Dying to Tripoli? Do not even think about it!
di Lupo Rex
Mi hanno stupito e non poco amici blogger e giornalisti che stimo, i quali hanno invitato il nostro Paese a partecipare ancora una volta alle crociate come ai bei tempi antichi. L'unica differenza è che anziché combattere per il Santo Sepolcro ci si deve battere per il Santo Petrolio, l'unica cosa santa che unisce tutte le religioni. Io invece mi chiedo: morire per Tripoli? Grazie, preferisco di no. Ecco perchè.
Per primi, come sempre, si sono mossi gli americani. Pare che il guru che consiglia Obama sia un teorico delle “rivoluzioni sweet "to Mahatma Gandhi, for instance, and that the revolutionary fire that burns in the Middle East is the result of his thought and cunning CIA, so that someone had already commented that this was the" first success "of Obama. Findings reckless, I think, because the thing got out of hand and now Obama calls much to bomb Libya and to provide weapons to the insurgents, and this would be the interpretation of Gandhi's thought? Do not make me laugh. Someone once said "Nobody ever went bankrupt to have underestimated the intelligence of the American people." Exactly.
A wheel came the British, as always ready to go into battle to "fight until the last American come sempre. Gli inglesi di casini in questa area del mondo ne hanno creati a strafottere, ma sembrano non averne mai abbastanza e non si rassegnano a non essere più quella grande potenza del passato, di cui hanno conservato solo la spocchia di ex nobili caduti in miseria, con la loro regina dai cappellini ridicoli che ben rappresenta il Paese. In Medio Oriente hanno già dato: cessino!
Poco convincenti anche i francesi in questa e molte altre occasioni che, guidati da un isterico ungherese e con un dieci per cento di popolazione nordafricana, vanta un passato mediorientale finito a calci in culo ed ora è addirittura in prima linea a favore dell'intervento militare con la minaccia di “sciaboletta Sarkozy” di bombardare Gaddafi himself, tired of the hesitation. Tiens!
The reason for all these bellicose ideas? Friends bloggers the question explains it this way: we are a short walk from Libya, which has oil and gas with which we use cars and heat our homes. If American, British and French before we go we scrub the oil: we have to go now, for our part!
Now, given that the story of a place in the sun had already proposed and achieved in the past one of my fellow (then ended badly) I would urge everyone to remain calm. The longing of the North Africans for democracy does not convince me that their idea of \u200b\u200bdemocracy is very much like a dictatorship of a few dozen chiefs instead of one: If soup is not wet bread. According to reason, then these cutthroats the menano with terrorism for decades, against which the bombs do not work, as we saw in Afghanistan, Iraq and so on. Third - and I'm done - we Italians are not suitable for war: we are afraid to hurt someone, not to mention the fear that he hurt us. Our role would be to always go to the assault with gauze and bandages, which we are already doing in Tunisia.
In conclusion, I would not have such a hurry because in any case we will end up victorious, having identified who among the two contenders, is destined to win. For example in Libya it turns out that Gaddafi is to prevail. In this case we could ...
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