Monday, March 23, 2009

Pediatrician Trillium

A friend is a treasure. But a friend found .. - Part II:)

Remember that on Friday I spoke of friendship, its value, and I mentioned to a dear friend that I had lost sight of? Well, before continuing, I would like to update you: there Ribecco us after so many years thanks to a well-known social network in vogue these days, and we finally resentful voice after all this time. Voice, voice, and I stress, because I think something very important. All means of communication are valid, the important thing, of course, is to keep in touch, however, it is useless to deny that the good old phone still gives something more than the PC keyboard, and it is normal to be this: of course they can meet in person would be even better, but try to imagine this situation. Close your eyes for a moment, and focus your attention on a person you care about, or to which you have very much wanted and to which you are bound states for a time, concentrate the mind on her, and try to feel what I felt I: Assume that for various vicissitudes of life (it happens, how many times? ^ ^), one day you have lost all contact with this person , and boom! Is suddenly released from your life without even time to say "Well." Just imagine, how would you feel? Suddenly you do not know anything about her, is alive, if he is okay, what's going through, that experience is going through: the years pass inexorable and nothing happens: just feel the void of absence, you know what is out there, somewhere In this world, but do not know where it is like an angel away, it could be done anywhere, even near you, but you can no longer see her, you are unable to grasp it. In the meantime, been a long time, too. At that point you do not know anything: it might also have become a completely different person: you know and remember all my life who was the person you left behind, you feel the desire to meet again, but at the same time, fear that the finding may be because you know you could find a completely different person from what we know. I do not think you would feel at all comfortable in this situation, is not it? Besides, maybe the guilt will torment you think, it's also my fault, somehow, if we do not see you, I would potuto e avrei dovuto fare di più per non perderci di vista. E questi sentimenti non migliorano le cose. Io mi sono sentita così: mi sono detta, ma in fondo io non so più niente, ho il ricordo di lei vivo come fosse ieri, ma lei nel frattempo è cresciuta, come lo sono io; ho lasciato una ragazzina e oggi ritroverei una donna. La stessa cosa è valsa per la mia amica, certamente: tanti anni fa lasciò un'amica bimba e oggi la ritrova donna, e pure mamma! Bel colpo, eh?

Nelle mie divagazioni mi viene in mente che il buon Antonello Venditti soleva cantare:

" Certi amori non finiscono
fanno dei giri immensi e poi ritornano...

What does it matter, you ask, this song is about love, not friendship, and oh yes, it is true, but for me and my friend is exactly what happened, it is not funny? Our friendship seemed to be lost, seemed to end somewhere, has done an incredible tour (also geographically) and then tea! For an incredible breath, here again here again!

is no longer a child, my friend, is a woman, now it is grown, it has made his life, as I have I created my own, and in a sense is now a different person, but while it was nice to discover that it is still the same, and the affection is still that of the time, despite everything. We grew up separately, from that moment on, and this will always regret, you will probably not fill a long 18 years, but it's nice to know that our friendship is not dead: it is different today, but there ' is, and she is always there, the house has changed his residence but not his soul. And this idea is enough for me.

And by the way, began last spring, temperatures are rising, and tonight, for the first time, my puppy turned back alone!

I leave you with a song I love forever, and I want to dedicate to my newfound friend, the song is taken from You Tube , and is the classic " Moon River", taken from one of my favorite movies of all time, " Breakfast at Tiffany's."

Good night and good life to all of you.


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