Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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New World Order and Eugenics in the White House

LINK ORIGINALE:   http://aliceoltrelospecchio.blogspot.com/2010/04/nuovo-ordine-mondiale-ed-eugenetica.html


Nuovo Ordine Mondiale ed Eugenetica alla Casa Bianca

Below I propose a chilling article (found on the blog: http://ilupidieinstein.blogspot.com/ ) that talks about how the ' eugenics is never out of fashion (at least in the U.S., but also to 'UN at the end ..), but simply in the past was justified under the pretext of " preserve the human race from genetic deterioration " and now is attributed to the catchphrase of the moment, ie hoax 'Greenhouse Effect .
These crazies Malthusian rant decades announcing catastrophes (which never occur) scongiorare only by accepting a global dictatorship (basically the New World Order) in which a single government complete with police in detail planetary decide the destiny of every resource and every individual , reaching sterilized or have abortions coated people and giving up our civil rights and practice them with the excuse the nonexistent human danger of turn (Communism, Terrorism, global warming, overpopulation etc. .. the substance will change little, in fact hazards are all invented by which we convince people to give up their fundamental rights)
Science fiction?
.. unfortunately no, to support these things are prominent figures like Rockefeller (eugenicists believed for generations), Bill Gates, etc. .. and especially John Holdren, the Chief Scientific Advisor to Obama , that, 77 he wrote an eloquent book on the subject in which he proposed to make any sane person shudder ...
Now I leave the article;
Good Reading:

Uno degli uomini del Presidente-John Holdren

[a sinistra una foto recente di J. Holdren con sullo sfondo il suo libro "Ecoscience" in cui parla di aborti e sterilizzazioni coatte a livello mondiale] 

I nuovi malthusiani sono tra noi, abitano alla casa bianca
Pubblico la traduzione di un articolo che riguarda i piani di controllo totalitario della popolazione perchè chi pensa che l'Italia sia fuori da questi problemi, si sbaglia. L'ignoranza scientifica rampant in Italy where, instead of accusing speculators of all kinds which are destroying the world, is accused once again the population, whose only fault is that he will, by nature, having children and loving children. In Italy there are those who welcomed the "one-child policy" introduced by China and we know that modo.L 'abortion, for those who agree, should be a choice not coercion by law, or worse still induced by deception, disguise spoglie.E 'so that the human wolves disguised as sheep, cheat, steal, commit crimes against human rights.
I'll be back on the subject but for now, this is below Article translated by PrisonPlanet
The scientific adviser to Obama calls a "planetary regime" to strengthen the control measures of the population totalitarian
In a 1977 book, John Holdren says abortions compulsory mass sterilization through supplies of food and water, and orders for plant body to prevent pregnancy.
Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Saturday, July 11, 2009

The main science and technology adviser to President Obama, John P. Holdren co-author of a book of 1977 which called for the formation of a "global regime" with a "world police force" to enforce totalitarian measures of population control, including forced abortion, mass sterilization programs conducted through food and water, so body systems as required and may prevent couples from having children.
The concepts in the book by Holdren, Ecoscience, 1977, written with colleagues Paul Ehrlich and Anne Ehrlich, were so shocking that the relationship of the magazine Front Page Magazine, February 2009 on the subject has been widely dismissed as eccentric because la gente non è riuscita a credere che potesse essere vero.
Fu solo quando  un altro blogger della rete  ha ottenuto il libro e ha pubblicato alcune schermate che la terribile verità, su ciò che Holdren aveva realmente scritto, ha iniziato a farsi strada.
La faccenda è quanto mai premonitrice perché Holdren e i suoi colleghi sono ora in prima linea negli sforzi volti a combattere il "cambiamento climatico" attraverso programmi altrettanto folli incentrati sulla Geoingegneria del pianeta. Come abbiamo riferito in aprile , Holdren ha recentemente sostenuto "progetti di Geoingegneria su vasta scale designed to cool the Earth, "as" shoot particulate pollutants in the atmosphere to reflect sunlight, and as many have pointed out is already happening through the chemtrails.
Ecoscience talk about a number of ways in which the world population could be reduced to combat what the authors see as the greatest threat to the human species - overpopulation. In any case, proposals are formulated with a sober academic rhetoric, but the gruesome consistency of what Holdren and his co-authors claim is clear.

