NOTE: I'm not considering here it Danilo Speranza, nor the entire book " warming earth policy", but only the chapter from time to time submitted.
This chapter is to understand how one part There is little correlation scientificamente provate fra l'aumento di CO2 in atmosfera e il Riscaldamento Globale , e dall'altro come tale aumento sia dovuto più a fenomeni naturali che all'uomo, e come la parte antropica sia solo una minima frazione sia della percentuale di CO2 atmosferica sia del suo aumento (la CO2 si misura comunque in ppm, parti per milione; inoltre è provato che un aumento di CO2 favorisce la crescita dei vegetali sia spontanei che coltivati).
In seguito ci si sposta ad analizzare come l' IPCC, spinto dalla supina prostrazione alla politica, abbia ignorato dati non conformi con il preconcetto paradigma del Riscaldamento Globale Antropico e sia perfino arrivato a falsificare numerosi dati e grafici pur di " provare " tale paradigma a tutti i costi, ignorando anche le numerose richieste volte a fornire a scienziati indipendenti i dati e le metodiche degli studi (il metodo scientifico si basa proprio sulla RIPRODUCIBILITA' da parte di terzi di uno studio, quindi tale atteggiamento oltre ad essere contrario alle stesse politiche dichiarate dall' IPCC è assolutamente antiscientifico e quindi PRIVA del valore scientifico i risultati ottenuti).
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hockey stick graph is touted by 'IPCC (based on data and methods to eliminate false and that es. the "Medieval Warm Period" for "compromising") |
Same flaws were made in respect of proof of the most touted Anthropic Global Warming, or Hockey Stick Graph , heavily promoted and has in practice given the recent global environmental policies! In this plot, according to the analysis, would be based on incorrect data, manipulated and adjusted calculations specifically to produce that result (for example, by deleting the Medieval Warm Period and other natural variations in temperature that may invalidate the pre-industrial paradigm of 'AGW).
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Royal temperature graph of the last 1000 years (with the Medieval Warm Period "forgotten" by the Hockey Stick) |
Finally we talk about how in fact would be changes in solar cycles and orbital likely to determine the alternation of periods with different climates including today.
I find this chapter very interesting as it destroys many of the myths of propaganda on 'AGW, and unmask the fraudulent action and catastrophic' and IPCC Hockey Stick from data prior to the Climategate Scandal .
Despite the growing suspicion that global warming is simply fiction rooted in a psychological terrorism to low-cost, absurd claims continue to influence the agenda and decisions of many nations in energy policy.
are before the eyes of all the chronicles of cold winters characterized by exceptional snow and mild summers that are difficult to reconcile with the much-feared "overheating" of the planet.
However, in December 2008, the countries EU, after more than a year of negotiations, reached agreement on a package of measures relating to reducing the greenhouse effect. And in September 2009 will be a climate conference in Copenhagen to discuss the regulation of CO2 emissions globally.
political warming of the Earth, Danilo Speranza, as well as collecting important research to refute the theory of global warming, offers a historical overview of the origins of it and, above all, a well-documented reconstruction of the interests Political and economic support it, while exposing the lies and manipulations on the data made by his supporters.
Who are the priests of this new religion? To what aim? In that way they hope to achieve their goals? Who stands to truly benefit from the race to renewables? There are real possibilities in alternative energy?
These and other questions the author provides a convincing answer and acutely provocative.
[if I can then add a link to download the text, bringing it in my Files section so that a shift in its original site did not affect the reading, but to do so I must first ask the 'author of the book if you agree and I found his delivery]
[below will list the paragraphs and subparagraphs of the chapter, paragraphs are marked in bold]
Title of Chapter: (4)
"Carbon dioxide: Guilty or innocent? "
(from page. on page 61. 96)
- Other climate indicators: The retreating glaciers and rising sea levels (p. 67);
- gaps and limitations in the relations of 'IPCC (p. 71);
- The false Hockey Stick (P. 75);
- "We need to delete the Medieval Period Cando" (p. 79);
- solar variability and global warming (p. 92),
- conclusions (p. 94).
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"Effetto Serra: la Grande Bufala!" ___________________________
Blog: http://effetto-serra.blogspot.com
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Email: effetto-serra@googlegroups.com
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