Saturday, December 4, 2010

Sam's Titanware Cookware

Climategate: a year later (from NWO-truthresearch)

Original Link (translated into Italian by NWO-
truthresearch ):

Link articolo originale (IN INGLESE):


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Climategate, a year after

Climategate The scandal has been almost completely forgotten from large corporate media, and was thrown into the black hole of history, that severely compromises the interests of the elite around the world. It 'amazing to see how, in our country, ordinary people, but also students in science, it does not then know virtually nothing! This shows how effective the work of propaganda and manipulation in our "free" Western societies. At primary school, Western man is indoctrinated in a completely uncritical to the new "truth" about global warming caused by anthropogenic CO2. Unlike the past millennia to dominate where a priestly caste that was si diceva depositaria della verità e dell'infallibilità, adesso i nuovi oracoli infallibili sono gli scienziati appartenenti a istituti dai nomi altisonanti come l' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC); questi istituti si autoinnalzano come i depositari della conoscenza ultima e chi dissente da loro viene tacciato di eresia e condannato. I rapporti pubblicati da questa istituzione sono le nuove Bibbie dogmatiche scritte in un linguaggio tecnicistico incomprensibile ai più, come le Bibbia cristiana era un tempo inacessibile al popolo analfabeta. Seguendo l'imprinting della religione, il nuovo “peccato originale” annunciato in queste Bibbie è la CO2, che ogni uomo, fin dalla sua nascita, produce “inquinando” Gaia, la Madre Terra. Il fuoco dell'Inferno si tramuta così nelle fiamme del catastrofico Riscaldamento Globale causato dai “peccatori” che producono CO2. Come i sacerdoti iniziati, gli scienziati-stregoni divulgano una conoscenza “ essoterica ” alle masse per controllarle, ma possiedono una conoscenza “ esoterica ” interna a loro che svela il reale significato delle cose. Nel caso del riscaldamento globale la conoscenza “ essoterica ” è quella della favola della natura antropica del riscaldamento globale, con apparente unanimità nei pareri e nelle ricerche; la conoscenza “esoterica” invece è il fatto che tutto ciò è una balla of galactic proportions, where unanimity of views on anthropogenic global warming does not exist and where the IPCC has clearly rigged data to prove false, but that the masses do not have to tell the tale because of global warming need plans Domain elite. James Corbett's article published in the scandal Climategate takes stock after one year. Please think about it and if you are teachers or students try to take this issue as a debate at your school in order to break the wall of secrecy that still surrounds this topic.
of James Corbett

November 19, 2010



video link:

This week marks the first anniversary of the release emails and documents from the Climatic Research Unit, what we know today as Climategate. Sitting here a year later, it is becoming difficult to remember the importance of such release of information or information which have actually been issued. Many were introduced to the scandal only through comments in the blogosphere and many others have come to know only weeks later, after the establishment media had the opportunity to assess the damage and maximize the story that would help to reassure his audience that it was something important just happened. Very few have actually taken the trouble to read email and documents. Few have sailed between the file "Read Me
Harry," a troubled notes electronic programmer trying to make sense of the databases of the CRU. They have never read a person like temperatures in the databases were "artificially adjusted to make them appear closer to the actual temperatures" or "hundreds if not thousands of fictitious stations" that in some so ended up in the database, or exasperated as the programmer resorts to gimmicks before admission of falsifying data on key weather stations because it was impossible to determine which data came from which sources.
Few have read the email of the ringleader of the 2005
Climategate and director of CRU John Christy, where Phil Jones stated: "The scientific community will be reversed on me in no uncertain terms if I had said that the world had cooled since 1998. Ok, so they are only 7 years of data and is not statistically significant. " Or where he concludes: "As you know, I'm not a politician. If anything, I'd like to see change happen climate, so that reason could be given to science, whatever the consequences. This is not to be political, it is selfishness. "
O the email where he broke the law by asking Michael Mann's famous" hockey stick "to remove a series of emails relating to a request for Freedom of Information he had just received. or email where he wrote: "If you ever feel that there is a Freedom of Information Act now in the UK, I think that will cut the file, rather than sending them to someone. We also have a data protection act, behind which I hide. " O le altre email dove questi uomini di scienza dicono che essi
ridefiniranno il processo di revisione tra pari

[ Nota Aggiunta: la cosiddetta peer-review alla base della "scientificità" delle pubblicazioni scientifiche/specialistiche]
  al fine di mantenere fuori dalla letteratura scientifica i differenti punti di vista, o dove essi discutono del cacciare via uno scettico sospetto dalla sua posizione editoriale in una rivista scientifica chiave, o quando si preoccupano di come nascondere le divergenze
nelle stime indirette delle temperature