These proposals include;
- sterilize the entire population unconscious by force by adding drugs for infertility water and food in the nation.

- Legalization of "mandatory abortion", that forced abortions carried out against the wishes of pregnant women, as is common in communist China where women who have already had a child and refuse to stop the second pregnancy were seized in the streets by the authorities before carrying out a procedure to forcibly abort the baby.
- I bambini nati fuori del matrimonio o da madri adolescenti dovrebbero essere allontanati con la forza dalla loro madre da parte del governo e presentati per l'adozione. 
- Un'altra misura proposta obbligherebbe le madri single a dimostrare al governo che possono prendersi cura del bambino, introducendo in effetti i permessi per avere figli. 
- Implementazione di un sistema di "controllo involontario delle nascite", in which men and women would be forced to wear an implant contraceptive implanted in their bodies during puberty and temporarily removed if they have received authorization from the government to have a baby.
- The permanent sterilization of people who the authorities believe they have already had too many children or who have contributed to the "general social deterioration."
- Formal passage of a law criminalizing people with more than two children, as with the policy of only child in Communist China.
- would all be overseen by a "global regime" that would use a centralized transnational "world police force" to enforce the measures provided above. The "planetary system" would also have the power to determine the population levels of any country in the world.
Some quotes from the book are included below. Also included comments author of the blog that gave the screens of the relevant passages. Pictures of the relevant pages and quotes in their full context are provided at the end of the extract. Quotes from the book appear in boldface. The quotations from the author of the blog are in italics.

page 837: Mandatory Abortions would be legal

"In fact, it was concluded that the laws for the mandatory population control, including laws requiring compulsory abortion, could be supported under the current Constitution, when the demographic crisis has become severe enough to endanger society. "

As noted in that article in FrontPage magazine, Holdren "behind the passive voice" in this passage, saying that "ended." Really? With whom? With the authors of the book. Holdren says what he truly is: "I decided that there is nothing unconstitutional in laws that force women to abort their babies." And, as we shall see, even if Holdren laments the fact that most people think that there is no need for such laws, he and his co-authors believe that the demographic crisis is so severe that has really reached the time for "mandatory laws to control the population. "In fact, they spend the entire book, arguing that the" demographic crisis "has already become" sufficiently serious as to endanger society. "
Page 786: The single parent should see their children taken away by the government, or they may be forced to have abortions

"The only way to realize the disapproval would be to insist that all infants should be made available for illegal adoption, especially those who are born to children, who generally are unable to care adequately of a child alone. If a single mother really wanted to keep her child, which may be required to go through the adoption process and demonstrate its ability to support and care. The process of adoption should probably be more difficult for individuals and for married couples, in recognition of the difficulty of raising children alone. It would also be possible to order the pregnant single women to marry or have an abortion, perhaps as an alternative to available for adoption, according to the company. "
Holdren and his co-authors, once again, speculate unthinkably draconian solutions on what to loro avvertono come una crisi di sovrappopolazione. Ma ciò che è particolarmente preoccupante è che Holdren non si è limitato a fare queste proposte - strappare bambini dalle braccia delle loro madri e portarli via; costringere le madri sole a dimostrare in tribunale che saprebbero far bene i genitori, e costringere le donne ad avere aborti, che lo vogliano o no -, ma che lo fa in una compassata e burocratica maniera. Non lasciatevi ingannare dal tono innocuo ed "equilibrato" : le proposte sono da incubo, eufemisticamente. 

Holdren sembra non avere alcuna conoscenza del legame emotivo tra madre e figlio, e i traumi devastanti che molte donne have suffered throughout history, when their children were taken away against their will.
This type of tank, almost robotic discussion on laws that affect millions of people at the highest level staff is deeply troubling, and the type of attitude that gives scientists a bad name. I think the phrase "the banality of evil."

not that important, but I'm "pro-choice" - that is, I believe that abortion should be illegal . But that does not mean I'm pro-abortion - I do not particularly like abortion, but I think women should be allowed the choice to do it. But here John Holdren proposes to remove that choice - to force women to have abortions. One does not need to be an activist "pro-life" to see the horror of this proposal - the people on all sides of the political spectrum should be outraged. My objection is not so much forced abortion to protect the embryo, but rather to protect the mother by a doctor during the procedure against her will. And not just any medical procedure, but what she herself (no matter from my point of view) to hear more immoral or traumatic.

