Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Good Year Ultra Grip Spikes

The mysterious disappearance of Never Land

As a novel Atlantis Talpatti disappeared among the waves,
perhaps in one night, perhaps in several years, sank ... .. years after the sad event, the news went around the world, rousing indignation, guilt and great concern ..

Talpatti: the island that no longer exists

They say it was no doubt the fault of the ultra-alarming and catastrophic rise in sea
(the one that will transform, according to "The Experts
" every coastal city in as many "

Talpatti rather than Atlantis novel, Neverland, since it is a pile of sand was found after a hurricane in the 70s and redispersed, probably as a result of a subsequent storm, approximately in the first decade of the new millennium.

A precarious pile of sand so as not to be able to build anything, located in a river delta and disputed between the two states because of possible oil resources below.

c'azecca So what the hell global warming, in the case of an island that is not so isolated? Then the alarm off, and turned a pile of sand river precariously emerged only in the 70s (then according to their reasoning in the 70s the sea level has dropped? Bah ..) the new symbol of Global Warming!
.. you know, for cambiaclimatisati anything goes, so most people do not intend to do geology climatology, and did not even want to deepen the news audience.

Good Reading:
ORIGINAL LINK: http://www / sezioniTematicheArticolo.php? idArt = 585

Added: 26/03/2010

Maurizio Morabito

As if nothing had happened, the "good old days" when newspapers were covered by the most fanciful statements about global warming seem to want to come back. As if nobody had ever heard of pranks research centers here and across the Atlantic, with the finest of scientists working to hide its data and prevent colleagues who have published opinions from non-catastrophe, as if there had never was the amazing series of omissions, misinterpreted, blunders that led the UN to establish a commission of inquiry regarding l'IPCC; come se il discorso fosse davvero quello ingenuamente presentato da un certo gruppo di scienziati anche in Italia, impegnati a dir loro a "difendere la Scienza" contro lo scetticismo senza il quale però di Scienza non si puo' davvero parlare.
Dove sono questi stimati professori e opinionisti oggi che la Scienza davvero subisce un attacco, nella forma di improvvide e insensate dichiarazioni riguardo la "scomparsa" di un'isola contesa fra Bangladesh e India, dichiarazioni che non potranno che diminuire la reputazione della comunità scientifica? Con quasi assoluta certezza possiamo dire che stanno guardando dall'altra parte. Stiamo parlando ovviamente dell'isola di New Moore, detta anche Talpatti del South, which "sank because of climate change" (second
as published by ANSA
March 25 at 11:47). Continue always
ANSA in the environment
: Indian scientists have said that the sinking of the island, uninhabited and Montecristo as large as in Italy, was caused by the increase in sea level caused by heating land, as well as erosion. " He also spoke
La Stampa, continuing the APCOM, despite the Turin daily please a very good tradition of science journalism:
"Climate. Acque sommergono isolotto conteso fra India e Bangladesh
- Il global warming 'risolve' disputa territoriale durata 30 anni". E ci è cascato anche un distratto Il Giornale:
"Golfo del Bengala: si innalza il mare e l'isola scompare
- Era contesa da India e Bangladesh è sparita: a causare il fenomeno, assicurano gli esperti, sarebbero stati il cambiamento climatico e l'erosione che minaccia la sopravvivenza di molte altre piccole isole, tra cui gli atolli delle Maldive".
Il riferimento ai cambiamenti climatici e al global warming è una palese e gigantesca stupidaggine. Come fare a esserne sicuri?
see what it is: South Talpatti is (or was, and maybe will) probably formed an island

in 1970, when the Bhola cyclone killed 500 thousand people in Bangladesh (an event that will bring the civil war and separation from Pakistan). Other (but this does not change a comma) says it is

formed around 1920

, but specifies that it started to decrease in size in 1987.
not take much to put two and two ... as it is formed so suddenly in recent times, the South can clearly Talpatti anche scomparire altrettanto improvvisamente, senza che il cambiamento climatico c'entri in alcuna maniera. Anche perché è un'isola formata non da rocce, ma dall'accumulazione di depositi fluviali (=sabbie e fanghi). E meno male che ne sappiamo un po', visto che India e Bangladesh non si sono mai accordati sull'appartenenza di tale isola. Nel corso degli anni ora quella, ora questi hanno fatto proclami per reclamare un fazzoletto di sabbia (non per giocare con secchielli e palette, ma per poterne approfittare e stabilire diritti estrattivi nei fondali circostanti che si dicono ricchi di gas). Nessuno è però mai riuscito a stabilire una base su quell'isola. Perché? Perché Talpatti South was never quite know lida to do anything.

Map indicating the position of the 'Ex-Island "of Talpatti

Back then wonder ... why has" disappeared "? The that only means that the highest point is adesso sotto il pelo dell'acqua. Le
"isole" dove c'è un grandissimo delta fluviale

vanno e vengono continuamente. Interessante allora notare la tempistica della "notizia". A leggere fra le righe, per esempio sul blog
The Great Beyond della rivista Nature dove viene ripresa l'agenzia originale (dell'
Associated Press , tristemente nota come fabbrica di sensazionalismi climatici), si capisce che non è successo assolutamente niente su Talpatti del Sud nel marzo 2010. L'unica cosa da riportare è che un gruppo di scienziati del luogo ha stabilito che sia scomparsa satellite photos from the past years. ) is said to be "revealed" in 1970 and "disappeared some time after" (certainly not in the past weeks).
For the curious, the application stops Google Earth to show Talpatti South between 2002 and 2008 (not that we can rely too much). It also Wikipedia (in English
those who were interested in a more scientific analysis, can read a blog on the 2008 World Climate Report
, one of the most ancient sites on climate change, which speaks of the work of two Scientists at the National of Oceanography of India, who have estimated an average increase in sea level in the Bay of Bengal to 1.29mm per year. Since Talpatti South was up to 2m above sea level, to make it disappear there would then took about 1500 years. Who benefits then all the misinformation that we had hoped finally ended after the catastrophic blunders and disasters in 2009-2010? Perhaps as the saying goes, the wolf cambioclimatista can lose hair, but not the vice. So the exhortation to those who do not want to be drowning in a sea of \u200b\u200bbullshit can only be:
wallpaper. Why catastroclimatisti tried again.



"Greenhouse Effect: The Big Buffalo"


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