Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Chest Sit Pins Wrestling

AIDS in Africa: what truth

Today is World Day against HIV / AIDS


why I decided to dedicate a post to this question, focusing on the question of '

African AIDS


This article does not want to get involved in the dispute between the official theory sill 'AIDS (which sees him as a sexually transmitted infectious disease caused by virus' and HIV outbreak in Africa several decades ago because of contamination by "

monkey bite "a local person), a theory which sees it as a virus created in the laboratory for biological warfare, and then spread to Africa and the U.S. specifically contaminating the vaccine theory that denies the existence of the virus' HIV and considers the 'AIDS sindreome a fruit or the wild life of homosexuals and of same or toxic antiretroviral therapies (highly toxic). This is because, although I documented on all three theories, I still have many doubts matter, so for now I prefer "

not take sides
" in this article assume that the virus exists and is cause of 'AIDS (comuqnue but the story would change little even if iol virus does not exist), while with regard to its source (artificial or zoonoses passed to humans by accident) it is not particularly relevant for the purpose of the article.
When you turn on the TV channel " Rainews24 " (thematic channel RAI broadcasting TG and details / address books 24 hours a day, visible even at night without a decoder and early morning) I saw a few minutes of " special AIDS
(inevitable during the world day dedicated to 'AIDS) who spoke of a story now familiar to all: the AIDS problem in Africa with the usual figures mind-boggling about the dead and infected and the usual spiel about the fact that " we are all at risk ", "

must carry more condoms in Africa " " in Africa are dying of AIDS like flies are the worst affected women and children "," in Africa more than 5% of the population is HIV positive
serving more antivirals to sick children by not giving birth infected mothers "and the inevitable" need more money for aid to curb the epidemic " etc. .. But what is the real situation 's AIDS in Africa? To answer this we must first understand AS are diagnosed with AIDS in Africa . In Western countries, they say you have AIDS only if:

six result in positive HIV test (the test dovrebbea ; detect HIV antibodies in the blood of the subject is often repeated to avoid false positives and you pay attention to clinical situations as causing more frequent positive phases);

E - You have a '

opportunistic infection
"(ie a disease, sometimes non-infectious, which tends to occur in highly immunocompromised persons, but rare or absent in healthy immune subjects) eg. Kaposi's sarcoma, tuberculosis, pneumonia, candidiasis (there are 26 diseases classified as opportunist in AIDS cases found), etc..
E -
the number of your T lymphocytes (immune system cells that should be attacked by the virus' HIV) falls below a certain level .
In Africa, however, the World Health Organization (WHO), under the supervision of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention USA (CDC), has put together a " clinical case definition "of AIDS is completely different, very different in three crucial aspects:
need not be present one of the opportunistic diseases; -

the number of T cells is not counted;
- the test of 'HIV (the one that detects specific antibodies in the blood) is generally not performed or not is essential for the diagnosis (and if it is executed are not taken into account eventali clinical conditions that often give false positives).
This "redefinition
" was set up in 'October 1985 at a conference organized by the CDC, in Bangui, capital of Central African Republic . was drafted a document entitled " Seminar on AIDS in Central Africa
" (to read it, type " Bangui985report

"on a search engine) that explains in detail the medical conditions deemed sufficient to identify a case of AIDS in Africa.
The main problem of finding a uniquely diagnostic for the 'AIDS in Africa was due to the fact that there generally lack the facilities to do blood tests or at least there is little money to carry out the analysis massively, and then served as a " clinical definition
"simple and that it did not include analysis of how the HIV test, the CD4 cell count or viral load.
Given these limitations, participants at the end they found an agreement on how to count cases of AIDS in Africa (in fact, this definition was used to count the most likely to identify which patients to treat them one by one ..). were then identified four " symptoms more " associated with our 'full-blown AIDS in the Western world:
weight loss of 10% or greater;

prolonged weakness or lack of energy (asthenia);
- diarrhea persists for more than a month;
continuous or repeated bouts of fever for more than a month. In addition were identified " minor symptoms " most often, including:
- persistent cough for more than a month; -

herpes infection of chronic ulcers; -
swollen glands (called "
generalized adenopathy ).
generalized pruritic dermatosis;
- external influences pulmonary -
etc. .. The diagnosis was blown AIDS when they were found " at least three major symptom, a symptom associated with lower
" All here:
there was no mention of 'HIV ...

