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Saturday, November 27, 2010
Eugenics and Environmentalism: From quality control to quantity control
of Daniel Taylor
Eugenics has faded with time, and this pseudo-science has been transformed and disguised under new auspices?
Some of the original proponents of efforts to control the population were themselves eugenicists? How and when passed by eugenicists Galton era ideals to Malthusian population control? The history of eugenics is incredibly large and detailed, but there are some issues that do not receive the same attention as others. This article attempts to answer these questions and provides a broader perspective on these important issues.
Some of the original proponents of efforts to control the population were themselves eugenicists? How and when passed by eugenicists Galton era ideals to Malthusian population control? The history of eugenics is incredibly large and detailed, but there are some issues that do not receive the same attention as others. This article attempts to answer these questions and provides a broader perspective on these important issues.
From quality control to quantity control
The Rockefellers and Osborns Frederick Henry Osborn (1889-1981)
A ' important clarification to be done when dealing with these issues is that the same families that had previously funded and popularized eugenics in America before the Second World War, in the post World War II shifted their resources and their funding towards the promotion reduction and population control. Several prominent families were responsible for funding and promotion of eugenics in America, namely the Rockefeller family, Carnegie, Harriman, and Osborn. Two families, the Rockefellers and the Osborns, were particularly significant. John D. Rockefeller Sr. contributed a great deal of money to build the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in the early '900, which housed the Eugenics Records Office 1910 to 1944. The Rockefeller influence also spread abroad in Germany, where he resided the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Psychiatry and the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Eugenics, Anthropology and Human Heredity. Much of the money used to run these facilities came from Rockefeller. [5] These istituti divennero i centri dei programmi eugenetici nazisti durante il regno di Adolf Hitler. L'influenza della famiglia Rockefeller proseguì nel 1945 quando John D. Rockefeller Jr. donò il terreno sul quale posavano le Nazioni Unite a New York City. L'ONU svolse un ruolo importante nel controllo della popolazione, un argomento che sarà coperto tra breve. Guarda il video sotto (in inglese) per vedere l'ex sindaco di New York Rudolf Giuliani che introduce un breve documentario riguardante l'influenza di Rockefeller nella fondazione delle Nazioni Unite.
" The Roots of the UN ![]() |
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In 1952, John D. Rockefeller III, the eldest son of Rockefeller Jr., founded the Population Council. The organization's stated goal was to find "... a better understanding of issues relating to population." [6] The first president of the Board was Frederick Henry Osborn, who was appointed by John D. Rockefeller himself. Osborn was a leading eugenics who helped found the American Eugenics Society (SAE), now called the Society for the Study of Social Biology. Osborn led the SAE from 1946 to 1953, when he began to place greater emphasis on the control of population, marking the shift of the post World War II eugenicists. [7] Osborn, in his book The Future of Human Heredity, wrote that "the aims of eugenics are more likely to be achieved under a different name other than eugenics." The grandson of Frederick Henry Osborn, Henry Fairfield Osborn, he carried the flag of population control. His book Our Plundered Planet, 1948 covering many of the issues that have concerned environmentalists today. Osborn stated in the book that overpopulation will destroy the planet and that drastic measures must be taken to limit population growth. He lingered a moment to reflect on the nature of the wild scheme proposed by him, but maintained that it had to be done. He writes:
"Of course, as we all know, these are days of great importance and can be made of many things to control population growth, including the use of atomic bombs in a devastating new war. It 'difficult to calibrate your mind to the possibility that the ongoing negotiations between nations may fail to prevent such a savage refusal to human existence and the fact that the problem of population pressure on the rise - perhaps the greatest problem facing today humanity - can not be resolved in a way that is consistent with humanity. "[8]
Steven C. Rockefeller, a member of the fourth generation of the family, was left to devote to family history of philanthropy and the promotion of population control. He played a central role in writing the Earth Charter of the United Nations and chaired the International Commission of Editors of the Earth Charter from 1997 to 2000. He is a member of the Commission of the Earth Charter [9]. Echoing the writings of past Osborn and others, in an interview at Tilburg University in Holland, he said:
"Thirdly, the Earth Charter recognizes that the dramatic increase in human population is putting great pressure on the resilience of systems that has overburdened ecological and the economic and social systems. "[10] The same Steven C. Rockefeller, a member of the fourth generation of the family, was left to devote to family history of philanthropy and the promotion of population control. He played a central role in writing the Earth Charter of the United Nations and chaired the International Commission of Editors of the Earth Charter from 1997 to 2000. He is a member of the Commission of the Earth Charter [9]. Echoing the writings of past Osborn and others, in an interview at Tilburg University in Holland, he said:
Earth Charter states:" The unprecedented increase in human population has overburdened ecological and social systems. The foundations of global security are threatened. These trends are perilous-but not inevitable. "
Other involvements mutation in the post World War II

Before examining recent examples of how is financed and carried out the reduction of the population, you can visit other prominent figures who have played an important role in this step dall'eugenetica population control. Frank Notestein was one of the most important people that made possible the study of population as an institutional practice. His biography summarizes his many affiliations, including the American Eugenics Society.
