Sunday, November 28, 2010

How Many Calories Is In A Chicken Chow Mein

Copenhagen, Climategate and hoax of Global Warming

...è passato ormai un anno dallo
Scandalo Climategate .
Ciononostante la campagna mediatica sul Riscaldamento Globale Antropico continua imperterrita, come se nulla fosse accaduto...
Per ricordare il Climategate riporto qui sotto un mio vecchio articolo sul tema (contiene moltissimi link di approfondimento in fondo).

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Today will close Copenhagen Summit on Global Warming, and our poor martyr PapiSilvioComplot The miracle took part because of recent "


The most likely (if not certain) is that these protesters are in good faith, but have joined movements handled by the usual suspects (to the bottom of the article explanation).

I study Natural Sciences at the University of Genoa, so I think I have a minimum qualification in most of the "average citizen " to understand and assess the information given to us on environmental issues.
years speaks of a terrible scourge on humanity and hanging on Earth: Global Warming, which seems caused by the increase in CO2 in the atmosphere caused by human activities (any kind of activity produces CO2 from going by car or train to cook beets, cattle breeding, use a spreadsheet paper, a computer USART, brushing teeth, deodorizing, showering, playing football, reading ... breathe). This is called in jargon "theory of anthropogenic global warming", but is colloquially referred to as greenhouse gases, because the CO2 would be in their situation, comparable to the glass of a greenhouse (the term "Global Warming" actually does not imply that man is responsible for it: it means only that the earth is experiencing a slight increase in average temperatures may be caused by human activity as physiological cycles of the planet: the earth has spent many cycles of glaciation in the geological and degòaciazione and even in the last 2 thousand years there have been considerable fluctuations in the medieval period with a warmer, a miny Ice Age ended around 1850 and Olieve a temperature increase from 1850 to now) ..

Back to the theory of anthropogenic global warming (ie, a theory that the increase in temperature from 1850 to today is caused by human activities). How it was explained thousands of times, and probably your baby for 3 years, who knows just say complete sentences, you will be able to explain why one .. also the version propagated from infants to school with cartoons, etc. (remember Captain Planet? .. Now replaced by Gormiti
that combine to pseudoambientalismo
esotericism Luciferian .. then there are several documentaries and broadcasters such as MTV that for years are the media side of people like Al Gore
to indoctrinate young people on the greenhouse effect, while the rest of the time so generously in their pure propaganda luciferin, but this is another matter ... but we adults have also inundated by this propaganda TG, documentaries, from Hollywood disaster movie):
practically we are told (and do well in universities in Natural Sciences faculty as a specialist , although when you take away the teacher and ask questions, it usually targeted shyly confides that: the Global wormings is only a theory with dubious evidence to support that is followed more for political reasons and a distortion of the Precautionary Principle) that due to the 's carbon dioxide (CO2) released into the air by human activity (which is an increase of a few parts per million, ppm, ie, as a handful of balls in a football field ..), it forms a "hood" that reflects sunlight thereby preventing the ground to disperse the heat into space and in doing so increase the temperature throughout the globe.

The phenomenon would be soaring, and if not will drastically reduce CO2 emissions within a few years (eg this would be to reduce all the activities of 50% in 20 years, smaller reductions would be meaningless if not cosmetic, if we take for good the same data used to make propaganda ..) the catastrophic rise in temperature will cause climatic instabilities with prolonged droughts, floods, tornadoes, etc., massive loss of crops, mass extinctions in terrestrial plant and animal species and godmother, the massive rise in global sea level (due to melting ice caps of both resulting in extinction of the poor polar bears, arctic) with flooding of coastal cities and the disappearance of many small islands and coral atolls, pop of terrible tropical diseases in temperate countries (Europe and USA) ...
etc. In practice, a seemingly secular version of the Last Judgement in which God sees the wickedness of humanity and the tendency to vice and decides to wipe it off with a terrible flood!
.. and the Rockefeller family in this regard is that for years has built an ark underground in Antarctica (or maybe it was in the Arctic?) Where he crammed all the varieties of agricultural seed and not ... a bit 'as in some versions of the Flood of Noah's place (in all the world there are versions of the story of the flood in which only changes the name of the protagonist and the animals / seeds taken) instead of 2 fairs each seed species leads to rebuild agriculture in the post-cataclysm.

