Fini ed il suo famoso sorriso "intelligente" |
di Giovanni Agretti
Le cronache raccontano di un Fini che ultimamente sembra non solo indifferente ma ostenta una garrula felicità in netto contrasto con il suo ennesimo fallimento, quale si sta rivelando la dissoluzione del Fli, la sua ultima impresa in politica. E' in corso infatti una autentica mass desertion from his political creature by colonels, corporals and even simple foot soldiers fleeing in all directions. So one wonders what he has to smile Fini, with that smile that we saw in the magistrate Fuorionda Trifuoggi (who has also put a promotion to agent) that all you can say, except to give him an air of intelligent far from it.
Projects Fini politicians are now easy to summarize. First, from within the PDL, had tried to trip him to his ally Berlusconi with the obvious aim to take their place with the help of concerned a handful of judges and the work of Spatuzza. Failed project sought confrontation at all costs to be hunting and found un partito gemello ma avverso a Berlusconi, guadagnando così visibilità mediatica e l'appoggio della sinistra che lo ha eletto a vindice dell'odiato nemico. Fondato il partito, con gli amici magistrati all'opera per fottere il Silvio con ogni mezzo - più o meno lecito – ha visto con orrore profilarsi il suo ennesimo fallimento, figlio di una lunga sequela di sconfitte che hanno lardellato tutta la sua carriera politica nella quale non figura nessuna vittoria personale e che non a caso è iniziata con la morte del suo leader. Forse sperava di fare il bis, invece nisba. In questi giorni dal suo partito è sparito il gruppo al senato, pare diventerà precario anche quello alla camera e le sue schiere sembrano ormai simili a quelle of the unforgettable Brancaleone da Norcia. So what it means with her smile fake-smart?
On Time Fabrizio goldsmith and Paul Zappitelli we have put in two to advance this hypothesis: "Who has seen it has drawn a clear conviction. Now has in mind one goal: the Quirinale. The road to get there is to wait until the end Boccasini Berlusconi, wait for others to bury the process and definitely not before then prepare to vote next year. In that case the bet is to join the Holy Alliance proposal launched by D'Alema and PD, IDV and Sel but not with the UDC as it hath been marched Casini "
short, Fini is an idiot according to many, but it is a man full of ideas and inventiveness. To continue his long political career with failures are always different and more ambitious project is undoubtedly a fantastic (in the sense of the fruit of his imagination, I mean). Of course, even after failing the Quirinale, it was still nothing more groped, at least in politics. Sure, you can always engage in real estate: the prices that he check in Monaco are also fantastic in the sense that it was said earlier.
When people ask me what I think of Fini, I invariably reply, "It 's great." Now you know why?
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