below shows the link of a chapter of the book " warming earth policy to " of Danilo Speranza (accompanied by an introduction which shall be reported in the chapters to tuttri Blog ) intotolato " Media and Climate Change: deeds and misdeeds of .

NOTE: not here I'm estimating Danilo Speranza, it the entire book " warming earth policy " but only the chapter from time to time submitted.
The text highlights various aspects of the relationship between mass media and propaganda of Anthropic Global Warming, but in my opinion, neglects to mention how propaganda of 'AGW (Antropic wormings Global - Global Warming Anthropic, commonly called by the media Greenhouse Effect) and functional plans of the' Elite for the establishment of a and Global Governance His ideology of mold -Malthusian Eugenics [these points are explained in more detail in other articles As the blog grows, add a link to the corresponding articles] obvious since the same foundations that fund projects on today ' AGW fund projects with regard to ' Eugenics (see eg Rockefeller Foundation), and visible to this day by reading between the lines when these groups talk about "overpopulation ", " decrease " etc. ...
Despite the growing suspicion that the global warming is simply fiction rooted in a psychological terrorism to low-cost, absurd claims continue to influence the agenda and decisions of many nations on energy policy.
are before the eyes of all the chronicles of cold winters characterized by exceptional snow and mild summers that are difficult to reconcile with the much-feared "overheating" of the planet.
However, in December 2008, EU countries, after more than a year of negotiations, reached agreement on a package of measures relating to reducing the greenhouse effect. And in September 2009 will be a climate conference in Copenhagen to discuss the regulation of CO2 emissions globally.
political warming of the Earth, Danilo Speranza, as well as collecting important research to refute the theory of global warming, offers a historical overview of the origins of it and, above all, a well-documented reconstruction of the interests Political and economic support it, while exposing the lies and manipulations on the data made by his supporters.
Who are the priests of this new religion? What aim? In that way they hope to achieve their goals? Who stands to truly benefit from the race to renewables? There are real possibilities in alternative energy?
These and other questions the author provides a convincing answer and acutely provocative.
[se potrò in seguito aggiungerò un link da cui scaricare il testo, riportandolo in una mia sezione Files in modo che anche un suo spostamento the original site did not affect the reading, but to do so I must first ask the author of the book if you agree and I found his delivery]
[ list of titles of the paragraphs of the chapter indicated, paragraphs are marked in bold and sottoparagrafi in corsivo]
Titolo del Capitolo:
"Media e cambiamenti climatici: fatti e misfatti"
(da pag. 161 a pag. 178)
- La realtà della teoria dei cambiamenti climatici (p. 164);
- Climate change in the media and the market for catastrophe: liberalism between wild and strategic planning (p. 166);
- techniques media (p. 168);
- Two weights, two measures (p. 169);
- Reflections (P.174 ).
"Effetto Serra: la Grande Bufala!"
"Effetto Serra: la Grande Bufala!"
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