Here below an article Blog Scienzamarcia .
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Rirscaldamento Global?
Nei giorni in cui si svolgeva il vertice di Copenhagen, dove in teoria si sarebbe dovuto discutere su come porre rimedio ai " cambiamenti climatici causati dalle attività umane ", ed in particolare al cosiddetto Global Warming, il terribile e fantomatico Riscaldamento Globale, per ironia della sorte i notiziariodella radio e della televisione riportavano che "l'Europa è stretta nella morsa del gelo ".
Effettivamente è stato comico ascoltare i resoconti ufficiali di quella riunione e sentire subito dopo che molte nazioni erano sotto a thick blanket of snow ... But where is this Global Warming? And where is the evidence that any warming that can be seen sporadically in recent years is connected to a trend is likely to endure than the normal statistical fluctuations in temperature (always observed over a long period of time)?
was certainly not due to lower emissions of CO2! |
The fact that any increase in temperature may coincide with an increased emission of CO2 is not in itself no evidence that the warming is the abundance of carbon dioxide. The coincidence is by no means a guarantee of a link cause and effect, otherwise we might say that the increase in divorces in the 70s was caused by the concomitant increase in the rate of air pollution. |
New Ice Age
Copenhagen in a tower of babel :
You had to speak climate, and climate has appeared as only he can do: sovereign, unstoppable, uncontrollable. Friday, Spain found itself with a -20 C. in Russia was at an average - 25C. Siberia had a record for this time of -50 C. Netherlands, Belgium and France under a great for snow this time of year. Saturday throughout Europe in the grip of the cold on Sunday and expect the worst. The U.S. rushed out in the cold as winter has not happened in years in this time of year, and one can see from this beautiful image of the White House in Washington, ... white with snow.
The White House in the Snow (Winter 2010)
not General Winter one is impressed at all with the presence of many Nobel laureates, nor of so many heads of state, nor shall the President of the UN with many scientists, who should study and learn and so many journalists lecchineggianti and obsequious to power. This a photo of Paris these days
Paris in the Snow (Winter 2010) ![]() |
Le prove che l'aumento di CO2 generi un effetto serra che surriscalda il pianeta semplicemente non ci sono; è impossibile attribuire con certezza a tale gas la responsabilità di un momentaneo riscaldamento terrestre perchè i fattori implicati sono troppo numerosi ed impossibili da separare.
Speaking of "scientific theory" in reference to the hypothesis of global warming caused by CO2 emissions, so it is ridiculous, because it can be neither proved nor disproved by any kind of experiment. It by definition can not be anything other than pseudo-science, pseudo-science useful to hide the manipulation and the climatic environment
war, because in fact manipulating the data base and used in mathematical models may be questionable "prove" anything.
war, because in fact manipulating the data base and used in mathematical models may be questionable "prove" anything.
Carry a few lines of the summary (abstract) with a substantial scientific document denouncing la truffa dell'effetto serra
), che potete visionare a
questo link
questo link
in lingua originale.
(Articolo accettato dalla rivista “Energy and Environment” [
Energia ed ambiente ], Agosto 2008)
Energia ed ambiente ], Agosto 2008)
But here are the statements of some of them. "I am a skeptic ... Global warming has become a new religion." – Ivar Giaever, vincitore del premio Nobel per la Fisica .
I limiti dell’ipotesi sul cambiamento climatico indotto da CO2 sulla base di recenti dati acquisiti sulla Terra.
Summary (Abstract)
global weather anomalies of the earth have reached a peak in 1998, that maximum is not exceeded during the following 10 years. The global anomalies are calculated on the basis of an average of climate effects that are found in tropical and extratropical. The effects of El Niño / La Niña in the tropical band are shown to explain the 1998 maximum while variations in the background of the anomalies [climate] are mostly related ad effetti climatici nelle regioni extratropicali settentrionali. Questi effetti non hanno recato la firma del cambiamento climatico associato al CO2. In ogni caso, i dati mostrano un piccolo sottostante trend positivo che è consistente con l’ipotesi di modificazioni climatiche associate al CO2 con assenza di feedback.
global weather anomalies of the earth have reached a peak in 1998, that maximum is not exceeded during the following 10 years. The global anomalies are calculated on the basis of an average of climate effects that are found in tropical and extratropical. The effects of El Niño / La Niña in the tropical band are shown to explain the 1998 maximum while variations in the background of the anomalies [climate] are mostly related ad effetti climatici nelle regioni extratropicali settentrionali. Questi effetti non hanno recato la firma del cambiamento climatico associato al CO2. In ogni caso, i dati mostrano un piccolo sottostante trend positivo che è consistente con l’ipotesi di modificazioni climatiche associate al CO2 con assenza di feedback.
(a) Dipartimento di fisica ed Astronomia dell’Università di Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627, USA (b) Dipartimento di Scienza Atmosferica e Centro per la Scienza del Sistema Terrestre, Università dell’Alabama di Huntsville, Huntsville, AL 35899, USA
Insomma if there are 650 scientists who sign a document denouncing the fraud of Global Warming seems there are some good reasons. Note that many of these scientists are members of current or former members of the 'Centre of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change United Nations [
IPCC, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ], the institutional body that spreads to the dogma of global Global Warming
"Dal momento che non sono più affiliato a nessuna organizzazione né sto ricevendo nessun finanziamento, posso parlare alquanto francamente ... Come scienziato rimango scettico [s ul riscaldamento globale provocato dall’uomo con l’emissione di CO2 ]." – Dottoressa Joanne Simpson, Scienziata dell’Atmosfera, la prima donna al mondo a vincere un dottorato di ricerca in meteorologia ed ex impiegata della NASA, che ha firmato più di 190 studi ed è stata considerata "uno degli scienziati più eminenti degli ultimi 100 anni".
Warming fears are the "worst scientific scandal in history ... When people come to know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists." - Dr. Kiminori Itoh, the Japanese scientists' IPCC, chemical and physical environment, which has received numerous awards.
To top sponsors who ask why the greenhouse effect, a powerful politician belonging to the American superpower, should lie shamelessly: Al Gore caught lying on the melting of polar ice!
From Eco blog
In atmosphere Climategate
Al Gore was caught telling a lie about the ice melting . The creator of the media campaign on climate change
cites the study of climatologist Wieslav Maslowski, The freshwater budget of the Nordic Seas and inform the audience of Copenhagen that if there will be no immediate solution in the fight against CO2 emissions, there is 75% probability that the polar ice melting and the North Pole will be ice-free within the next five years.
Well, Mr. Maslowski
The Times has denied this claim and stated that in his study has not indicated any timeframe on the probable melting of polar ice.
Antarctic sea ice - Situation in November 2009
Trend Abnormal Extension:
Trivia: than 10 years ago and we have the same extension 0.2milioni sq km in area over.
than 20 years ago we 0.2milioni sq km of extension and more than 0.3 in area. Compared to 30 years ago we 0.4milioni sq km of extension and more than 0.4 in area.
For more information see the excellent article copenhagen Climage and the hoax of global warming , a long article, well documented and provided links to investigate.
If you want to see a video documentary on the issue, I refer you to the specific appendix
dossier on the trails of my Chimchar.
For an analysis of the real reasons behind this lie of '
greenhouse effect caused by CO2
reference to Article Next: the scam of global warming man and the revelations of a hacker
"Night Effect: The Great Buffalo!"
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