Note Added: these indirect estimates may be derived from the analysis of the trunk of antique / old trees, or from polar ice cores or other methods, and even from computer models]
than the observed temperatures, or where they openly discuss the total absence of warming in the last ten years or any one of the thousands of other mails and other documents setting out a long list of scientific and academic violations.
course, the alarmists continue to argue that the climategate is insignificant, as they done since the scandal began to respond. Without addressing any of the questions or a specific e-mail message, simply show the "independent investigation" that they claim to defend scientists Climategate.
As the British parliamentary committee issued a report which claims that the scientific credibility of Phil Jones of CRU remained intact after a careful hearing of a day that did not contain any testimony by skeptics or dissenting voices. After the release of the report, the committee stressed that the report had not addressed all the issues raised by climategate and Phil Willis, the chairman of committee, admitted that the committee had worked emergency to release the report before British elections. Or that the investigation Oxburgh, chaired by Lord Ron Oxburgh, the British vice-president Globe International, an NGO funded by a group lobbying for legislation on climate change. The survey Oxburgh has published a 5 page report after reviewing 11 scientific work independent of the scandal climategate who had been handpicked by Phil Jones same. She has not heard any testimony or evidence by any critic of the CRU. Not surprisingly, it has climategate found that he had committed no crime academic. No matter what one thinks about the accuracy or independence of these so-called investigation into the scandal climategate, what followed was a catastrophic collapse of the united front of a scientific opinion on the fact that anthropogenic CO2 is the cause of catastrophic global warming. At the end of November 2009, just days after the initial release of the emails on climategate, the University of East Anglia was again under pressure. The CRU was forced to admit that they have thrown away most of the raw data which was based on their calculations of global temperature, which meant that their work was not reproducible by any scientist outside. In December of that year, the UN climate talks in Copenhagen were broken when negotiating leaked a document that showed that - contrary to all principles - should have been the Third World countries to bear the weight of a new treaty international climate, with penalties and restrictions on carbon emissions, which would have prevented them from industrializing. The document, written by the industrialized countries, allowed the first world to deliver twice the amount of carbon per person compared to the third world and was seen by many as the implementation of an austerity program of eugenics under the cover "green". This agenda was further exposed by the influential Optimum Population Trust in the UK, the same month he had begun to argue that the rich Western compensate for their carbon footprint by funding programs to stop procreation of blacks . In January 2010, the much-praised Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change United Nations began to fall apart after that began to emerge errors after errors in this document peer-reviewed scientific proof that apparently claimed the human causation of climate change. That month it was revealed to a reporter a comment in passing, by an Indian climatologist, the fact that the claim that the Himalayan glaciers could melt within 40 years had found its way to the highly acclaimed fourth report on climate change dell'Integovernmental Panel on Climate Change, through a fundraising pamphlet of the World Wildlife Fund ( WWF)
Aggiounta Note:
then the assertion of the glaciers' Himalaya was not based on peer-reviewed scientific studies or other, but came "banal" by a wheel of environmentalist propaganda]
. When the defenders have tried to pass the IPCC forecasts universally derided as a legitimate error, the lead author of co-ordination of that section of the report admitted that the IPCC knew that the report was based on speculation without foundation of a job is not peer-reviewed, but has included it because "we thought that if we were able to highlight it, it would have an impact on policy makers and politicians, and would encourage them to take concrete actions. " Later that month he was thrown doubt on the claim of another IPCC, that 40% of the Amazon forest is in danger of disappearing because of global warming caused by man. These doubts were confirmed in July, when it was verified the origin of the statement as unverified speculation about a now defunct website of a group of Brazilian environmentalist pressure. Just the same month, was shown the exact opposite of the statement when he appeared in the original Science a new study showing that forests in past periods of warming were not decimated, but Flower of Life, experiencing a rapid increase and differential in diversity of plants and collection rates. " Also in January, the UK Information Commissioner decided that the researchers CRU had violated the law by refusing to comply Freedom of Information requests, but it would not be passed to prosecute due to a limitation of the law in the prosecution of illegal activities.
