Of all the comments I read in these days of "big" win "our" president what surprised me most was the Cardinal Bagnasco, president of the CEI as well as Archbishop of Genoa. "The Italians are willing to governance to have a stable ride, a government strong. And the vote two days ago confirmed this concept "
I wonder when a good reprimand to this" our "president pimp, abusive, selfish, divorce and a liar. Or the promises made in order not to pay ' Ici to charities and funding to private schools are to turn their heads away and plug the nose to smell the awful dirt (and I do not mean junk) that lingers in some quarters.
But Cardinal Bagnasco know that "our", supported by his whole gang, has been thinking only and exclusively to his problems? knows that there is a multitude of people, Christians who fail to land the classic meet?. And then ... Instead of praising certain choices erga against this dishonesty and thunder against the man who made only his person only a myth. This braggart who thinks god on earth would anyone really need to do it back humble, but you know, with the power that "our" has already bought the Paradise and I'm sure some people will promise also to certain people.
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