Qusta corollary of history is that we must reduce emissions
reduce the global population
also 2 / 3, and just in the most disadvantaged areas and people that, if it began to industrialize in earnest (or so says Al Gore) would cause immense cataclysm: in other words, we consume 10 times more of them, but they are 10 times more than us ... so eliminiamone a lot 'so we will not have to give up the sacred consumerism! This bizarre theory is based on a distorted view of the concept of "Ecological Footprint", which is a standardized measure to convert in "unit of environmental impact" the totality of the consumption of an average person: this concept is based on the idea of \u200b\u200ban ideal city in a bubble that separates it from the rest: how big the bubble to meet the material needs of population ? The more the bubble is about the size of the environmental impact is high ... and what an American is more than 20 times that of an African ... [This concept has been oversimplified]

But now we return to the theory of global warming caused by CO2
.. the only problem is that, according to today's ... the theory of anthropogenic global warming a theory is wrong ...! or rather there is no data to confirm that it is the fault of man is a slight increase of temperature we've had since 1850 (it is only then that we have fairly reliable set of temperatures), there is no evidence that this change is caused by CO2 or methane or other gases, there is no evidence that the seas are rising significantly throughout the world, we have no evidence that both polar ice caps are melting (or rather dissolves the north and the south is becoming most impressive and extensive ..)... and if we want to blame the man, then we consider the crazy climate manipulation experiments that the U.S. make such
with HAARP o cin le chemtrails! Esperimenti che consistono nel bombardare la ionosfera con quantità esorbitanti di microonde concentrate sino a deformarla...o a spargere tonnellate di nanoparticelle nell'atmosfera: per queste cose non vale il principio di precauzione, tanto invocato quando si fa notare che i dati non confermano la teoria dell'Effetto Serra? ..sembra di no..
ci sono ora ulteriori prove certe che famosi scienziati che propagandano la teoria del Riscaldamento Globale Antropogenico stanno manipolando i dati: insomma stanno mentendo per avvallare una teoria falsa!
Questo scandalo è stato chiamato "
" in ricordo dello scandalo "Watergate" che costò la carriera al presidente USA Nixon.
Recentemente degli Haker hanno violato i computer del CRU (Climate Reserch Unit, praticamente l'organo che da gran parte dei dati  scientifici con cui l'IPCC fa i rapporti dai quali si decidono le politiche sul clima, oltre alle campagne mediatiche sul clima ecc; è dal CRU che arrivano gli articoli sul clima di giornali scientifici di primo piano come Science e Nature!) copiando una gran mole di dati che attestano che
questi scienziani hanno da anni manipolato i dati sul riscaldamento globale gonfinado le cifre, non facendo arrivare al pubblico notizie che li contraddicevano e le modalità di acquisizione dei dati, dando senza prove tutta la colpa all'uomo e alla CO2, tramando per far cacciare scienziati dissidenti (o meglio ONESTI!), approvando fra di loro le ricerche in modo che agli editori sembrassero veritiere
quando invece si trattava di carta straccia
ecc [nei link in fondo vari articoli che parlano di tale scandalo: leggeteli per capire fino a che punto arrivavano questi sedicendi scienziati] .
Questo fatto dà una prova inequivocabile di ciò che gli scienziati dissidenti (onesti) dicevano da anni: quelle ricerche sono handled, the situation is different and anyone who disagrees with the dictates of political anti CO2 is ostracized.