According criteria pursues the millions of Africans found themselves, by Overnight, people with AIDS. The definition was so broad that " virtually all patients of a hospital could be included African

" says Rian Malan.
Basically if you live in Congo and go to the doctor because you feel tired, you've had a recurrent fever for a few weeks associated with a persistent cough, the doctor is free to tell you that you have AIDS (without first excluding other diseases in Africa that can often give the same symptoms!) for a child is sufficient for the diagnosis of AIDS experience loss weight, diarrhea and cough, clearly without making 'other analysis or investigation to exclude other conditions in place to justify these symptoms.

The Africa was flooded with condoms
" As in the U.S. "emphasizes the relationship of Bangui, even in Africa" \u200b\u200b
sexual transmission is the major pathway for spread of AIDS

". Nessuna prova (studi scientifici di alcun tipo) veniva offerta a sostegno di questa affermazione. Si legge tuttavia che "
in assenza di trattamento o di vaccino" (è da quando è cominciata la faccenda AIDS che ci parlano di quanto sia vicino il vaccino o la cura definitiva, ma per ora si vedono solo antiretrovirali altamente tossici e dai pesantissimi effetti collaterali, che permettono al massimo di tenere a bada la malattia..però i proclami altisonanti aiutano a raccimolare donazioni per la ricerca), "(and the start of the massive export of condoms. Malthusian more useful to the purposes of birth control in African countries to ensure the health of the population. This is not to demonize the condom: so be it as a tool to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies, but it is undeniable that for
"l'educazione sanitaria indirizzata a cambiare i comportamenti sessuali rappresenta un essential means of controlling AIDS
Puppeteers one of the main purposes is the reduction population , African in particular). At the end of the document the media are literally arrualati to let the world know of the threat of 'AIDS in Africa (and nearly 26 years later still Persegati their " mission "as demonstrated for example Rainews24 ):" The media should be encouraged to play the role of education san ITAR (and " official disinformation

", as they always do), also provided training to staff journalistic " (read: indoctrination ). As agreed, as loyal servants of the regime, media reported (and still show) whatever the authorities (or " the Expert " shift) asks him to report, without making any personal search or verification of data from other sources. The photographs of emaciated Africans (an uncanny resemblance to western sick with full-blown AIDS) lying on the cots were broadcast to the world: pandemic of AIDS in Africa had begun on television and newspapers .. . The continent subshaariano was literally flooded with condoms, pamphlets and education on 'AIDS, and boats of money flowed from agencies around the world, or raised through charitable campaigns made or carried out by TV celebrities. too alarmist press flourished: it was expected a massacre in Africa that would have drastically reduced the population or even eliminated the entire population of some countries (in fact the African population has grown by 299 million people since 1985, official appearance of the deadly pandemic of AIDS in Africa). The TV presenter Oprah Winfrey told her audience that one in five would mortodi heterosexual AIDS in the 90s ...
Clearly, then (1985) as now the average citizen of the Western world knows nothing of the criteria for diagnosis 's AIDS in Africa, in fact they have never been reported in the newspapers it on television, so they are only available to those who read texts or journals to the more difficult parts, such as " Science " or for those going to comb through the publications of the WHO: it is always the same story as the "

science exoteric ", or disclosed to the masses, is very different from the "