There a very popular cartoon in liberal areas, which says: "Against abortion? Then do not." Well, John Holdren wants you to get one, you are against or not.
Page 787-8: Sterilization of the mass of human beings with drugs in the supply of water is OK until it hurts the animals

"Add a sterilizing water drinking or food base is a suggestion that seems to horrify people face more than most of the proposals for the control of involuntary fertility. In fact, this would alcunproblematiche policy issues, legal, and social, not to mention the technical problems. Today there is no sterilization of this type, nor does it appear that there is someone in the development phase. To be acceptable, that substance should comply with some fairly strict requirements: it must be equally effective, despite the different doses received by individuals, and despite differences in fertility and sensitivity between individuals, but must be free of dangerous or unpleasant side effects, and should have no effect on members of the opposite sex, children, elderly, pets or livestock. "
OK, John, now really begin to scare me. Put sterilants in the water supply? Even if properly suppose that this suggestion "seems to make people more horrifying than most of the proposals, apparently you do not look among those who feel horror. Why in your list of possible problems with this system, there is no mention of any ethical or moral concerns. In your view, the only obstacle to the involuntary sterilization of mass of the population is that it should affect everyone equally and have no side effects or harm the animals. But it should be, if we could sterilize all human beings safely without damage to livestock, it would be nice! The fact that Holdren has no moral qualms about this scheme invasive and deeply immoral (apart from the fact that it would be difficult to implement), it is extremely disturbing and in a balanced world, he would be excluded for the maintenance of a position of power in government.
Page 786-7: The government could control the playback of women with the sterilization or the obblogo of a plant for birth control long-term control of involuntary fertility

"A program of sterilization of women after the second or third child, despite the relatively more difficult operation than vasectomy, potrebbe essere più facile da implementare rispetto al tentativo di sterilizzare gli uomini. 
 Lo sviluppo di una prospettiva a lungo termine di sterilizzazione tramite capsule che possono essere impiantate sotto la pelle e rimosse quando la gravidanza è desiderata apre ulteriori possibilità di controllo della fertilità. La capsula può essere impiantata durante la pubertà e può essere amovibile, con il permesso ufficiale, per un limitato numero di nascite."
Nota bene la frase "con il permesso ufficiale" della citazione di cui sopra. John Holdren prevede una società in cui il governo impianti una capsula per la sterilizzazione a lungo termine in tutte le ragazze non appena raggiungono la pubertà, che poi devono chiedere il permesso ufficiale di rimuovere temporaneamente la capsula e avere la possibilità di avere una gravidanza in un momento successivo. In alternativa, vuole una società che sterilizza una volta tutte le donne che hanno due figli. Vuoi vivere in una tale società? Perché io no, certo come l'inferno.
Pagina 838: Il genere di persone che causa "il deterioramento sociale" può essere costretto a non avere figli 