"He was a member of the American Eugenics Society, the American Philosophical Society, the Council on Foreign Relations, International Institute of Statistics, the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, Population Association of American e della Century Association."[11]Notestein fu anche presidente del Population Council di John D. Rockefeller dopo le dimissioni di Frederick Osborn. Egli fu anche il primo direttore del Compartimento della Popolazione delle Nazioni Unite dal 1946 al 1948. In un documento scritto da Notenstein nel 1969, intitolato The Problem of Population Control , egli delineava una strategia volta a spopolare delle popolazioni prese come bersaglio. Notestein ammetteva che la modernizzazione economica avrebbe "...condotto automaticamente verso il basso il tasso di natalità." Tuttavia egli proseguiva affermando che dovevano essere adottate misure più drastiche, perché a suo avviso questo metodo non sarebbe stato abbastanza fast. He writes:
"Given existing preferences on family size, governments must go beyond voluntary family planning. To achieve zero rate of population growth, governments must do more than persuade, will compel them."
"... impose drastic changes on a larger scale involves many risks, even for the regime that undertakes them. The price for this kind of population control could be the establishment of a totalitarian regime." [12]
Another individual, Guy Irving Burch, who wrote for the Birth Control Review, Margaret Sanger, who also played a key role. Burch's book of 1947 Human Breeding and Survival unisce sia le idee eugenetiche che quelle del controllo della popolazione. Egli scrive:
"Emerge che quello che le Nazioni Unite necessitano di fare sia quello di raccomandare a tutte le nazioni l'adozione di leggi effetti portino alla sterilizzazione di tutte le persone che sono inadeguate, sia biologicamente che socialmente, e di incoraggiare la sterilizzazione volontaria delle persone normali che hanno avuto la loro quota di figli."
On November 4, 1996, Vaccine Weekly newsletter published an article entitled" Study Suggests Women Were Injected with Contaminated Tetanus Vaccine (Studies suggest that women were injected with a contaminated vaccine for tetanus). The article describes a study that was conducted by the Philippine Medical Association to the discovery of hCG in vaccines for tetanus. While the 'branded items because the vaccine "contaminated" by the Rockefeller-funded research cited above indicates that this is not a case of contamination. As reported in the article:
Thailand is full of stories of abortions and sterilization. According to the local population Akha pregnant women are forced to receive a tetanus vaccine in order to obtain ID cards for their children. The vaccine often results in violent abortions. In the video below Matthew McDaniel, a human rights activist who has worked with the Akha people of Thailand, speaks with two women Akha Forced vaccine for tetanus and the resulting abortions.
"... impose drastic changes on a larger scale involves many risks, even for the regime that undertakes them. The price for this kind of population control could be the establishment of a totalitarian regime." [12]
Another individual, Guy Irving Burch, who wrote for the Birth Control Review, Margaret Sanger, who also played a key role. Burch's book of 1947 Human Breeding and Survival unisce sia le idee eugenetiche che quelle del controllo della popolazione. Egli scrive:
Burch definiva i piani di incoraggiamento degli "obiettivi di pace" e degli obiettivi di sicurezza nazionale attraverso il controllo della popolazione. Simili argomentazioni e proposte furono fatte nel National Security Study 200 Memorandum to Henry Kissinger in 1974, which was influenced by the Royal Commission on Population 1944. Burch says that "... if we are willing to continue to focus on undesirable parentage ... then sterilization can play a pretty big part in achieving the objectives of peace ..." Richard C. Reardon writes for Burch in his work in progress Eugenics Connection ![]() | "Galton's ideas were becoming unpopular, so the ideas needed to be highlighted Malthus. If the public could be led to believe in the necessity of controlling the quantity, esso poteva ancora accettare la sua logica estensione - il controllo della qualità. Così, nel 1940, mentre prestava servizio come direttore del suo Population Bulletin, Burch contribuì a fondare un'altra organizzazione di facciata degli eugenetisti sulla "popolazione" - la Population Association of America."[13]
Operazioni di riduzione della popolazione oggi |
Nel 1989 fu condotta una ricerca dall'Istituto Nazionale di Immunologia (NII) di Nuova Delhi in India sull'uso di "carriers", come la Tetanus toxin and diphtheria, to bypass the immune system and release the female hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). The research paper was brought to Oxford University Press in 1990 and was titled "Bypass by an alternate 'carrier' of Acquired unresponsiveness to hCG upon repeated immunization with Tetanus-conjugated vaccine. " [1] While hCG is necessary to maintain pregnancy, the injection of hCG linked to tetanus toxin triggers an autoimmune response, thereby causing sterilization. The NII research cited above used four women as test subjects that had been surgically sterilized before the experiment - and found multiple doses were necessary carrier of the vaccine against tetanus toxin hCG to obtain the desired results. The research also discovered that it was used as a reference as an alternative carrier in combination with diphtheria, tetanus, sterilization vaccine was much more effective. The Rockefeller Foundation and the Population Council are listed in the document as research funders. Henry Kissinger, National Security Memorandum 200 in 1974, cites "Injectable contraceptives for women" as a possible method of reduction and population control. The depopulation, as indicated in the document, should be pursued because it would be "... in the economic interests of the United States."