" ovvero scritta da scienziati per scienziati su pubblicazioni specializzate non accessibili o incomprensibili ai più.
" qualsiasi bambino con UN genitore morto o MANCANTE) e non sospetta neppure che esse siano dovute all'inclusione come malati di AIDS di centinaia di migliaia di persone aventi malattie estremamente comuni in Africa come la tubercolosi o la malaria o forme di diarrea dovute all'acqua contaminata.
Ciò ha comportato il fatto che nei mass media (e quindi dalla popolazione) le cifre venissero interpretate e descritte come " number of patients infected with HIV or full blown AIDS "when the document instead of Bangui just wanted to give a possible way to count the sick without resorting to expensive tests, and a way to see a" trend " and not to give precise figures. But perhaps the mistake was not entirely" in good faith
", or at least in abundant 25 years no one wanted to give this remedy because "
error "helped to get more money (in fact it was very easy for the WHO or the CDC in over 25 years explained to reporters the criteria for the diagnosis of 'AIDS in Africa and explain that these criteria have not been created to give precise figures but only " trend " expansion pandemic , and I would add to that trend to greatly overestimate the actual cases) and to expand more policies population reduction in Africa. The redefinition of the criteria to diagnose AIDS in Africa also helped to make AIDS more easily explained as infectious disease, infectious diseases, in fact, make no distinction of sex or race then was quite inbarazzante that, for example in USA, most patients were male blacks and / or gay and / or alcohol. With the " redefinition of Bangui " in Africa the disease appears to complie both sexes equally, regardless of race or stli of life, just as you would expect from any disease infectious. pity that the diagnostic criteria " Bangui " not determinasserro who had AIDS, but who simply had a few of many common disease in Africa, causing weight loss, fatigue , diarrhea, cough, etc. ... Although the criteria for the diagnosis of 'African AIDS patient could be counted as even those who had malaria, tuberculosis or an intestinal infection from contaminated water (commonplace diseases in Africa) the figures were not yet high enough to alarm adequately the world and allow an increase of funds (and a social alarm) suitable:

in 1999 for example had been given to 'WHO 794mila a cumulative total of cases of AIDS throughout Africa, which when divided for individual countries and for the total population is not much of that (for example in Egypt it is estimated that 215 cases of AIDS in 17 years a total of 65 million people, an average per capita lower than U.S. then). .. Soon, however, was found to increase dramatically as the data
: vennero condotti test dell'HIV nelle cliniche prenatali di diversi paesi africani, particolarmente in Sudafrica. I numeri trovati come " positivi all' HIV

" in questi test vennero poi estrapolati per l'intero paese e quindi aggiunti ai casi di "
sorveglianza clinica
" (i casi decretati come AIDS conclamato in base ai principi di Bangui).

Con questo stratagemma si scoprì che il numero di africani che "
convivono con l'HIV "in 2000 (just to pick a year at random) had grown to 4.2 million.
The underlying problem in these cases rarely reported (especially the media) is that the test for HIV (which, remember should respond to specific HIV antibodies in the blood), respond to many other conditions in addition to 'HIV. Tests of the antibodies bind to certain proteins that are not specific antibodies against HIV, in particular, parasites that cause malaria confuse the test: Rian Malan reported a test published in a scientific journal in which it was added a special preparation that absorbed antibodies illness, then 80% of " HIV " disappeared like magic [Marlane R. " AIDS in Africa In Search Truth of the
", in" Rolling Stone , November 22, 2001]
The Director of 'A AIDS Peter Piot concedes that the immune systems of Africans are often " in a state of chronic active associate ad una cronica esposizione a virus e parassiti ". Negli esami svolti nei reparti di maternità in Sudafrica, un singolo test ELISA (Analisi dell'enzima collegato all'immunoassorbenza) viene considerato sufficiente per la conferma (della positività all' HIV). Tuttavia i Laboratori Abbott, produttori del Terst ELISA, avvisano che la gravidanza è una condizione clinica che può dare adito a frequenti falsi positivi
(" casualmente " gran parte dei test per l'HIV fatti in Africa sono effettuati proprio su donne incinte, con la scusa di cominciare una terapia antiretrovirale altamente tossica che dovrebbe preservare il feto dall' HIV, sempre che sopravviva alla terapia stessa...).
Oltre all'ELISA, anche il test " Western Blot ", spesso usato per " confermare "HIV infection, reacts with false positives in many clinical situations