"Se alcune persone contribuiscono al generale social degradation overproduce children, and if the need is essential, you can request by law to exercise reproductive responsibility - as may be required to exercise responsibility in their patterns of consumption of resources - provided that it is not denied adequate protection ".
To me, this is somehow the worst sentence in the whole book - in competition with many others. Holdren Why here reveals that moral judgments about who is sterilized or forced to have abortions . The right people, decent, would be left alone - but those who "contribute to deterioration social cohesion "could be" forced to exercise reproductive responsibility, "which could only mean one thing - coercive abortion or involuntary sterilization. That alternative would be to" force "people to not have children? government monitors may be placed in rooms bed of irresponsible people to ensure condom use? bring back the chastity belt? "No - the only way to" force "people to become or not become pregnant or cause miscarriages and sterilization.
What madness is this? "social deterioration"? Holdren is seriously suggesting that "some" people contribute to social decay, more than others, and therefore should be sterilized or forced to have abortions, to prevent them from reproducing? This is not eugenics, pure and simple? And there is eugenics universally condemned as a bad practice, roughly?
We've been down this road before. In one of the most shameful episodes in the history of United States jurisprudence, the Supreme Court ruled in 1927 on the infamous case Buck v. Bell, who covered the State of Virginia who had assumed the right to sterilize a woman named Carrie Buck against her will, relying solely on the (false) criteria that it was "feebleminded" and sexually promiscuous, with Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes concluded, "Three generations of imbeciles are enough." Today, of course, you look back in horror to that case, since eugenics as a concept has been forever discredited. In fact, the United Nations today look to forced sterilization as a crime against humanity.
The sentence in italics at the end ("on condition that they not be denied adequate protection"), which seems to believe Holdren keep him out from the connection to eugenics, refers to the 14th amendment (as seen in the most complete version of this passage quoted below), which would mean that the program of eugenics is not based on racism and discriminzaione - only on assessments ee capricious bureaucracy of the government to decide who is and who is not an undesirable. If any officer in America Holdren decide that you are "contributing to the social deterioration" because you're pregnant or sexually promiscuous, or both, government agents breaking down your door and drag you kicking and screaming into an abortion clinic? In fact, the Supreme Court in the case of Skinner v. Oklahoma has already stated that the Adequate Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment expressly prohibits the state-sanctioned sterilization can be applied so unfair to only certain types of people.
No no, you say, Holdren is not claiming that certain types of people contributing to social decay than others, but rather is saying that anyone who overproduce children contributes to social decay and be prevented from having more. If so - would be more acceptable? It seems that Holdren and his co-authors have not really thought about it well, because what they are proposing is a nightmarish totalitarian society. What I expect: All the women who commit the crime of having more than two children must be dragged away by police of the government, in centers that perform sterilization? Or - Most worrying of all - perhaps Holdren has thought well, and it's perfectly OK with the kind of society in this book provide distorted.
course, I could imagine a bunch of drunk guys sitting in a circle and have a chat, to express such forbidden thoughts, and who among us has not seen the exasperation of a troubled mother who buys sticks sugar and soda for his unruly brood of children thinking, Lord, for he does not have her tubes tied? But it is a different matter when the czar of science in the United States suggests the same thing in the media officially. It ceases to be a harmless fantasy, and suddenly carries out the possibilities that could become government policy. And then it's not fun anymore.
Page 838: There is nothing wrong or illegal in the fact that the Government said the family size

"In today's world, however, the number children in a family is a matter of profound public interest. The law regulates other very personal issues. For example, no one can legitimately have more than one spouse at the same time. For the law should not be able to prevent a person has more than two children? "
Perché la legge non dovrebbe essere in grado di impedire che una persona abbia più di due figli?
Ti dico il motivo, John. Poiché la legge dell'habeas corpus su cui si fonda la nostra nazione automaticamente rende il regime dell'aborto obbligatorio incostituzionale, in quanto essa garantisce la libertà di ogni singolo corpo da detenzione o interferenze, fino a che la persona non viene condannata per un reato. Oppure state seriamente suggerendo che, nel caso che i burocrati decidessero che il paese è sovrappopolato, il semplice atto di gravidanza diventerebbe un reato?
Io non sono uno studioso di legge, ma sembra che John Holdren lo sia ancora meno di me. Molti dei regimi bizzarri suggeriti in Ecoscience si basano su ragionamenti giuridici gravemente lacunosi . Il libro non è tanto sulla scienza, ma sulla reinterpretazione della Costituzione per consentire misure per il controllo totalitario della popolazione.
Page 942-3: Un "Regime Planetario" dovrebbe controllare l'economia mondiale e imporre con la forza il numero di bambini che possono nascere 

Verso un regime planetario
"Maybe those agencies, together with UNEP and agencies for the population of the United Nations could become a kind of planetary system, a mega of an international system for the population, resources and the environment. This comprehensive global regime could control the development, administration, storage and distribution of all natural resources, renewable or nonrenewable, at least to the extent that there are international implications. Therefore, the scheme could have the power to control pollution not only for the atmosphere and oceans, but also in those bodies of freshwater such as rivers and lakes that cross international boundaries or discharging into the sea. The scheme could be a logical central agency for regulating all international trade, perhaps including assistance from countries in the developing world to the least developed countries, and including all foods on the international market. "

