In the Bible there is an episode in which a stick turns into a snake ...
.. and in the modern climatology is an episode in which a famous and Hockey Stick also turns into a snake ...
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Moses transforms a stick into a snake before Pharaoh ... |
The Hockey Stick, or rather the Hockey Stick graph in global average temperatures of the last millennium is the modern symbol of guilt and the "original sin "
us humans to produce extra CO2 we are guilty even when we breathe. Our very life is a sin that devastates the Eden, sorry, Gaia the Earth Mother ...
In fact, according to the Theory of Anthropic Global Warming (AGW), our CO2 emissions largely due to industrial development, transport and energy production are causing abnormal Greenhouse Effect that raises the temperature of the earth by melt glaciers and polar ice caps , causing a dangerous rise in sea (etc etc), and determining an actual " Climate Destruction" (as renamed from wire- eugenics Holdren first science adviser to Obama fanatic and drastic solutions to the overpopulation since the 70s). This Global Warming will cause all sorts of apocalyptic disaster ... a novella divine punishment for our sins abominable!
sin ... that the " centerpiece" of the theory (or at least what is more grip on the audience during the operations of media propaganda ) is the Hockey Stick graph of temperatures ... which proved to be absolutely false , as admitted even his own inventors (but not Media most popular and propagandists like Al Gore or our Mario Tozzi).
fact that graph does not account for changes in temperature occurred cyclically in the last millennium (as before) such as hot weather (and very prosperous for humans and nature) of 'Optimum Romano "or" Medieval Warm ", or the cold period (very recent, being finished in about 1850) of the" Little Ice Age .
The hockey stick graph simply does not take into account such data flattening the first part of the curve to make it appear that the slight rise in temperature over the last 100 years is an exceptional occurrence, but if you look at a chart produced taking into account such periods of hot and cold you will notice that it no longer the shape of a hockey stick and that today's slight increase in average temperatures is anything but exceptional. Then I saw that in Roman times it in the Middle Ages there SUV and coal plants that chart wipes out the connection between anthropogenic CO2 and temperature rise giving a beating to " riscaldazionisti scientists."
Below an article about this topic:
One bat deformed
of Vincenzo Zappalà
Original Link:
Originally published April 24, 2010
The famous graph called "hockey stick" because of its shape reminiscent of the sports equipment was used for a long time to show that the temperature of the planet had grown up in an unusual way and terrifying in the industrial era. The scientific criticisms that were raised had now been put under the carpet for a long time, until not even the fathers of the "club" were able to protect their masterpiece, ... slightly (slightly?) scam. It published the denial. But our media do not spin doctors. They continue undaunted ...
Remember the famous "hockey stick " used by Al Gore and the IPCC (International Panel for Climate Change) as key evidence to show the world the tragic and shocking temperature rise in the industrial era? It described the evolution temperature versus time, starting in 1000, and showed clearly that he had never seen something so violent, concluded that the chart was the most important evidence to demonstrate the human sin (the terrible CO2 emissions) of this monstrous and never observed warming (Fig. 1) .
Figure 1. The famous hockey stick adopted by the IPCC and Al Gore as a key piece of evidence to show la anomala salita della temperatura nell’era industriale.
Questa prova, insieme ad altre dello stesso genere ma meno evidenti, avevano fatto acclamare il suddetto Al Gore e l’IPCC come salvatori della Terra moribonda e gli era stato consegnato, tra gli applausi commossi del mondo, il premio Nobel per la Pace. A poco era servita la confutazione di parecchi famosi climatologi che avevano dimostrato con dati alla mano che la “mazza da hockey” era non solo errata, ma soprattutto falsificata mediante una scelta molto personale e allegra dei dati utilizzati dall’IPCC. Su articoli già published on these pages, I made this new research about it and as it should "become" the litmus test. Certainly no longer had the shape of a hockey stick but is it more like a snake in the middle of physical activity! His real point was to be that of Figure 2.
Figure 2. How becomes the "hockey stick" whereas the real scientific data now public domain.
However, the IPCC and the governments of the world pretended not to hear and see and not the global warming hoax has been spreading out and spending money in international conferences that had failed even before begin. Their true purpose was not to save the Earth (which is fine, as he showed us the volcano and earthquakes in recent times), but to boycott the poorest countries and financial divide the cake between the chosen few. Meanwhile, there was always the CO2 monster to frighten the good sense to just ...
The media, especially the Italian ones, si sono scatenati nella loro opera di “convincimento“ (attenzione, non DIVULGAZIONE!) per appiattire le menti e non far sapere come si stava sgretolando scientificamente la falsa scienza dell’IPCC. All’estero hanno cominciato ad aprire gli occhi, quando le varie previsioni catastrofistiche sui ghiacciai dell’Himalaya sono state smascherate, e così lo scioglimento dell’artico e via dicendo. Ma da noi no. Imperterriti i “tuttologi” televisivi alla Mercalli, Tozzi e magari anche Jakob, ecc., continuavano a ripetere le solite litanie e a puntare il dito contro l’uomo e la sua degna amica anidride carbonica. Ci ripetevano e ci ripetono che tutto il ghiaccio si sta sciogliendo, che mai vi è stato a heat so intense that the sea level is now at the level of the windows of the house, which each winter is less cold than the previous one (ask my poor plants ...) and other such nonsense. None of them had ever seen Fig. 2? Maybe yes, because in reality between these spin doctors there is not even a climatologist. And other advisers? The same Piero Angela & "son" talk of Romans and other ancient stories interesting but GW shut up and fly!
These days, however, has reached a point that can hardly be hidden. The same authors of the "hockey stick" published un lavoro in cui distruggono la loro stessa opera. No, non era vero che vi era quell’andamento così piatto… Hanno tranquillamente accettato che sì, in realtà, come avevano detto altri ormai da anni, il periodo medioevale era stato anche più caldo di quello odierno. E lo stesso era successo durante l’impero romano… ma, ma, la colpa era de “El Nino” e non della CO2… ovviamente, e magari anche del Sole… Oggi invece è diverso. E perché mai? Beh… non possiamo pretendere un “mea culpa” totale, ma la verità è finalmente venuta a galla.
La scienza vera è uscita allo scoperto It has been accepted even by those who had tried to falsify it. Yes, dear friends. Because the fact remains that the authors of the hockey stick had created falsifying data, without making changes when the first serious climate scientists had demonstrated its inaccuracy. If they were in good faith ....
Ok, everything resolved and clarified. Abroad think so. But we? Only yesterday I heard about GW and its effects: nothing has changed. We must continue to be cheated by the media without having to know. The spin doctors, but I would call more willingly, "the convincitori hired", they continue their terrorist operations. Not we're up to it. Indeed, the "convincitori" will tread more hands for fear of miss some piece of their media theater.
Luckily there has just been the day of the Earth and you are pure of spirit and mind trying to save it with their lies.
What I have said can be analyzed in detail here:
- / 852-medieval-period-as-warm-warm-as-today-and-global.html
e l’articolo dei creatori della mazza da hockey, qui:
Ma i nostri grandi esperti televisivi li leggeranno mai e si degneranno di spiegarceli?
"Effetto Serra: la Grande Bufala!"
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