- Influenza, - the Vacinazione,
- blood transfusions, -
Parasites, -
- malaria
- and dozens of other conditions that can lead to false positives.
In fact, in 1997 warnings Isere in Test HIV / ELISA
, produced by Abbott Laboratories, the world leader in HIV testing, contained this statement: " There are currently no recognized standard for establishing the presence or absence of antibodies to 'HIV-I in human blood
Nevertheless, the principale studio di sorveglianza sulla prevalenza dell'HIV in Sudafrica dipende da un singolo test ELISA eseguito su donne africane incinte, senza mai riconoscere che la gravidanza è "

una delle oltre settanta situazioni riconosciute capaci di dare falsi positivi
" [South Africa Department of Health, Summary Report: " 1998 National HIV Sero-Prevalence Survey of Women Attending Public Antenatal Clinics in South Africa " febbraio 1999. Citato in GESHEKTER C., MHLONGO S., and C. KOHNLEIN, AIDS, " Medicine and Public Health
," presentation at the 47th annual conference dell'Afrinan Studies Association, November 11, 2004] . The conditions that define AIDS in many Sub-Saharan Africa are caused by germs, not only from 'HIV. And also the other diseases caused by these germs produce a result " positive " to test for HIV. Giks Charles wrote in " British Medical Journal "that the persistent diarrhea with weight loss may be associated with" ordinary intestinal bacteria and parasites ", and the same is true for infections opportinistiche:
" in countries where the incidence of tuberculosis is high " (as indeed in Africa) "
a large number of people classified as suffering from AIDS may in fact not have AIDS . Giks concluded that the definition of Bangui (which the AIDS diagnosis on the basis of some combination of general non-specific symptoms) " is inherently useless and incorrect
" [Gilks \u200b\u200bC.," Use What Is a Clinical Case Definition for AIDS in Africa ", in" British Medical Journal
", No. 303, 1991, p. 1190] . In practice both the general symptoms are diagnosed with AIDS in Africa, is the way campaigns are conducted rare HIV test results in a flood of false positives: this can not be due solely to the incompetence of those who have decided that medical procedures, unless you think that WHO and CDC to unwittingly entrust a bunch of brainless idiots do medical knowledge for over 25 years! So I can conclude that since 1985 has been specially staged a campaign-style Psyop to convince the world that Africa is modendo because of 'AIDS, when on one hand, mortality is much lower than advertised, and most of the other deaths and no infections are caused by 'AIDS but from diseases endemic in Africa but curabilissime (tuberculosis, malaria, diarrhea etc.). clearly lay the blame on 'AIDS, a disease for which there is no real cure and for which there are only very expensive drugs, used one hand to an increase in funds and donations from the public, the other to import condoms for purposes depopulation passing them off as "
prevention of 'HIV
", also if we throw the blame on an incurable disease we can forget about the true (and treatable / solvable) causes of mortality in Africa: diseases such as malaria and tuberculosis (treatable with antibiotics and allowing the use of DDT), diarrhea (caused by the absence of aqueducts, which could very well built), and malnutrition and poverty, overcome by preventing foreign corporations from stealing the riches of 'schiavizzino Africa and its people in their factories (and more so that bloody regimes are no longer supported by the U.S. to encourage corporations and that wars are no longer stirred to sell weapons and make

decrease the population ). Unfortunately, as the true end of the Puppeteers is to
REDUCE THE POPULATION , especially in Africa, the farce of 'African AIDS will last for many years continuing to suck money and the governments that citizens of good-hearted but naive and continuing to let Africans die of malaria, diarrhea, tuberculosis, causing hunger and wars. In addition, the fallacious theory Anthropic Global Warming provide more reasons to rage against Africa.
--------------------------------- Bibliography: -

bales Newton, the whole truth about the lies of science

Author: Tom Bethel;

Publisher: Rubettino.
This book, written with a flowing style, nice connciso, but very informative and understandable " to the layman "is a series of questions much touted by the media and global hannoprodotto more often, when science is bent to political purposes.
The topics are divided into several chapters. They range from theory
Anthropic Global Warming

the banned DDT, cancer, etc. to cloning.
preface that this book I share some chapters and not to the extent total, also do not like the setting too close to the right of the author and his way of USA to suggest that the fault is all American Democrats: this is very myopic vision because the system does not look more broadly. But some chapters are done really well, interesting, news accompanied by references, in addition to any topic on which further recommended the books, unfortunately many of them published only in English. The chapter that I used for this article is No. 7: "
by @ lice (Beyond the Mirror)

..segui il ConiglioBianco!

http://aliceoltrelospecchio.blogspot.com ML:
Mail: aliceoltrelospecchio@gmail.com
"Greenhouse Effect: The Great Buffalo!" __________________________
Blog: http://effetto-serra.blogspot.com ML : http://groups.google.com/group/effetto-serra Email: effetto-serra@googlegroups.com

