of the Company, and was arrogant enough to ignore [31]. McNamara and Maurice Strong, a Rockefeller and a shaker operating eco-friendly, organized the UN Earth Summit in Stockholm in 1972. [32 ] The New York Times said that Strong was the "Keeper of the Planet." Strong is grateful to George H. Bush maneuvered into the position of Secretary General of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in 1992, nell'Earth Summit, convened in Rio de Janeiro, which supported environmental regulations and the global economy. [33] Strong thinks that people should have a license to have kids. The Population Plan fu inizialmente implementato da Brent Scowcroft, un collega di Kissinger di lunga data, Vice-Presidente del Kissinger Associated e consigliere della sicurezza nazionale sotto Ford nel 1974-1977 e sotto George Bush dal 1989 al 1993. Il direttore della CIA George H. W. Bush (dal Novembre 1975 al Gennaio 1977) aiutò Scowcroft che fu co-autore di
A World Transformed con lui. Oltre al National Security Advisor, sono responsabili nell'esecuzione del piano di popolazione i Segretari dei Dipartimenti di Stato, Tesoro, Difesa, e Agricoltura. Ogni amministrazione utilizza queste agenzie e determina la propria strategia di spopolamento del pianeta. Scowcroft fu Presidente del Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board dal 2001 al 2005 sotto il Presidente George W. Bush and Barack Obama also helped in the selection of his national security team. Scowcroft apparently facilitated the efforts of Obama to continue the strategy of Bush's war of depopulation in the Middle East. In 1974 the United Nations convened the World Food Conference in Rome, where he focused on two issues, as suggested by the United States. The first issue was the growth in world population and food shortages. The second theme was the escalation of food prices as a result of an alleged loss of food worldwide. Both oil prices and those of wheat were grown by about 400-500 percent every year. A hypothetical food crisis coupled with the ability America as the world's largest producer of food to the U.S. government placed the responsibility of the food and prices resulting in an alliance between the U.S. grain traders and government which leads to genetic tampering. [34] The Reagan administration favored Monsanto and other private companies that produced questionable safe food products designed for commecio world. The genetically modified organisms (GMOs), with few or no tests were introduced in the U.S. market. The Vice President George Herbert Walker Bush, former CIA Director, was the main proponent of the Reagan administration in this innovative field of genetically modified products. [35] The U.S. citizens were deliberately exposed, partly because the labeling of GMOs was banned by the FDA. [36] The Terminator expensive elite seed from Monsanto, fertile for just one system, "in the hands of one or more governments intent to use food as a weapon, the Terminator was a biological warfare tool almost 'too good to believe.' "[37]
Because so many third world countries are managed in the interests of Anglo-American eugenics, the seeds Terminator provide ample opportunity to implement the tyrants of famine.
During the '60s and '70s, the indigenous non-white population of the United States, through the Indian Health Service (Health Services India) Office of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, arranged a program of orderly generational loss against Native American women in the age of pregnancy where they sterilized about 42 percent of those living on reservations without informing them. This was done in conjunction with other medical procedures. Presumably, this program ended in 1976 after allegations were made and confirmed. None of the officials lost their jobs or suffered legal consequences occurred as a result of his participation in this program. They were, after all, according to government procedures that were relevant to national non-white populations [38]. More recently, in 1990, the Organization World Health common injection of tetanus among women between the ages of fifteen and forty-five years in Nicaragua, Mexico, Philippines and some African countries. Unaware of women, tetanus injections were associated with or chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a natural hormone which, when combined with the tetanus toxin, prevents a woman to sustain the pregnancy. This program, in order to impose a state of permanent sterilization, was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and began in 1972. Sterilization is incredibly frightening, but you have not stopped there. Depopulation efforts, led by the World Health Organization and the U.S. Department of Defense, include more aggressive protocols. The British military, whose tactics we have frequently adopted, used for biological warfare, the first since 1385 when they threw the remains of plague victims and the carcasses of sick animals in the cities of their enemies. In North America, Lord Jeffrey Amherst did deploy his men covered charges of smallpox among the helpless people of India in order to decimate their enemy without firing a bullet. Amherst's tactics created an epidemic among the Cherokee in 1783 that helped the forces of George Washington and ended the resistance of the Cherokee. The Smithsonian Institution was founded by Freemasons admitted the use of biological warfare in Amherst, "During the bitter fighting in 1763-1764 Jeffrey Amherst ordered that the Indians around Fort Pitt were infected with gifts of blankets filled with smallpox. The Indian revolt failed, and Fort Pitt was easily detected after a violent epidemic of smallpox broke out among the soldiers who were besieging the fortress. "
The U.S. military has repeated the tactic of biological warfare by means of Amherst the distribution of blankets infected with smallpox to Mandan to Fort Clark, South Dakota today. This led to the outbreak of the 1836-1840 smallpox. Mandan, from about 2400, were only thirty-one survivors. [40] L 'U.S. Army repeated the tactic of introducing loads death blankets with the same disease of the Missouri River to Mandan in 1830.
