Farefuturo Fini? Another failure
John Agretti
The news is this.
The Magazine Farefuturo closes. The statement of the publisher.
"Dear friends of the web, now Farefuturo Web Magazine ceases its publications. The publishing company had to take note of absolute impossibility to continue the business journalism for the lack of resources at his disposal. When we started in January 2009, we set ourselves the goal of financial autonomy within a year. Unfortunately, it did not happen. Advertising revenues have gradually reduced, making it extremely difficult to cover the cost of drafting and site management. Hence the decision, difficult and painful, to suspend the operations. (...) Farefuturo continues its activities with the traditional tools of a foundation of political culture: seminars, training courses, conferences and publications, which you can find news on the site www.farefuturofondazione.it "
comment. The
online magazine was the brainchild of the foundation Farefuturo desired and led by Gianfranco Fini and directed by Philip Smith and his ideologue whose purpose was explained to them thus:
"We do challenge the future because ..." presentism .
The hegemony of this dominates the space of debate in our country. We suffer from a dangerous crush on the immediate of the "historical time": the culture of the survey becomes the only basis for action, strategy, leadership, and the " mark to market "becomes the decision-making system and number of public policies and private choices." (...)
Molto bello, ma io non ci ho capito una mazza. Inutile ora fare sarcasmo sull'ennesimo fallimento di Fini: lo avevo scritto in tempi non sospetti su questo sito e non mi pare il caso di ripetermi, diventando banale. Una sola osservazione. Il comunicato della chiusura del sito termina con queste parole: “Farefuturo prosegue la sua attività con gli strumenti classici di una fondazione di cultura politica: seminari, corsi di formazione, convegni e pubblicazioni, di cui potrete trovare notizia sul sito www.farefuturofondazione.it“.
Corsi di formazione? A cosa? Si insegna di norma su come avere successo, non a fallire. Per favore, non scherziamo e cercate di essere seri se potete. Fini said that if she closes her little parties withdrew from politics. He said that even if it were established beyond reasonable doubt that the house of Monte Carlo was the brother in law, then it all remain, and then there is no need to take it seriously this time as well, although I find the statement of questionable taste. How to do courses to teach to fail in the future, it seems to me legitimate idea, but extravagant. The future pace of Fini, arrives for all sixty minutes an hour and if I were him I would not have such a hurry to go there will come all too quickly, and its perhaps not be so rosy.
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