Climate Change .. 30 years ago
Friday, November 12, 2010
Hazards In The Kitchen Worksheet Level 1
With almost daily news show, documentrari, summits, and the various programs we hammer on the serious dangers of climate change ... Even in universities and high schools students vengono subissati con tali notizie, e già dalle elementari qualsiasi bambino saprà spiegarvi per filo e per segno il presunto meccanismo del Global Worming ...
Ci dicono che gran parte degli scienziati sia d'accordo nell'affermare che il Global Warming esiste, e che se non facciamo qualcosa al più presto la catastrofe sarà inevitabile.
Sciorinano, dati (poi rivelatesi
clamorosamente falsi ) e simulazioni al computer (di dubbia valenza scientifica e scarsissimo potere predittivo anche a breve termine); mostrano grafici e animazioni.
clamorosamente falsi ) e simulazioni al computer (di dubbia valenza scientifica e scarsissimo potere predittivo anche a breve termine); mostrano grafici e animazioni.
Ciò succede da più di 30 anni, e spesso sono sempre gli stessi personaggi a fare i profeti di sventure apocalittiche.
La cosa divertente però è che 30 anni fa quegli stessi personaggi annunciavano un imminente e catastrofica Era Glaciale , dicendo anche allora che tutti " Gli Esperti " erano concordi, facendo vedere grafici e dati, ed essendo ripresi con toni sensazionalistici dai giornalisti di turno.
" or unburned particles produced by humans in large quantities with cars and factories would doovuto act as condensation nuclei by increasing the Earth's surface covered by clouds, and then increasing back the amount of solar energy reflected off from 'atmosphere. This would, according to "The Experts
Nessuna Era Glaciale si verificò
, così come nessuna drastica riduzione dei raccolti ecc. Nessuna Era Glaciale si verificò
30 anni più tardi ai Soliti Noti venne allora una nuova idea: perchè non inventarsi, questa volta, NON che sta per arrivare una nuova Glaciazione entro 10-20 anni, ma un periodo caldo catastrofico entro 50-100 anni? Furbamente si pensò di dare la colpa di tutto ciò ad una molecola ben più innoqua delle polveri incombuste: la CO2.
Accusare la CO2 è infatti assolutamente geniale: noi umani non possiamo fare NULLA senza produrre CO2! Anche respirare produce CO2, così come allevare bestiame, trasportare esseri umani o beni materiali (es cibo), produrre beni di qualsiasi tipo, in gran parte dei casi produrre elettricità, produrre e stoccare alimenti...isomma TUTTO!
What better excuse to impose drastic policies to the whole world, if not the threat of something that we can not produce? Below I copy an excerpt of 'Introduction to the book "The Lies of
" by Riccardo Cascioli and Antonio Gaspari (the book appears to fundamentally interesting, even if it betrays a Catholic I ipost I do not agree).
Good Reading:
As noted by another famous climatologist, Craig Bohren, Professor Emeritus Pennsylvania State University, is hard not to be skeptical when you notice that the major proponents of the theory of global warming are the same people who not long ago waved the specter of global cooling . " The most striking is that of Steven Schneider: about 30 years ago was in the forefront to warn for an imminent ice age. Then it was the responsibility of particles emitted into the atmosphere by human activities. There is no doubt that any climate change will mean he can have it properly planned " [7]
. Schneider, however, was also among the advisers of U.S. President Bill Clinton, but certainly not was the only "professional alarmist", from cooling to heating.
For example Nigel Calder, a famous science writer, Scriven in his book in 1977: " The danger of a new ice age is now more threatening and looming as the experts had not feared a few years ago " [8]
. The examples can be multiplied, just briefly mention a sample article in the American weekly Newsweek April 28, 1975, entitled
The cooling world (the world in cooling). The tone of the article is the same as we are accustomed today: "
There is now evidence of dramatic climate changes on earth and that these changes will lead to a drastic decrease in food production with serious political implications for just about every nation on earth .
The changes are obvious, catastrophic consequences. And, of course, the article is careful to point out that the scientific community is virtually unanimous consensus
. exact same phrases that appear repeatedly in newspapers in recent weeks, only then there was talk of the next age glacial. But the goal is identical: to convince the public that
there will be inevitable disasters - the collapse in food production leading to famine, millions of deaths from hunger and war, of course - unless you intervene in time with environmental policies targeted.
there will be inevitable disasters - the collapse in food production leading to famine, millions of deaths from hunger and war, of course - unless you intervene in time with environmental policies targeted.
Here are the forecasts on which scientists nel 1975 erano " pressoché unanimi ": " Entro dieci anni ci sarà un drastico calo nella produzione di cibo... Le regioni destinate ad accusare il maggiore impatto sono le grandi aree per la produzione di grano in Canada e nell'Unione Sovietica ". Come è andata effettivamente? Basta spulciare fra le statistiche della FAO, l'organismo dell'ONU per l'agricoltura e il cibo: ebbene dagli anni '70 a oggi il tasso annuale di crescita nella produzione di cibo si è mantenuto a livello mondiale intorno al 2,4%, mentre la produzione pro capite ha addirittura visto un incremento del tasso annuo di crescita dallo 0,7 all'1%. E il grano? Tra il 1970 e il 2001 la Total production increased by 62.4%, although there was a slowdown in annual growth rate (from 2.3 to 0.8%). Even for Canada, the increase has exceeded 70%, while the regions of the former USSR have seen an increase of only 8% (but the problem lies in the '90s with the economic and political problems related to the collapse of communism , nothing to do with climate change) [9]
. No catastrophe and then - apparently - no impending ice age as today's alarms link on the opposite side. One has the distinct perception that climate change are in fact a pretext for achieving other objectives . What? To understand this we can see that there is a lowest common denominator in opposing alarmism that hammer for over thirty years: the urgent request to limit human activities or, more precisely, to minimize the human presence both in magnitude and qualitative . And 'This is also the foundation upon which the concept of sustainable development
[10] .
The arrangements for achieving this goal is therefore twofold: birth control, mainly in poor countries (quantitative limitation), and the stop development, from the rich countries (qualitative restriction). These are also the highways mentioned in Agenda 21, the Magna Carta of environmental policies adopted at the first Earth Summit, which is the UN International Conference Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992
[11] .
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For notes see the original article linked HERE
. _____________________________________
This article is also on the blog " @ lice Beyond the Looking Glass .
"Greenhouse Effect: The Big Buffalo"
. No catastrophe and then - apparently - no impending ice age as today's alarms link on the opposite side. One has the distinct perception that climate change are in fact a pretext for achieving other objectives . What? To understand this we can see that there is a lowest common denominator in opposing alarmism that hammer for over thirty years: the urgent request to limit human activities or, more precisely, to minimize the human presence both in magnitude and qualitative . And 'This is also the foundation upon which the concept of sustainable development
[10] .
The arrangements for achieving this goal is therefore twofold: birth control, mainly in poor countries (quantitative limitation), and the stop development, from the rich countries (qualitative restriction). These are also the highways mentioned in Agenda 21, the Magna Carta of environmental policies adopted at the first Earth Summit, which is the UN International Conference Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992
[11] .
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For notes see the original article linked HERE
. _____________________________________
This article is also on the blog " @ lice Beyond the Looking Glass .
"Greenhouse Effect: The Big Buffalo"
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