Chest Sit Pins Wrestling

AIDS in Africa: what truth

Today is World Day against HIV / AIDS


why I decided to dedicate a post to this question, focusing on the question of '

African AIDS


This article does not want to get involved in the dispute between the official theory sill 'AIDS (which sees him as a sexually transmitted infectious disease caused by virus' and HIV outbreak in Africa several decades ago because of contamination by "

monkey bite "a local person), a theory which sees it as a virus created in the laboratory for biological warfare, and then spread to Africa and the U.S. specifically contaminating the vaccine theory that denies the existence of the virus' HIV and considers the 'AIDS sindreome a fruit or the wild life of homosexuals and of same or toxic antiretroviral therapies (highly toxic). This is because, although I documented on all three theories, I still have many doubts matter, so for now I prefer "

not take sides
" in this article assume that the virus exists and is cause of 'AIDS (comuqnue but the story would change little even if iol virus does not exist), while with regard to its source (artificial or zoonoses passed to humans by accident) it is not particularly relevant for the purpose of the article.
When you turn on the TV channel " Rainews24 " (thematic channel RAI broadcasting TG and details / address books 24 hours a day, visible even at night without a decoder and early morning) I saw a few minutes of " special AIDS
(inevitable during the world day dedicated to 'AIDS) who spoke of a story now familiar to all: the AIDS problem in Africa with the usual figures mind-boggling about the dead and infected and the usual spiel about the fact that " we are all at risk ", "

must carry more condoms in Africa " " in Africa are dying of AIDS like flies are the worst affected women and children "," in Africa more than 5% of the population is HIV positive
serving more antivirals to sick children by not giving birth infected mothers "and the inevitable" need more money for aid to curb the epidemic " etc. .. But what is the real situation 's AIDS in Africa? To answer this we must first understand AS are diagnosed with AIDS in Africa . In Western countries, they say you have AIDS only if:

six result in positive HIV test (the test dovrebbea ; detect HIV antibodies in the blood of the subject is often repeated to avoid false positives and you pay attention to clinical situations as causing more frequent positive phases);

E - You have a '

opportunistic infection
"(ie a disease, sometimes non-infectious, which tends to occur in highly immunocompromised persons, but rare or absent in healthy immune subjects) eg. Kaposi's sarcoma, tuberculosis, pneumonia, candidiasis (there are 26 diseases classified as opportunist in AIDS cases found), etc..
E -
the number of your T lymphocytes (immune system cells that should be attacked by the virus' HIV) falls below a certain level .
In Africa, however, the World Health Organization (WHO), under the supervision of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention USA (CDC), has put together a " clinical case definition "of AIDS is completely different, very different in three crucial aspects:
need not be present one of the opportunistic diseases; -

the number of T cells is not counted;
- the test of 'HIV (the one that detects specific antibodies in the blood) is generally not performed or not is essential for the diagnosis (and if it is executed are not taken into account eventali clinical conditions that often give false positives).
This "redefinition
" was set up in 'October 1985 at a conference organized by the CDC, in Bangui, capital of Central African Republic . was drafted a document entitled " Seminar on AIDS in Central Africa
" (to read it, type " Bangui985report

"on a search engine) that explains in detail the medical conditions deemed sufficient to identify a case of AIDS in Africa.
The main problem of finding a uniquely diagnostic for the 'AIDS in Africa was due to the fact that there generally lack the facilities to do blood tests or at least there is little money to carry out the analysis massively, and then served as a " clinical definition
"simple and that it did not include analysis of how the HIV test, the CD4 cell count or viral load.
Given these limitations, participants at the end they found an agreement on how to count cases of AIDS in Africa (in fact, this definition was used to count the most likely to identify which patients to treat them one by one ..). were then identified four " symptoms more " associated with our 'full-blown AIDS in the Western world:
weight loss of 10% or greater;

prolonged weakness or lack of energy (asthenia);
- diarrhea persists for more than a month;
continuous or repeated bouts of fever for more than a month. In addition were identified " minor symptoms " most often, including:
- persistent cough for more than a month; -

herpes infection of chronic ulcers; -
swollen glands (called "
generalized adenopathy ).
generalized pruritic dermatosis;
- external influences pulmonary -
etc. .. The diagnosis was blown AIDS when they were found " at least three major symptom, a symptom associated with lower
" All here:
there was no mention of 'HIV ...

