not believe all the 'greenhouse effect? .. Does not deserve to live ...
[do it for a moment pretend that
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Head Rest For Whellchair
Islamic Terrorism is not a creation of the CIA]
What What if an Islamic Association put on its website a spot where for example, a teacher asks a class of children "
Believe in Allah? ", and kills by blowing up in front of classmates, who responds to not to believe? I think this combination would be defined immediatamente come "
terrorista " o almeno che inneggia al Terrorismo Islamico, e si direbbe che tale spot è perverso, intimidatorio e di cattivo gusto e che mira a terrorizzare i non musulmani minacciandoli di morte... Il sito di tale associazione verrebbe fatto immediatamente chiudere e i gestori probabilmente arrestati insieme a chi ha confezionato e ideato lo spot, e a nulla varrebbero scuse come " voleva esere una provocazione " o " era uno scherzo " oppure "
abbiamo eliminato la pubblicità dal nostro sito appena la gente si è lamentata "...
Logo dell'associazione ambientalista "
Global 10:10 "
Global 10:10 "
Pensate adesso a cosa avverrebbe se un associazione ambientalista facesse uno spot del genere, in cui però la domanda è " Credi all' Effetto Serra
? " o un suo equivalente... La risposta è " praticamente nulla
". Such advertising is highly intimidating, especially if seen by children, and understand what makes people really think some environmentalists.
If you watched the movie you will realize that this is crazy fanatics, who are basically saying "Do not you think all
'Greenhouse Effect? \u200b\u200bThen you have no right to live!
. In practice cheers to 'Eco-Terrorism, all'assassionio premeditated those who do not think like them and does not participate actively in their plans. This murder is also committed to finding " dissidents" by deception, in fact, the movie is called "No Pressure
" e le varie figure quando interpellano i bambini o gli adulti riguardo alle questioni ambientali li esortano a rispondere sinceramente, senza alcuna pressione, salvo poi far esplodere i "
" (NON ambientalisti secondo i LORO parametri) schiacciando un minaccioso pulsante rosso che tenevano nascosto.
" in because it wants to decrease by 10% per year in CO2 emissions starting in 2010 (reduction virtually impossible unless the damage pesantissiomamente economical, especially in emerging countries). 10:10 is clearly supported by the United Nations, MTV, from those companies as Microsoft and Sony, L'Oreal ( but not tested on animals? ), Adidas ( but does not manufacture shoes using child labor? ) etc. ..
They propose the so-called "environmentalism by bassso " so impgnrasi ask people to reduce their annual 10% CO2 emissions .. these projects actually removes responsibility from the governments, putting all the burden of change on the shoulders of individuals and making them feel guilty about their lifestyle (of course it's stupid to waste energy or water, but for example with regard to 'water what good about the overall situation close ribinetto while we brush our teeth if we waste our water supply up to 50% of the water during trasportoo?). More importantly, given that CO2 does NOT cause the ' Greenhouse Effect and is not a real pollutant, would be much better to deal with environmental problems real such as the over-fishing, pollution from pesticides / fertilizers e altre sostanze chimiche, i devastanti esperimenti di geoingegneria ecc...
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