"The planetary system could be assigned responsibility for determining the optimum population for the world and for each region and establishing quotas for different countries within the limits of their regions. Controlling the size of the population could remain the responsibility of each government, but the scheme would have some power to enforce the agreed limits.
Nel caso foste curiosi di sapere chi esattamente applicherà tali aborti forzati e le leggi per la sterilizzazione di massa : Guarda guarda, sarà il "regime planetario"! Certamente! Ne ho visto uno in arrivo.
Il resto di questo brano parla da sé. Una volta che si aggiunge a tutte le altre cose che il regime planetario (che ha un bell'alone di fantascienza intorno, no?) controllerà, diventa chiaro che avrà il potere di disporre del totale controllo dell'economia mondiale, in quanto secondo Holdren questo Regime Planetary controllerà "tutte le risorse naturali, rinnovabili o non rinnovabili" (che significa tutti i prodotti), and all food products, trade and oceans and rivers possible, "which lscaricano at sea" (ie 99% of all navigable waters). What's left? Not much.
page 917: You will need to cede national sovereignty to an international police force.

"If this can be accomplished, the security could be provided by a ' armed international organization, an analogue of a police force. Many people have recognized this as a goal, but how to achieve it remains obscure in a world where the bias seems, if anything, be increasing. The first step necessarily involves a partial surrender of sovereignty to an 'international organization ".
He ripped the last veil. Then: It is expected that we yield to a voluntary national sovereignty' international organization (the "Scheme Planetarium", presumably), which will be armed and will have the ability to act as a police force. And we have seen in the previous quote exactly what rules this international police force will be obliged to comply with the Weapons: Compulsory birth control, and all economic activities.
Holdren would be ridiculous if it were not so damn serious. Do you want this man is responsible for science and technology in the U.S.? Because he is already in place.
Page 749: Attitudes and Pro-Family Pro-birth are caused by ethnic chauvinism

"Another problem that seems to encourage an attitude pronatalista in many people is the question Unlike the reproduction of ethnic or social groups. Many people seem to be owned by the fear that their group would be superseded by other groups. White white Americans and South Africa are concerned that there are too many blacks, and vice versa. Jews in Israel are troubled by the high birth rates of Israeli Arabs, Protestants, Catholics are concerned about, and lbos of Hausas. Of course, if everyone tries to beat all others, the result will be a disaster for everyone. This is another case of "tragedy of the common things," where the "thing in common is the planet Earth. Fortunately, it appears that, at least in developing countries, almost all groups are able to exert a moderating reproductive.
This step is not particularly noteworthy, except for the inclusion of the phrase " attitude pronatalista, "Holdren that seeks to disseminate throughout the book. And what exactly is an" attitude pronatalista? In practice this means the desire to have children, and loving children. If only you could suppress the natural desire of people to have children and start a family, we could solve all our problems!
What bothers me incredibly paternalistic attitude culturally imperialist that he shows at this point, basically acting as if he had the right to say to each group ethnic world should agree to become extinct or at least not further increase their population. How do we feel if the inhabitants of the Andaman Islands it showed on the steps of the Capitol in Washington DC and announced that there are simply too many Americans, and command us to immediately stop breeding? One imagines that the attitude of every ethnic group in the world to the proposal could be John Holdren: Strozzi, John. Stop telling us what to do.
Page 944: Since 1977, we face a global catastrophe, overpopulation, which must be resolved at all costs by the year 2000

"Humanity can not address the confusion for the rest of the twentieth century, the risks are too great, and the stakes are too high. This could be the last opportunity to choose our destiny and our descendents. Do not make a choice or making the wrong choice can lead to a catastrophe. But we must never forget that the right choices could lead to a much better world. "
This is the last paragraph of the book, which I included here just to show how embarrassing its projections inaccurate" scientific. "In 1977, Holdren thought we were poised on the brink of global catastrophe, and has proposed implementing rules fascist laws to avert the impending disaster. Fortunately, we have ignored his warnings, but the world has managed to survive anyway without the need to punish ourselves with the oppressive society that Holdren proposed. Yes, there is overpopulation, but the problems that cause are not morally repugnant as the "solutions" that he wanted John Holdren that we use.

