The lies of global warming (by scienzamarcia)
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Infiniti St950 Reviews
Below is an article from the Blog " Science Marcia and the Lie Global
Global Warming? Many scientists are skeptical
Global Warming? Many scientists are skeptical
In their statements you will find ... ![]() |
Good Reading: |
Monday, December 15, 2008
When a year ago I was talking in class of the scientific method and its misuse, I had not studied further the issue of global warming, but I was already sure of one thing: it is impossible to attribute with certainty to carbon dioxide (CO2 the infamous) the liability of a temporary warming, because the factors involved are too numerous and impossible to separate.
We can never do an experiment with two planets Similar to land, one of which is subject to increased CO2 and the other not, the two planets that are otherwise identical in terms of atmospheric composition, solar radiation, extent and location of the ice (which reflect light and heat), and extension location of the land and oceans, the distribution of flora and fauna and all the rest?
Parlare di "teoria scientifica" in riferimento all'ipotesi del riscaldamento globale causato da emissioni di Co2, è quindi ridicolo, perchè non può essere nè provata nè smentita con nessun tipo di esperimento. Essa per definizione non può essere altro che pseudo-scienza, una pseudo-scienza utile a nascondere le manipolazioni climatiche e la guerra ambientale ( ).
( ).
From site
Global Research
"Sono scettico ... il riscaldamento globale è diventato una nuova religione." – Ivar Giaever, vincitore del premio Nobel per la Fisica.
"Dal momento che non sono più affiliato with any organization nor receiving any funding I am, I can speak quite frankly ... As a scientist I remain skeptical [about global warming caused by man-made CO2 emissions]. "- \u200b\u200bDr. Joanne Simpson, Atmospheric Science, the first woman in the world to receive a Ph.D. in meteorology and formerly of NASA, who has authored more than 190 studies and was considered "one of the most eminent scientists of the past 100 years."
"After reading the asinine comment Pachauri [UN IPCC chairman] to those who believe the earth flat [compared to the skeptics on global warming] is hard to remain quiet." - Dr. William M. Briggs, statistical climate, which specializes in the assessment of statistical predictions, who works at the Committee of Probability and Statistics Meteorological Society American Meteorological [Meteorological Society's Probability and Statistics Committee] and is an associate editor of the journal Monthly Weather Review.
"How many years must the planet cool before we begin understand that it is not warming? How many years must cooling go on? "- Dr. David Gee, President of the Scientific Committee of the International Geological Congress in 2008, the author of over 130 articles published in journals with peer review [peer review], who currently works at the 'Uppsala University in Sweden.
"Gore has pushed me to do science again and I found myself quickly, and with absolute certainty, the skeptic ... Climate models can at best be useful for explaining climate change after they have occurred. "- Hajo Smit, Dutch meteorologist, who has reversed his views on global warming caused by man to become a skeptic, a former member of the Dutch UN IPCC.
"Many [scientists] are now looking for a way to back out quietly (from promoting fear of heating), without having their careers ruined." - James A. Peden, physicist, formerly employed by The Centre for Research and Coordination Space [Space Research and Coordination Center] in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
"Creating an ideology based Carbon dioxide is a dangerous nonsense ... The present alarm on climate change is an instrument of social control, a pretext for major battles in the field of politics and business. It has become an ideology, which is concerning. "- Environmental scientist Professor Delgado Domingos of Portugal, founder of the Numerical Weather Forecast, who has to his credit the publication of more than 150 articles [scientific].
"Emissions of CO2 does not make any difference one way or another ... . Every scientist knows this, but it does not pay to say ... Global warming, as a tool politico, mantiene gli Europei sul sedile del guidatore lasciando le nazioni in via di sviluppo a camminare scalze." – Dottor Takeda Kunihiko, vice rettore dell’Istituto di Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica dell’Università di Chubu in Giappone.
"L’allarmismo [sul riscaldamento globale] ha la sua giustificazione nel fatto che è qualcosa che genera finanziamenti." – Dottor Eduardo Tonni, Paleontologo del Comitato per la ricerca scientifica di Buenos Aires, che ha ricevuto numerosi riconoscimenti, ed è a capo del Dipartimento di Paleontologia dell’Università di La Plata.
Il rapporto include anche nuove analisi e nuovi articoli scientifici soggetti a revisione autorevole che smentiscono le paure del riscaldamento causato dall’uomo e mostrano uno sviluppo climatico che contraddice quella teoria.
il presidente dell'IPCC
ridimensiona il pericolo
"Greenhouse Effect: The Great Buffalo!"
December 13, 2008 - original link
http: / /
http: / /
( article reported by Maria ) WASHINGTON - A conference delle Nazioni Unite sui cambiamenti climatici in svolgimento in Polonia sta per ricevere una sorpresa da parte di 650 scienziati di fama i quali irridono ai rapporti apocalittici [che vengono continuamente diffusi] sul riscaldamento globale causato dall’uomo – etichettandoli con termini come “menzogna”, “truffa”, e “asserzioni dogmatiche”.
Al più tardi entro oggi [13 dicembre 2008, N.d.T.] le loro voci saranno ascoltate in un rapporto di minoranza al Senato degli Stati Uniti che cita tali scienziati, molti dei quali sono membri attuali od ex membri dell’ Osservatorio Intergovernativo sul Cambiamento Climatico delle Nazioni Unite [IPCC, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change]. Solo nell’ultimo anno sono stati circa 250 gli scienziati citati in tale rapporto che si sono uniti al dissenso degli altri colleghi.