According criteria pursues the millions of Africans found themselves, by Overnight, people with AIDS. The definition was so broad that " virtually all patients of a hospital could be included African

" says Rian Malan.
Basically if you live in Congo and go to the doctor because you feel tired, you've had a recurrent fever for a few weeks associated with a persistent cough, the doctor is free to tell you that you have AIDS (without first excluding other diseases in Africa that can often give the same symptoms!) for a child is sufficient for the diagnosis of AIDS experience loss weight, diarrhea and cough, clearly without making 'other analysis or investigation to exclude other conditions in place to justify these symptoms.

The Africa was flooded with condoms
" As in the U.S. "emphasizes the relationship of Bangui, even in Africa" \u200b\u200b
sexual transmission is the major pathway for spread of AIDS

". Nessuna prova (studi scientifici di alcun tipo) veniva offerta a sostegno di questa affermazione. Si legge tuttavia che "
in assenza di trattamento o di vaccino" (è da quando è cominciata la faccenda AIDS che ci parlano di quanto sia vicino il vaccino o la cura definitiva, ma per ora si vedono solo antiretrovirali altamente tossici e dai pesantissimi effetti collaterali, che permettono al massimo di tenere a bada la malattia..però i proclami altisonanti aiutano a raccimolare donazioni per la ricerca), "(and the start of the massive export of condoms. Malthusian more useful to the purposes of birth control in African countries to ensure the health of the population. This is not to demonize the condom: so be it as a tool to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies, but it is undeniable that for
"l'educazione sanitaria indirizzata a cambiare i comportamenti sessuali rappresenta un essential means of controlling AIDS
Puppeteers one of the main purposes is the reduction population , African in particular). At the end of the document the media are literally arrualati to let the world know of the threat of 'AIDS in Africa (and nearly 26 years later still Persegati their " mission "as demonstrated for example Rainews24 ):" The media should be encouraged to play the role of education san ITAR (and " official disinformation

", as they always do), also provided training to staff journalistic " (read: indoctrination ). As agreed, as loyal servants of the regime, media reported (and still show) whatever the authorities (or " the Expert " shift) asks him to report, without making any personal search or verification of data from other sources. The photographs of emaciated Africans (an uncanny resemblance to western sick with full-blown AIDS) lying on the cots were broadcast to the world: pandemic of AIDS in Africa had begun on television and newspapers .. . The continent subshaariano was literally flooded with condoms, pamphlets and education on 'AIDS, and boats of money flowed from agencies around the world, or raised through charitable campaigns made or carried out by TV celebrities. too alarmist press flourished: it was expected a massacre in Africa that would have drastically reduced the population or even eliminated the entire population of some countries (in fact the African population has grown by 299 million people since 1985, official appearance of the deadly pandemic of AIDS in Africa). The TV presenter Oprah Winfrey told her audience that one in five would mortodi heterosexual AIDS in the 90s ...
Clearly, then (1985) as now the average citizen of the Western world knows nothing of the criteria for diagnosis 's AIDS in Africa, in fact they have never been reported in the newspapers it on television, so they are only available to those who read texts or journals to the more difficult parts, such as " Science " or for those going to comb through the publications of the WHO: it is always the same story as the "

science exoteric ", or disclosed to the masses, is very different from the "