Biological warfare has become the policy of the U.S. government after the British used it against the Indian allies of the French during the French and Indian War (1754-1763). Therefore, during the 19th century, the U.S. Army disseminated contaminated blankets to the Indians in order to exterminate them. Smallpox is now available in the dry state, and cholera, were very effective. [41] Very probably smallpox, a highly contagious disease, cost the lives of many Plains Indians of North, a "virgin population," in a year , 1837-1838, when military operations were sent against them. The Indians used a very descriptive name for smallpox - the face gear. [42] The U.S. military has also conducted germ warfare Filipino injecting prisoners with plague germs and beri-beri during our occupation of the Philippines from 1898.
In 1998, South Africa, at the Commission on Truth and Reconciliation was given the following testimony: "The United States encouraged the apartheid regime in South Africa to develop a program of chemical and biological weapons that were aimed at the black population of country. Dr. Wouter Basson, the South African general who led the project from its inception in 1981, said he took notes in a meeting with the Generale Maggiore William Augerson. Egli (Augerson) ritiene che la guerra chimica è un'arma strategica ideale, perchè le infrastrutture sono conservate assieme con i servizi e solo le persone che vivono vengono uccise. Il clima caldo in Africa è l'ideale per questo tipo di arma in quanto la diffusione di veleno è migliore e l'assorbimento è aumentato attraverso la sudorazione e l'incremento del flusso sanguigno nelle persone che sono i target.”[43]
La guerra genocida gira attorno al conteggio dei corpi - gli uomini disarmati, le donne e i bambini, sono tutti obiettivi della guerra totale per raggiungere l'obiettivo della riduzione della popolazione mondiale. Tuttavia la guerra distrugge molte delle infrastrutture. Di Therefore, other methods have been developed as effective and may even increase profits in other industries and services, also affiliated with the elite, who routinely sees other human beings as commodities and a source of profit, even in death. The genocide, in disguise, is practiced regularly in order to limit the "excesses" in order to preserve the land and its resources for the "fittest". The elite who control the governments are indifferent to the slaughter, starvation, slave labor, the suffering of others, as evidenced by a callous response to former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright when questioned about the 500,000 children who died in Iraq due to sanctions taxes the United States. She said: "It was worth it." [44] The Malthusian mentality of the elite believed that the survival of the fittest can be translated in the sacrifice of the vast majority of the population of the earth. Choreographed economic crisis, sanctions (imposed by the government famine), man-made famines, wars, energy wars orchestrated, disease and mass migration in hostile territories are all methods of thinning the population. Abortion, claimed to be the choice, and homosexuality, promoted as an alternative lifestyle, all contribute to the reduction in birth rates. Both the sexual revolution of Alfred Kinsey that the women's movement of Glory Steinem were funded and facilitated by the elite. The rapacious elite manage to hide his miserable machinations through the distraction of the masses with entertainment and stupid addiction from which they derive their profits too.
Many Americans believe that God permits all our possible action against other ethnic groups just because we are Americans. God almost certainly does not authorize any thing the U.S. government. In reality, the divine authorization fallacious statement hides the enormity of the authorization of the State to evil. The United States could and should use their power for good. Apparently, we have established our ethical standards, completely free from all guilt and, according to Henry Kissinger, our behavior should not be internationalized. In other words, we forgive and maybe support unilateral attacks to other countries but other countries should not act the same way. The children of every country should have equal rights and protection as American white children [45].
---------------- -------------
Kinsey: Crimes & Consequences: the Red Queen and the Grand Scheme by Judith A. Reisman, Ph.D., Institute for Media Education, Scottsdale, Arizona, 1998, p. 202
Kinsey: Crimes & Consequences: the Red Queen and the Grand Scheme by Judith A. Reisman, Ph.D., Institute for Media Education, Scottsdale, Arizona, 1998, p. 202
^ The Proud Internationalist, the Globalist Vision of David Rockefeller , also available in
Nexus Magazine : Vol. 10, No. 5 (August-September 2003); Vol. 20 No.6 (October-November 2003); & Vol. 11 No.1 (December 2003-January 2004); 2006, p. 38
Nexus Magazine : Vol. 10, No. 5 (August-September 2003); Vol. 20 No.6 (October-November 2003); & Vol. 11 No.1 (December 2003-January 2004); 2006, p. 38
^ Eugenics: A Reassessment by Richard Lynn, edited by Seymour W. Itzkoff, Praeger, Westport, Connecticut, 2001, p. 27
^ Ibid
^ Ibid
- War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race by Edwin Black, Four Walls Eight Windows, New York, 2003, pp. 120-122
Pilgrims - by Charles Savoie, Silver Investor, May 2005 ^ Population Control, Nazis, and the U.N! by Anton Chaitkin
- ^
American Bar Association
- ^ The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide
- by Robert Jay Lifton, Basic Books, New York, 2000, p. 25
^ Population Control, Nazis, and the U.N! by Anton Chaitkin
- ^ Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola, Nature, Accident or Intentional?