But first things first:
- there actually was a slight increase mean annual temperatures (this does not mean that all months are the hottest!) compared to 1850, but this is largely due to the fact that at that time was at a climate named " Little Ice Age" (which followed the so-called "Medieval Warm " climatologists who sold the CRU would have us forget perchè contraddice in toto le loro teorie) in cui le temperature medie erano più fredde e soprattutto quelle invernali: difatti durante l'inverno ogni anno Ghiacciava il Tamigi (ci si pattinava sopra)...
- l'entità del riscaldamento previsto fra un secolo varia a seconda dell'autore (e molti di essi si basano comunque su dati truccati per essere più catastrofici) da 02 °C/0,4°C e per i più allarmisti (e sospetti) 0,5/2°C di MEDIA ANNUA! Poi ci sono anche stati alcuni catastrofisti incalliti che sono arrivati a ipotizzare cambiamenti più marcati, fino a 4°C, che però risultano del tutto improbabili.. Quindi non si tratta a very marked increase in temperatures, and most importantly is spread over a period that varies (according to the authors) for half a century to a century: I really think that animals and plants can not adapt to such a change? In my opinion, apart from some rare cases, if there are massive extinctions will be the fault of our human habit of environmental destruction and pollution with hazardous substances far more CO2 .. not to an increase in temperature of a few tenths of a degree in a century. -
there are no objective data to a massive rise in sea : many coral atolls are disappearing as geology teaches that the natural cycle of EVERY coral atoll is born around a volcanic island, when the island begins to sink (subsidence , that the volcano sinks into the seabed, to simplify) forms a ring of coral reef a short distance from the slopes of the volcano is now partially submerged with the progress of the subsidence underwater volcano disappears completely and a ring is called coral atoll, but the submarine volcano continues to sink and when the rate of sinking is more rapid growth of the coral atoll begins to sink and finally disappears beneath the waves

It 's a bit like the situation in Venice: you are not plunge due to a mysterious rise in the average level of the lagoon, but because its foundations in the seabed sinking slowly lowering the city than at sea level!
So antics like those of the municipal council of some coral islands, which made the city council with a mask and fins under water in order to attract attention on increasing the water that will flood the atolls .. . are just clowns!
- the Arctic ice cap (North Pole) is melting, but more slowly as it is touted, while the polar ice cap Antarctic (South Pole) not only non si scioglie, ma anzi si sta estendendo in ampiezza e in spessore! -  gli orsi polari non muoiono in massa bloccati su icebeargh
, poichè sanno nuotare molto bene e resistono ore a nuoto ; inoltre non sono diventati cannibali a causa del fatto che hanno paura di rimanere bloccati su un icebeargh e allora non vanno + sulla banchisa a caccia di foche ma si mangiano tra lorpo: la notizia riportata in modo travisato da TG Leonardo di Rai Tre parlava di un orso maschio che mangia dei cuccioli di un'altro orso, cosa che gli orsi maschi sia polari che bruni fanno normalmente da millenni!
Then it is true that the polar bear is declining and so on, but should be fully explored by the food chain first to condemn the place as the one to blame global warming for example, if there is an increase in fishing for fish that are feed on seals, they fall and then ... well the Bears fall short: things in an ecosystem are finely intertwined. With this it is clear that the reduction of polar ice cause problems for bears, but some things you say are in the same way for propaganda of the poor dying cormorant used to make the West understand what Saddam Hussein was bad during the first Gulf War: unfortunate that at this season in Iraq there were CORMORANTS , so the images had been filmed in a completely different place and time! -
second most climatologists honest the slight global warming we are witnessing is due to the increase in solar activity :
so even though Mars and Venus had a temperature increase (perhaps even Martians have factories and coal used SUV). [Article in links at the bottom trovetete material on this theory]
I could go on with the list ... but still very unimportant ...
And please no one come to me saying that if they do not propagate / I believe the hoax of CO2 (CO2-free then there would be no life on earth as terrestrial organisms are composed largely of carbon and H2O , and the plants estraggoni carbon from the CO2, allowing us to swallow it to build our bodies and those of all other animals .. also the CO2 is totally biodegradalbile / bioconvertibile: just a tree or better still, a unicellular alga that take carbon to train their body and throw out oxygen!) so I do not care about the environment or anything similar study Natural Sciences, and if I chose this course because I am interested in the environment! .. and about the Precautionary Principle, that although the data do not confirm that CO2 causes global warming we must reduce it anyway because "you never know" ... well, this principle should not appriciate theories yet completely certain, and not commonly recognized theories
FALSE, then you should also apply it to the mad military experiments or as HAARP to all nuclear tests which are statues made in the atmosphere, etc ... as well as the discharge of chemicals, electromagnetic pollution produced by mobile phones, etc. ... I am for the elimination of energy waste, for protocols that do reduce and dispose very dangerous substances that accumulate in groundwater and food chains for a long time as pesticide residues from the chemical, plastics, electronic waste (inquinantissimi), particulate matter, products, and industrial and domestic waste and all what we waste in the name of an absurd consumerism, which only serves to keep alive dying economy and to enriching the various puppeteers. I'm for the ban to the use of electromagnetic weapons and exotic and effective laws on electromagnetic pollution, to have sensible policies on fisheries and ecosystem conservation: not a facade that pseudoambientalismo serrve only to certain political policies and certain shady. ..
At this point you may ask: but why leading scientists have agreed to lie shamelessly about greenhouse gases and CO2?

