The Italians are distracted by an incessant propaganda of television, public and private, put up by the premier.
Maybe if you did a little 'pocket in the accounts would see what this government is costing them .
-2 to pay the salary of the premier lawyers in active learning: Ghedini
-Longo and pay at least some of popes escort: Nicole Minetti, Lombardy Regional Council in 3000 pay- day, 5 minutes drive to the "journalist" of the sheet, Giuliano Ferrara
-Sgarbi and what will?
-how much they cost and Masi Minzolini already know
-League to pay the salary of Trout
-As well as fines for milk quota is not met by "his" farmers
and these are just little things concrete and understandable by all.
Let's see what they took, only recently :
fund for non-self-sufficiency: the disabled and the elderly are the poorest-
money for major diseases: cancer patients are treated less
- money to schools not in nursery places, not full-time in primary schools, fewer teachers for disabled
-money to Police for the operation of the patrols, but were not those Law and Order?
-funds for culture to be damaged we will be just us citizens of the suburbs;
Voltri rischia seriamente di chiudere il Teatro CARGO
In cambio PDL e Lega ci regaleranno il federalismo fiscale che,tradotto in soldoni,significa questo:
lo Stato dà meno soldi a Regione,Provincia,Comune ma gli riconosce il diritto di aumentare le tasse,le cosiddette addizionali Irpef,che hanno questa bella caratteristica :di pesare di più su chi guadagna meno.
C o n t e n t i?
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