" ovvero scritta da scienziati per scienziati su pubblicazioni specializzate non accessibili o incomprensibili ai più.
" qualsiasi bambino con UN genitore morto o MANCANTE) e non sospetta neppure che esse siano dovute all'inclusione come malati di AIDS di centinaia di migliaia di persone aventi malattie estremamente comuni in Africa come la tubercolosi o la malaria o forme di diarrea dovute all'acqua contaminata.
Ciò ha comportato il fatto che nei mass media (e quindi dalla popolazione) le cifre venissero interpretate e descritte come " number of patients infected with HIV or full blown AIDS "when the document instead of Bangui just wanted to give a possible way to count the sick without resorting to expensive tests, and a way to see a" trend " and not to give precise figures. But perhaps the mistake was not entirely" in good faith
", or at least in abundant 25 years no one wanted to give this remedy because "
error "helped to get more money (in fact it was very easy for the WHO or the CDC in over 25 years explained to reporters the criteria for the diagnosis of 'AIDS in Africa and explain that these criteria have not been created to give precise figures but only " trend " expansion pandemic , and I would add to that trend to greatly overestimate the actual cases) and to expand more policies population reduction in Africa. The redefinition of the criteria to diagnose AIDS in Africa also helped to make AIDS more easily explained as infectious disease, infectious diseases, in fact, make no distinction of sex or race then was quite inbarazzante that, for example in USA, most patients were male blacks and / or gay and / or alcohol. With the " redefinition of Bangui " in Africa the disease appears to complie both sexes equally, regardless of race or stli of life, just as you would expect from any disease infectious. pity that the diagnostic criteria " Bangui " not determinasserro who had AIDS, but who simply had a few of many common disease in Africa, causing weight loss, fatigue , diarrhea, cough, etc. ... Although the criteria for the diagnosis of 'African AIDS patient could be counted as even those who had malaria, tuberculosis or an intestinal infection from contaminated water (commonplace diseases in Africa) the figures were not yet high enough to alarm adequately the world and allow an increase of funds (and a social alarm) suitable:

in 1999 for example had been given to 'WHO 794mila a cumulative total of cases of AIDS throughout Africa, which when divided for individual countries and for the total population is not much of that (for example in Egypt it is estimated that 215 cases of AIDS in 17 years a total of 65 million people, an average per capita lower than U.S. then). .. Soon, however, was found to increase dramatically as the data
: vennero condotti test dell'HIV nelle cliniche prenatali di diversi paesi africani, particolarmente in Sudafrica. I numeri trovati come " positivi all' HIV

" in questi test vennero poi estrapolati per l'intero paese e quindi aggiunti ai casi di "
sorveglianza clinica
" (i casi decretati come AIDS conclamato in base ai principi di Bangui).

Con questo stratagemma si scoprì che il numero di africani che "
convivono con l'HIV "in 2000 (just to pick a year at random) had grown to 4.2 million.
The underlying problem in these cases rarely reported (especially the media) is that the test for HIV (which, remember should respond to specific HIV antibodies in the blood), respond to many other conditions in addition to 'HIV. Tests of the antibodies bind to certain proteins that are not specific antibodies against HIV, in particular, parasites that cause malaria confuse the test: Rian Malan reported a test published in a scientific journal in which it was added a special preparation that absorbed antibodies illness, then 80% of " HIV " disappeared like magic [Marlane R. " AIDS in Africa In Search Truth of the
", in" Rolling Stone , November 22, 2001]
The Director of 'A AIDS Peter Piot concedes that the immune systems of Africans are often " in a state of chronic active associate ad una cronica esposizione a virus e parassiti ". Negli esami svolti nei reparti di maternità in Sudafrica, un singolo test ELISA (Analisi dell'enzima collegato all'immunoassorbenza) viene considerato sufficiente per la conferma (della positività all' HIV). Tuttavia i Laboratori Abbott, produttori del Terst ELISA, avvisano che la gravidanza è una condizione clinica che può dare adito a frequenti falsi positivi
(" casualmente " gran parte dei test per l'HIV fatti in Africa sono effettuati proprio su donne incinte, con la scusa di cominciare una terapia antiretrovirale altamente tossica che dovrebbe preservare il feto dall' HIV, sempre che sopravviva alla terapia stessa...).
Oltre all'ELISA, anche il test " Western Blot ", spesso usato per " confermare "HIV infection, reacts with false positives in many clinical situations

