Sunday, March 13, 2011

Compare Bushnell 1500 Vs 1600

Dagospia sinks

John Agretti

In the letter D Garzantine Dagospia heading reads: 'Website founded in 2000 by journalist Roberto D'Agostino. He innovated the society news and gossip curiosity focusing on characters in the world economy, information and policy, than the traditional pink gleanings jet set and the show titled ". Oh well, the Garzantine could also add at least a nod to the most important Dagospia, consisting of a vulgarity by trasbordante Sports Bar in the long run instead of hitting the target backfires on the site, causing a crisis of rejection by many readers.

Dagospia, according to the same D'Agostino, has used for a long time rumors of a big as Cossiga, whose knowledge of the facts of the policy was not afraid of some rivals. He revealed, with his usual elegance, Cossiga when it could no longer replicate. Cossiga is gone and now Dagospia suffers heavily. I had already written in very difficult times here but these days I also understood the because: D'Agostino Cossiga was replaced with Mouthpiece! It does not take a genius to realize that the replacement of former President Emeritus of the Republic with a little peons of the policy was a tumor, a guy who with Fini, who in fact is a professional unparalleled failures, have made the largest bankruptcy Italian politics and the result could only be consequent: another failure.

All this we learned when D'Agostino Mouthpiece sued because the latter called him a "racketeer." Many readers are now outraged and claimed that D'Agostino is unfair to disclose their sources. The reality is un'altra: a quel tipo di lettori non frega una mazza della lealtà che non è certo un plus di Dagospia ma il disincanto è di apprendere che le balle sul “cavalier pompetta” le pompava sottobanco “l'onorevole pompino”. Scrive infatti D'Agostino “Dopo oltre trent'anni di professione e undici anni di Dagospia, essere accusato di ricattare una persona è un oltraggio che non solo va mondato in tribunale ma rivelando anche il rapporto di amicizia ultra-ventennale tra il sottoscritto e Gabriella e Italo Bocchino” .

Capito? Da dieci anni su Dagospia ci sorbivamo le puttanate di Bocchino e lui lo ha rivelato. Facile immaginare cosa ne pensano gli altri “informatori” similar company around and with the fear of ending up honor from those who disgraced the profession and made it a reason for living. I am increasingly convinced that Naomi and Ruby, workhorse of the two former friends, in terms of morality are far worse than their informers sinking deeper into the shit that they handle themselves with such abundance and candor, if the taking and if the eat, because that is what they eat to live, we can do without So be it.



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