- by Leonard G. Horowitz, Tetrahedron, Inc. Rockport, Massachusetts, 1996, pp. 38, 40-41 ^ FAO Conference 31st session: Twenty-second McDougall Memorial Lecture
- , Rome, November 2-13, 2001 ^ Population Control, Nazis, and the U.N!
- by Anton Chaitkin
^ U.S. State Department Policy Planning Study #23
- ^ Bush, Eugenics and Population Control by Alf Mendes
- ^
Seeds of Destruction, the Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation by F. William Engdahl, Global Research, Centre for Research on Globalization, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2007, p. 71
- ^ Population Control, Nazis, and the U.N! by Anton Chaitkin
- ^ Emerging Viruses, Aids & Ebola, Nature, Accident or Intentional? By Leonard G. Horowitz, Tetrahedron Publishing, Inc., Rockport, Massachusetts, 1996, p. 521
- ^ Ibid, pp. 156, 159
- ^ Ibid, pp. 3-5 ^ Ibid, p. 12
- ^
Biological Weapons Convention
- ^ Sideshow: Kissinger, Nixon, and the Destruction of Cambodia by William Shawcross, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1979, p. 277
- ^
- Kissinger, the Secret Side of the Secretary of State by Gary Allen, Shambhala Publications, 1979, p. 14
- ^ Sideshow: Kissinger, Nixon, and the Destruction of Cambodia by William Shawcross, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1979, p. 229
- ^ Ibid, pp. 357-358
- ^ National Security Study Memorandum NSSM 200 , Implications of Worldwide Population Growth, For U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (NSSM 200) – December 10, 1974, pp. 57-58
- ^ National Security Study Memorandum, NSSM 200, Implications of Worldwide Population Growth, For U.S. Security and Overseas Interests, (The Kissinger Report), December 10, 1974, p. 31
- Bush UN Choice Faces a Fight By Maggie Farley and Norman Kempster, Los Angeles Times , March 26, 2001
John Negroponte & The Death-Squad Connection, Bush Nominates Terrorist for National Intelligence Director - by Frank Morales, World War 4 Report ^ Bush, Eugenics and Population Control
- by Alf Mendes ^
- Seeds of Destruction, the Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation by F. William Engdahl, Global Research, Montreal, Canada, 2007, p. 127 ^
- Who is Maurice Strong? by Ronald Bailey, National Review, Sept 1, 1997
- ^ Seeds of Destruction, the Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation by F. William Engdahl, Global Research, Centre for Research on Globalization, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2007, p. 43 ^
- Ibid, p. 4 ^ Ibid, p. 13
- ^ Ibid, p. 261
- ^ A Little Matter of Genocide, Holocaust and Denial in the Americas 1492 to the Present by Ward Churchill, City Lights Books, San Francisco, p. 249
- ^
- The State of Native America: Genocide, Colonization, and Resistance edited by M. Annette Jaimes, South End Press, Boston, Massachusetts, 1992, p. 7 Jaimes Notes: Jacobs, Wilbur R., "British Indian Policies to 1783," in Handbook of North American Indians, Vol. 4: History of Indian-White Relations , Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., 1988, p. 10). As regards inculcation of smallpox among the Mandans in 1837, see Connell, Evan S.,
- Son of the Morning Star: Custer and the Little Big Horn , North Point Press, San Francisco, 1984, pp. 15-6.
- ^
- Catlin and His Contemporaries: The Politics of Patronage by Brian W. Dippie, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, 1990, p. 331
- ^
Death Stalks the Yakama: Epidemiological Transitions and Mortality on the Yakama Indian Reservation, 1888-1964 by Clifford E. Trafzer, Michigan State University Press, East Lansing, Michigan, 1997, p. 151
- ^
Rotting face: smallpox and the American Indian by R. G. Robertson, Caxton Press, 2001, Introduction, pp. 107-113
Rogue State: a Guide to the World's Only Superpower by William Blum, Common Courage Press, Monroe, Maine, 2005, pp. 120-121
- ^ "
We Think the Price Is Worth It "By Rahul Mahajan
- ^ Howard Zinn In His lecture: Howard Zinn: The Myth of American Exceptionalism
- Government Edict by
Link Original article : http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/Articles/Government_Depopulation.htm
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