- Influenza, - the Vacinazione,
- blood transfusions, -
Parasites, -
- malaria
- and dozens of other conditions that can lead to false positives.
In fact, in 1997 warnings Isere in Test HIV / ELISA
, produced by Abbott Laboratories, the world leader in HIV testing, contained this statement: " There are currently no recognized standard for establishing the presence or absence of antibodies to 'HIV-I in human blood
Nevertheless, the principale studio di sorveglianza sulla prevalenza dell'HIV in Sudafrica dipende da un singolo test ELISA eseguito su donne africane incinte, senza mai riconoscere che la gravidanza è "

una delle oltre settanta situazioni riconosciute capaci di dare falsi positivi
" [South Africa Department of Health, Summary Report: " 1998 National HIV Sero-Prevalence Survey of Women Attending Public Antenatal Clinics in South Africa " febbraio 1999. Citato in GESHEKTER C., MHLONGO S., and C. KOHNLEIN, AIDS, " Medicine and Public Health
," presentation at the 47th annual conference dell'Afrinan Studies Association, November 11, 2004] . The conditions that define AIDS in many Sub-Saharan Africa are caused by germs, not only from 'HIV. And also the other diseases caused by these germs produce a result " positive " to test for HIV. Giks Charles wrote in " British Medical Journal "that the persistent diarrhea with weight loss may be associated with" ordinary intestinal bacteria and parasites ", and the same is true for infections opportinistiche:
" in countries where the incidence of tuberculosis is high " (as indeed in Africa) "
a large number of people classified as suffering from AIDS may in fact not have AIDS . Giks concluded that the definition of Bangui (which the AIDS diagnosis on the basis of some combination of general non-specific symptoms) " is inherently useless and incorrect
" [Gilks \u200b\u200bC.," Use What Is a Clinical Case Definition for AIDS in Africa ", in" British Medical Journal
", No. 303, 1991, p. 1190] . In practice both the general symptoms are diagnosed with AIDS in Africa, is the way campaigns are conducted rare HIV test results in a flood of false positives: this can not be due solely to the incompetence of those who have decided that medical procedures, unless you think that WHO and CDC to unwittingly entrust a bunch of brainless idiots do medical knowledge for over 25 years! So I can conclude that since 1985 has been specially staged a campaign-style Psyop to convince the world that Africa is modendo because of 'AIDS, when on one hand, mortality is much lower than advertised, and most of the other deaths and no infections are caused by 'AIDS but from diseases endemic in Africa but curabilissime (tuberculosis, malaria, diarrhea etc.). clearly lay the blame on 'AIDS, a disease for which there is no real cure and for which there are only very expensive drugs, used one hand to an increase in funds and donations from the public, the other to import condoms for purposes depopulation passing them off as "
prevention of 'HIV
", also if we throw the blame on an incurable disease we can forget about the true (and treatable / solvable) causes of mortality in Africa: diseases such as malaria and tuberculosis (treatable with antibiotics and allowing the use of DDT), diarrhea (caused by the absence of aqueducts, which could very well built), and malnutrition and poverty, overcome by preventing foreign corporations from stealing the riches of 'schiavizzino Africa and its people in their factories (and more so that bloody regimes are no longer supported by the U.S. to encourage corporations and that wars are no longer stirred to sell weapons and make

decrease the population ). Unfortunately, as the true end of the Puppeteers is to
REDUCE THE POPULATION , especially in Africa, the farce of 'African AIDS will last for many years continuing to suck money and the governments that citizens of good-hearted but naive and continuing to let Africans die of malaria, diarrhea, tuberculosis, causing hunger and wars. In addition, the fallacious theory Anthropic Global Warming provide more reasons to rage against Africa.
--------------------------------- Bibliography: -

bales Newton, the whole truth about the lies of science

Author: Tom Bethel;

Publisher: Rubettino.
This book, written with a flowing style, nice connciso, but very informative and understandable " to the layman "is a series of questions much touted by the media and global hannoprodotto more often, when science is bent to political purposes.
The topics are divided into several chapters. They range from theory
Anthropic Global Warming

the banned DDT, cancer, etc. to cloning.
preface that this book I share some chapters and not to the extent total, also do not like the setting too close to the right of the author and his way of USA to suggest that the fault is all American Democrats: this is very myopic vision because the system does not look more broadly. But some chapters are done really well, interesting, news accompanied by references, in addition to any topic on which further recommended the books, unfortunately many of them published only in English. The chapter that I used for this article is No. 7: "
by @ lice (Beyond the Mirror)

..segui il ConiglioBianco!

http://aliceoltrelospecchio.blogspot.com ML:
Mail: aliceoltrelospecchio@gmail.com
"Greenhouse Effect: The Great Buffalo!" __________________________
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