"Wherever there is a decrease in ... population pressure may increase the prospects for stability, population policy becomes relevant to the provision of resources and the economic interests of the United States. "
On November 4, 1996, Vaccine Weekly newsletter published an article entitled" Study Suggests Women Were Injected with Contaminated Tetanus Vaccine (Studies suggest that women were injected with a contaminated vaccine for tetanus). The article describes a study that was conducted by the Philippine Medical Association to the discovery of hCG in vaccines for tetanus. While the 'branded items because the vaccine "contaminated" by the Rockefeller-funded research cited above indicates that this is not a case of contamination. As reported in the article:
"Women of the Philippines and perhaps elsewhere were surreptitiously used as guinea pigs in an international anti-fertility campaign? A medical study suggests that the Philippines could have happened. According to Human Life International, a study conducted by the Philippines Medical Association on behalf of the Philippine Department of Health revealed that almost 20% of samples of tetanus vaccine was positive for the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Vaccines containing the hormone immunize women not only against tetanus but also against pregnancy, causing the body's immune system to attack the hormone needed to complete pregnancy. "[2]
Thailand is full of stories of abortions and sterilization. According to the local population Akha pregnant women are forced to receive a tetanus vaccine in order to obtain ID cards for their children. The vaccine often results in violent abortions. In the video below Matthew McDaniel, a human rights activist who has worked with the Akha people of Thailand, speaks with two women Akha Forced vaccine for tetanus and the resulting abortions.
Youtube Movie: "

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The current world attention on global warming leads to a different view on the operations of today's population control. China has boasted that its family planning policies have reduced their carbon dioxide emissions by 1.3 billion tonnes, cutting its impact on the alleged global warming to human matrix [3]. "Having children is bad for the planet and the parents of more than two children should be charged a tax of birth and an annual fee to offset the" greenhouse gases "that will be responsible their child for the duration of his life. At the same time, those who use and prescribe contraceptives and sterilization procedures should earn tax relief for these services in contrast to the greenhouse effect 'that help to keep down the size of the population' " [6].
In a 1994 presentation before the Business Council of Nations United, David Rockefeller, son of John D. Rockefeller Jr., took time to talk of over-population as a threat to the environment. Rockefeller said that "... the unbridled economic growth is a further threat to our environment." Watch the Rockefeller (in English):
Youtube Movie:
David Rockefeller speaks about population control "
Link Movie:
Quello che avete letto qui è una raccolta di alcuni dei punti importanti di un'ampia storia. Il controllo della popolazione di oggi - e il corrispondente movimento ambientalista - è nato dal passaggio, dopo il secondo dopoguerra, dall'eugenetica ai programmi Malthusiani. La linea che collega gli eugenetisti al controllo della popolazione è certa. La riduzione population is used as a weapon of war against elite competition, as an assurance of continued domination.
From quality control to quantity control
[1] Law of the People's Republic of China on Maternal and Infant Health Care.
[2] Reardon, David C. The Eugenics Connection: Shapers of Humanity
. Available in PDF
[3] Ibid. [4] "We're all doomed! 40 years from global catastrophe - and there's NOTHING we can do about it, says climate change expert"
Daily Mail. By Sarah Sands .
March 22, 2008. Available
[5] "The horrifying roots of Nazi Eugenics" History News Network. By Edwin Black. Nov. 24, 2003. Available
[6] Population Council FAQ. [7] Wikipedia. American Eugenics Society.
[8] Osborn, Fairfield. Our Plundered Planet . Little Brown and Company, Boston; 1st edition, 1948. p. 41. [9] Rockefeller Brothers Fund. Steven C. Rockefeller.
[10] Steven Rockefeller: The Earth Charter. Interview by Patricia Morales.
[11] Princeton University Library. Frank W. Notestein.
[12] Ed Hauser, Philip Morris. The Population Dilemma.
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 1969. pages 145 to 166
[13] Ibid. 2.
operations to reduce the population today
[1] A copy of this document can be Obtained at the Oxford Journal website here:
[2] "Study Suggests Women Were Injected with Contaminated Tetanus Vaccine"
Vaccine Weekly.
Nov. 4, 1996.
[3] "'One-child' policy aids climate change battle: China" AFP. March 11, 2008. Available
[4] "Chinese To Make RU-486 For U.S." Washington Post. By Philip P. Pan. October 11, 2000. Available
[5] "Ted Turner Pushes One-Child Policy In PBS Interview".
NewsBusters. By Tim Graham. April 5, 2008. Available here [6] "'Tax Parents for Children's Carbon Emissions'".
By Patrick Goodenough. December 10, 2007. Available here
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