The answer is that now the Official Science makes the results more pleasing to those who finance (see for example how they work in the pharmaceutical field studies), and in this case is to fund those scientists a certain kind of politics (Obama, Al Gore and the Greens by us eg), which in turn financed and operated by entities created larger and more hidden, those who created the movement
environmentalist and corporate giants such as the "
WWF" and "Greenpeace
" (both created by prominent Masons of high degree) as the Malthusian "
Club Of Rome" for example ...
These hidden from the public but by decades of debate over how to reduce the world population (Malthus as he wanted) and have seen nell'ambientalismno a good excuse to continue what he first pursued with the other scientific hoax: eugenics [read about it in the appendix of the book "State of Fear" by M. Crtichton].
The Eugenics was taught in U.S. and European universities in the years 20-30 and 40, and was also put into practice not only by the Nazis but also by the British and Americans with mass sterilization of undesirables ..

In practice then the excuse to eliminate the non-Caucasian populations was not global warming that threatens the planet, but the degeneration of the human race due to modern medicine that does survive the unfit and the weak lower
.. It looks horrible, but it was a subject of study in universities as common now as I am forced tudiare anthropogenic global warming and sovrapppopolazione! eugenic theory was then endorsed by scientific evidence of eminent scientists as we do now for the greenhouse effect (and Climategate
sign) ...

.. the interesting thing is that
institutions and foundations, which then financed the studies and the dissemination of the theory of eugenics in addition to its application, are largely the same ones who now fund the study and propaganda of the theory the greenhouse effect and some plans to address depopulation
: Rockfeler speak of the Foundation, the same example Club Of Rome [a detailed dissertation on the relationships and parallels between eugenics and the theory of global warming in the appendix of the book M. Crichton " State of Fear ", which also contains a second appendix full of references to authoritative studies which contradict the theory of global warming]. Note that for example the Rockefeller family in addition to being rich is in the heart of generations control the world economically and politically, but always acting behind the scenes, as well as the Club of Rome includes prominent figures such groups as the CFR, Bilderberg, Trilateral, etc. .. and all these groups are popular in large part if not just Masons high degree ...
[here I just want to give some ideas to help them understand the bigger picture: in a network, however, there are many sources to examine these issues and test their veracity]
... so it is logical to conclude that 2 +2 and
there are groups of supranational power, which are the same groups that control the economy and global politics, lobbying for the public to perceive as a real theory of the greenhouse effect ...
their motives .. I think you understand, although it probably will have even more reasons to do this.
This article wants to be just a summary overview of what lies behind the greenhouse effect: to deepen the individual points you can use the link below and those found within the text itself or, in particular as regards the last part, seek itself in the network, although I'd recommend to start reading the book Pamio " The Dark Side of the New World Order " , which pooch pages smattering of the various bodies that control the real world (and the handful of families behind it).
anyone begin to challenge each of my first sentence if you have not read all the link below, the links in the text books and advice!
I have neither the time nor the inclination to re-explain things to the bitter end or pax to skeptics who do not deign to investigate before challenge. Instead, be constructive comments are welcome on ML "Greenhouse Effect: The Big Buffalo" .


