Sunday, March 15, 2009

Depressed During Period

How it all began, e.. my first poem for my baby

Prima di andarmene a ninna (eh si, per una mammina come me che deve saltar su presto al pianto di risveglio del suo cucciolino, è già decisamente tardi..), vorrei lasciarvi due righe sulla mia presenza nel web. Qualcuno dalla foto mi avrà riconosciuta; il mio nick usual on the web is "Vale76" (basically my name and my birth year) and navigate through the web a few years ago. I learned to discover this world slowly, I confess that at first was surfing with a 56k connection scassatissima demoralizing arcilenta and the then "Free" (today Infostrada - Wind) to not remember how many pounds per minute .. Oh well, long story short (I have a habit of dwell and be verbose at times .. ahem ..), it was back in 2003 and for me, and as a leisure Unigo tecnlogico was already painful then normal and satellite television, the Internet has been discovered something great and at the same time very confusing, because in a moment, though not a genius in the field, grabbed the huge potential of this instrument, feeling, however, disoriented. Slowly, of course, I began to unravel, and my precious friend taught me a lot of little things (from how to make a decent search on Google hehe) I have been essential over the years. Over time, the Web has become un'impensata passion for me, I had finally opened up a world without limits! For me, then, I loved foreign languages, can, with a click to visit a foreign country through the sites, it was a wonderful thing, as well as a good resource to keep all modern train my language skills. I loved so much this tool, since 2005 I decided to switch sides: not just a spectator, but also "manufacturing", in a sense. What do I mean? That a few years I give my little contribution to the Net "by" my little piece of my Web site was born Bee Author (currently in its 4 th restyling), which contains all my passion for fairy tales, to tales, stories, and poems. I also had several experiences with the forums for my site (not all go happily), and since December we have that too, a whole new forumino for those who also loves to write poems and share them with others Forum .

Then last August 21, 2008, the most important day and happy my life .. I became a mom .. Obviously, at the beginning, the rhythms were dizzying to say the least (and grandparents blessed! Eheh), both for me and my partner, obviously a mother it is much more, so for a few months I stumbled twisted between milk, boobs (mine, of course, eh ..), pacifiers, powdered milk and diapers, poo, plin plin, crying, colic, screaming, and if you prefer. Result, as can easily imagine: the time for my passions almost zero. But then slowly we framed, my boy started to get used to life outside the belly and new rhythms, and slowly went back to my activities on the Internet (although with less time than once, of course. ..) And very recently, have also been able to put in writing some verses dedicated to Nicholas, my son, and now here I report:

My son

What I did in the good life
everything is there,
in those seventy centimeters of Love.
To you, my delicate little flower,
I dedicated my humble life.
You, my magnificent work,
you, my most precious gem,
have made my life wonderful.
I, I looked at myself,
to pay anything,
I found in you, my soul,
the path that had been lost.
I look at you and I lit up of vast,
if I try to love,
find him in your eyes soft and sweet, delicious
in your cries in your dainty pink. Every day
crossing your eyes, I
disperses in your bright brown eyes, and I realize
, my puppy golden
you're the most wonderful gift that Heaven has made me.

In you, O my soul immense
you, my infinite joy,
retrace my past, you
and finally I found my purpose.

That said, I run to bed, good night!


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