In realtà il numero totale di tali scienziati rappresentati nel rapporto è 12 volte maggiore del numero degli scienziati delle Nazioni Unite che hanno stilato il rapporto ufficiale dell’IPCC del 2007. Ecco qui alcuni estratti dal rapporto:
In realtà il numero totale di tali scienziati rappresentati nel rapporto è 12 volte maggiore del numero degli scienziati delle Nazioni Unite che hanno stilato il rapporto ufficiale dell’IPCC del 2007. Ecco qui alcuni estratti dal rapporto:
"Sono scettico ... il riscaldamento globale è diventato una nuova religione." – Ivar Giaever, vincitore del premio Nobel per la Fisica.
"Dal momento che non sono più affiliato with any organization nor receiving any funding I am, I can speak quite frankly ... As a scientist I remain skeptical [about global warming caused by man-made CO2 emissions]. "- \u200b\u200bDr. Joanne Simpson, Atmospheric Science, the first woman in the world to receive a Ph.D. in meteorology and formerly of NASA, who has authored more than 190 studies and was considered "one of the most eminent scientists of the past 100 years."
Warming fears are the "worst scientific scandal in history ... When people come to know what the truth is, you will hear deceived by science and scientists. "- Dr. Kiminori Itoh, Japanese scientist 's IPCC, chemical and physical environment, which has received numerous awards.
" The IPCC has now become a circuit closed, not listen to others. Do not have open minds ... I am really amazed that the Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded on the basis of scientifically incorrect conclusions by people who are not geologists. "- Dr. Arun D. Ahluwalia of the Punjab University, Indian geologist and member of the Committee (supported by the United Nations ) for the International Year of Planet.
"The models and forecasts of the United Nations" are incorrect because only are based on mathematical models and presented results based on scenarios that do not include, for example, solar activity. "- Victor Manuel Velasco Herrera, a researcher at the 'Institute of Geophysics at the National Autonomous University of Mexico.
"The models and forecasts of the United Nations" are incorrect because only are based on mathematical models and presented results based on scenarios that do not include, for example, solar activity. "- Victor Manuel Velasco Herrera, a researcher at the 'Institute of Geophysics at the National Autonomous University of Mexico.
"is a blatant lie put forth in the media that makes it seem like there is only a fringe of scientists who do not buy with [theory] man-made global warming. "- Stanley B. Goldenberg, Scientist Atmospheric U.S. Government's Hurricane Research Division for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration [NOAA, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration].
"Even doubling or tripling the amount of carbon dioxide would have little impact, since the water vapor condensed on particles as clouds dominate the scene [climate] in all the world and always will. " - Geoffrey G. Duffy, professor of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials, University of Auckland, New Zealand. "After reading the asinine comment Pachauri [UN IPCC chairman] to those who believe the earth flat [compared to the skeptics on global warming] is hard to remain quiet." - Dr. William M. Briggs, statistical climate, which specializes in the assessment of statistical predictions, who works at the Committee of Probability and Statistics Meteorological Society American Meteorological [Meteorological Society's Probability and Statistics Committee] and is an associate editor of the journal Monthly Weather Review.
"How many years must the planet cool before we begin understand that it is not warming? How many years must cooling go on? "- Dr. David Gee, President of the Scientific Committee of the International Geological Congress in 2008, the author of over 130 articles published in journals with peer review [peer review], who currently works at the 'Uppsala University in Sweden.
"Gore has pushed me to do science again and I found myself quickly, and with absolute certainty, the skeptic ... Climate models can at best be useful for explaining climate change after they have occurred. "- Hajo Smit, Dutch meteorologist, who has reversed his views on global warming caused by man to become a skeptic, a former member of the Dutch UN IPCC.
"Many [scientists] are now looking for a way to back out quietly (from promoting fear of heating), without having their careers ruined." - James A. Peden, physicist, formerly employed by The Centre for Research and Coordination Space [Space Research and Coordination Center] in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
"Creating an ideology based Carbon dioxide is a dangerous nonsense ... The present alarm on climate change is an instrument of social control, a pretext for major battles in the field of politics and business. It has become an ideology, which is concerning. "- Environmental scientist Professor Delgado Domingos of Portugal, founder of the Numerical Weather Forecast, who has to his credit the publication of more than 150 articles [scientific].
"Emissions of CO2 does not make any difference one way or another ... . Every scientist knows this, but it does not pay to say ... Global warming, as a tool politico, mantiene gli Europei sul sedile del guidatore lasciando le nazioni in via di sviluppo a camminare scalze." – Dottor Takeda Kunihiko, vice rettore dell’Istituto di Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica dell’Università di Chubu in Giappone.
"L’allarmismo [sul riscaldamento globale] ha la sua giustificazione nel fatto che è qualcosa che genera finanziamenti." – Dottor Eduardo Tonni, Paleontologo del Comitato per la ricerca scientifica di Buenos Aires, che ha ricevuto numerosi riconoscimenti, ed è a capo del Dipartimento di Paleontologia dell’Università di La Plata.
Ecco due link di ulteriore approfondimento
1) (
)del global warming (they start to back down, get your hands on and then say ooops ... sorry ... maybe our assessments were excessive?) 2)
A comprehensive document
A comprehensive document
http: / /
) which dismantles the idea of \u200b\u200bCO2 as warming http: / /
Both documents are in English, if I can translate it at least a part ( to be published in a future article
: ).
Blog: ML: / greenhouse effect / greenhouse effect
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