premise che i link servono da un lato per suffragare con dati ciò che dico nell'articolo, dall'altro per permettervi di approfondire l'argomento (come punto di partenza chiaramente: leggete i link o alcuni di essi e poi approfondite dalle fonti che più vi convincono), inoltre fanno da compendio all'articolo, visto che io non ho il tempo per trattare in modo approfondito tutti gli aspetti del problema.
Tuttavia quando segnalo un articolo NON vuol dire che io concordi al 100% con esso, e ancor più se segnalo un blog o un sito! La mia segnalazione vuole solo dire che ho trovato l'articolo interessante e almeno in parte condivisibile o che trovo che spieghi alcuni aspetti dell'argomento trattato. For example, I recognize the limitations of many alternative energy technologies (wind carries off the birds, the sun makes it less certain and is not composed of biodegradable materials, etc.), but I do not support nuclear energy are ... Instead of lowering consumption by eliminating waste such as lamps that illuminate the city per day (there are street lamps light barrier), etc. .. However my point of view changes as they find new information ... It sounds silly to point out that if I refer to link does not mean that 100% agree with its content and therefore also point out items that exhibit different thesis .. but in past articles I was accused di essere incoerente per questo motivo...

Io credo e spero nelle capacità di discernimento dei lettori
: voglio esporre il mio punto di vista ma non voglio dare la pappa pronta a chi legge.
Che ogni persona si informi da fonti varie e arrivi alle proprie conclusioni!

- Vertice sul Clima di Copenhagen:

- "Climate Summit: more than 50 thousand protesters in Copenhagen. "

Link: E2% 80% 99-a 50 thousand-demonstrators-the-city-and-% E2% 80% 99-you-ready-to-accept /

"Climate, Obama talks about: The world accepts a ' Understanding is not perfect. "
The draft agreement: temperature increase to 2 degrees and 100miliardi of dollars to poor countries.

- [BLOG] "Environmentalism of Breed"
(contiene una sezione documenti molto nutrita con ottimi testi che spiegano perchè la Teoria del Riscaldamento Globale Antropico provocato dalla CO2 sia una bufala)

- [
in fondo
alla "sezione link" riporto per intero i
link della sezione "Documenti" del blog "ambientalismodirazza "]

- [LIBRO] "Stato di Paura"
di Michael Crichton

(in particolare guardare le appendici: una sul filo rosso che lega la vecchia Eugenetica e la nuova dottrina su Effetto Serra)
-  "Le origini artstocratiche dei gruppi verdi"

- "Al Gore e il piano di Controllo Demografico".

- "Da Hiltler ad Al Gore: la strategia ecologista dell' Impero Britannico"

- Climategate: scienziati mentono sull'effetto serra.
- "Le menzogne sul Clima".

Link Italian:
English Link (original version): [Blast to the deadly climate science]:

- "Climate Watergate."
"Climategate, il Meteoscandalo difficile da insabbiare".

"Cambiamento Climatico: i Media presentano uno scenario apocalittico".
di Michel Chossudovsky
primary source Link: Like Don Quixote
- "Climate Wars: HAARP High Frequency Active Aural Research Program."

by Michel Chossudovsky

Climategate or Climatopoli: the biggest scandal of modern science, that nobody talks about

Link: 3A + + DuffysBlog 28Duffy% 27s + Blog% 29%
- Alternative Energy: defects.

- " resolution on the impact of industrial wind turbines avifauna, adopted at the Italian Congress of Ornithology . Link:

- Links and documents on the hoax of global warming taken by the blog "ambientalismodirazza"
- Documents:

Apocalypse? No! The scientific reasons, macroeconomic and geopolitical where global warming is a global crisis (Lord Monckton) PPT

emissions of carbon dioxide are not the cause of Global Warming (David Evans) PDF

The 35 errors in Al Gore's film "An Inconvenient Truth" (a by Lord Monckton) PDF
Project Avalon






"Greenhouse Effect: The Great Buffalo!"




Email: effect greenhouse @



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