It 'important to note that John Holdren has never publicly distanced himself from any of these positions in 32 years since the book was published for the first time. In fact, as you can see from the first picture that accompanies this article, Holdren shows a copy of the book in their personal library and is happy to farcis photographed together.

It 'also important to stress that these are only the opinions of a man. As we have exhaustively documented, most recently in our paper, Agenda for the Reduction of Population for Beginners, the positions adopted in this book echo those of da numerose altre personalità di spicco della politica, del mondo accademico e del movimento ambientalista da decenni.
Si consideri il fatto che gente come David Rockefeller, Ted Turner, e Bill Gates, tre uomini che hanno legami con il movimento eugenetista integralista , di recente si sono incontrati con altri miliardari "filantropi" a New York per discutere di "come la loro ricchezza potrebbe essere utilizzata per rallentare la crescita della popolazione mondiale ",  secondo un rapporto del quotidiano londinese Times .
Ted Turner ha  pubblicamente sostenuto scioccanti programmi per la riduzione della popolazione  which should reduce the human population by a staggering 95%. He also called for communist-style, the one-child policy by governments in the West.
Of course, Turner is anything but its own rules about how everyone else should live their lives, having five children and having not less than 2 million acres of land.
In the third world, Turner has contributed literally reduction of billions of people of the population, in particular through the UN programs , paving the way for people such as Bill & Melinda Gates and Warren Buffet (Gates' father has long been a leading member of the board of Planned Parenthood and a top eugenics).
The idea that these elitists simply want to slow down population growth, to improve health is a misnomer. Slower population growth in the world but also improve your health are two irreconcilable concepts for the elite. The stabilization of world population is a natural consequence of the higher standard of living, as demonstrated by stabilization of the population white in the West. Elitists like David Rockefeller have no interest in "slowing the growth of world population" using natural methods, their agenda is firmly rooted in pseudo-science eugenics, which is all about "killing" the surplus population through draconian methods.
The legacy of David Rockefeller is not derived from a well-intentioned "philanthropic" desire to improve health in the developing world, came from a Malthusian drive to eliminate the poor and those considered inferior from the point of racially, with the justification of social Darwinism.
As documented in the movie Endgame by Alex Jones , Rockefeller's father, John D. Rockefeller, exported eugenics to Germany from his home in Britain by financing the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute which later became a central pillar of the ideology of the Nazi super race of the Third Reich. After the fall of Nazism, major German eugenicists were protected by the allies so that the winning party could benefit from more of their "experience" of the postwar world.
The motivation for the implementation of drastic measures of population control is changed to suit the fashions and contemporary trends. What once was masked as concern about the overcrowding is back in the guise of climate change and the movement for global warming. What has not changed is the fact that in its essence, this is nothing more than the arcane pseudo-science of eugenics, first built by the U.S. and British elite in the late 19th century and later embraced by the Nazi leader Adolf Hitler's.
In the 21st century, the eugenics movement has once again changed its nature, is manifested in the global tax on carbon emissions and the idea that having too many children or enjoy a certain standard of living is destroying the planet through global warming, creating the pretext for the further regulation and control over every aspect of our lives.
The fact that the chief scientific adviser to the President of the United States, a man with his finger on the pulse of environmental policy, when he openly supported the mass sterilization of the U.S. population through the food chain and water supply, with the plethora of other proposals outlined in Ecoscience disgusting, it's a frightening prospect that would not be out of place in a sort of futuristic sci-fi horror film, and an amazing indictment of the true source of what appears today as elitist reorganized environmental movement.
Solo portando alla luce gli sconvolgenti piani di controllo sulla popolazione di Holdren possiamo veramente segnalare alle persone gli orrori che l'élite ha previsto per noi attraverso il controllo della popolazione, la sterilizzazione e i genocidi programmi di abbattimento che sono già in corso.

@lice (Oltre lo Specchio)
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