In February, the Guardian revealed that a key study co-author Phil Jones that purported to show that there was no such thing as a well-studied urban heat island effect , was found to rely on data seriously flawed. This, according to the Guardian, had resulted in "apparent attempts to hide the problems with [the] temperature data." In September, John Holdren, the man who had previously supported the addition of sterilizing agents in the supply of water to combat the problem of overpopulation, which he thought would devastate the Earth by the year 2000, and is currently the science czar at the White House of Obama, claiming to change the name of global warming into "climate destruction, further confirming the status of scientific theory like that of a non-falsifiable prediction that everything was due to carbon dioxide from human activities. Later that month, the prestigious British Royal Society, rewrote his compendium on climate change to admit that science is pervaded by uncertainty and that "it is not possible to determine exactly As the Earth warms or exactly how the climate will change in the future ...". In October, a pressure group called on the reduction of carbon 10:10 disseminated a video to promote his campaign where you could see literally explode those skeptics who participated in the program. And just this month's Scientific American, a magazine that had become famous for the publication of increasingly alarmist reports about the reality and dangers of global warming caused by humans, in a poll among its readers had found that over 77% believed that natural processes were the cause of climate change and almost 80% responded who were not willing to pay a single cent for the systems of prevention of the alleged effects of global warming of supposed anthropogenic (heating also
Climategate scientist Phil Jones now admits
no longer running.) And this is only the briefest of overviews of the range of information that followed in the past year. The reports undermine the data, their sources, the scientific processes used, the same scientists and their findings. They show that the main temperature records that are used to determine the highly problematic concept of global mean temperature are in fact in the hands of scientists like James Hansen and Phil Jones who have a mission towards the maintenance of fear alarmist. When these scientists are questioning the sources of their data, they seek the elimination of email messages and even the extermination of the data. They admit that the key figures at the base of their calculations have already been eliminated.
Yet despite all this, they still have the courage to continue to suggest that there is overwhelming consensus on the "science" of global warming. They ask public debates with the skeptics who have always accused of being funded by Big Oil, and then, when these debates are really organized, they pull back
. They then continue to call for the imprisonment of anyone who dares to question these alleged conclusive data. And now they are preparing to meet again.
Next month, the Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change will travel to Cancun, Mexico, to try once again to draw up a binding global agreement on limiting carbon emissions. They will act again as if carbon dioxide were a vile poison and not one of the essential ingredients of life on this planet. Essi ancora una volta faranno finta che sia stato stabilito che ci sia un nesso di causalità tra l'anidride carbonica e il riscaldamento catastrofico e senza precedenti. Essi pretenderanno ancora una volta che l'imposizione di una severa austerità al Terzo Mondo nel nome dell'inverdimento della terra sia qualcosa di diverso dall' eugenetica con un altro nome .
Quest'anno, però, ci sarà una differenza. Il grande pubblico è più vecchio di un anno, ha un anno in più di saggezza, ed è men che meno pronto ad accettare in modo indiscusso le terribili affermazioni dei politici acclamati e degli scienziati che hanno scoperto che il mondo è sull'orlo della distruzione imminente. Quando essi diranno che la scienza è certa e stabile, noi ne sapremo di più. Quando essi diranno che questa è l'ultima occasione per l'umanità, li vedremo come quei Chicken Little (
protagonista di un cartone animato, Il protagonista della fiaba, un ingenuo pulcino, credendo che il cielo stia cadendo sulla terra, allerta gli altri animali del pericolo incombente, creando però un falso allarmismo, n.d.t .) che sono sempre stati. Questo non è un invito all'auto compiacimento. In effetti, ora che il pubblico è più scettico che mai sul climategate e altre cose del genere, il pericolo di accordi internazionali vincolanti che vengono emanati da istituzioni non elette e il conferimento di poteri per una tassazione globale, si trovano ad un livello più alto. Essi sperano di cavalcare un accordo che pianterà l'ultimo chiodo nella bara del realismo climatico prima che il cadavere della bufala del riscaldamento globale abbia la possibilità di decomporsi. Dobbiamo parlare contro questa frode ora, e più forte che mai. Dobbiamo fare sentire la nostra voce quando affermiamo che la scienza ha a che fare con l'onestà, l'apertura e la ricerca della verità, e che coloro che rifiutano tali principi non saranno più ascoltati da un pubblico che è stato tirato a lungo oltre il punto di credibilità. Ancora una volta gli scienziati finanziati dalle Nazioni Unite e i politici ci dicono che l'ora è vicina, e Perhaps, for once, they're right. The end is almost here for those who are trying to establish their global governance in the name of scientific fraud. If we continue to talk about these issues, maybe next year there will be no conference UNFCCC, after all.
Although the Climategate has taught us anything, it is only a year can make a difference.

Link original article (in English):

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See also:
"Greenhouse Effect: The Big Buffalo"

and in particular: Labels: "Scandal

Climategate " ( http://effetto-serra.blogspot. com / search / label / Scandal 20Climategate %) Holdren On:
New World Order and Eugenics in the White House
( ) on "eco-terrorist
advertising" the environmental group " Global10: 10 "
- "Do not you think all 'Greenhouse Effect? \u200b\u200bnot deserve to live ... .. "
( non-greenhouse-meriti.html )

E (NWO-up truthresearch ):
- hacking and purpose of the IPCC doomsday
) - Lovelock , depopulation, the greenhouse effect and geoengineering (
 - I deliri di Lovelock: seconda puntata  
( )
2084: la dittatura del carbonio?
  ( )
- Global Warming Petition Project
( )
- The government edict to depopulation
( )
- The Geo-engineering and its "collateral damage
( )
"Greenhouse Effect: The Great Buffalo!"

Blog: http://effetto



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