Monday, February 14, 2011

Martha Stewart Weddings Seating Chart

Councillor and member of the UN IPCC: "a dictatorship to save the planet"


[ I ventured to add some links for further information in the text]


Advisor UN: "We must put an end to democracy to save the planet!"

Un   importante professore   e membro   del  Panel on Climate   Change   ( IPCC )   suggerisce chiaramente che   le nazioni devono   porre fine al la democrazia   per risolvere il   problema   del cambiamento climatico .

David Shearman, a professor emeritus of Medicine at the University of Adelaide and University researcher added the Department of Geography and Environmental Sciences and the Faculty of Law, was the author of several books on climate change, one of these entitled The Challenge of Climate Change and the Failure of Democracy . This states that "... authoritarianism is the natural state of mankind .

Professor Shearman was counselor assessment reports of ' UN IPCC.
often tell us that the United Nations is not authoritative institution, and that just tries to solve world problems, and not to create a system of world power, but it is quite clear that many of the alarmist climate change United Nations fascist ideologies that they could use the influence to infiltrate the United Nations in democracies.

Professor Shearman's book does not try to hide his fascist ideas. The introduction reads:
  • In summary, Shearman and Smith discuss [the fact] that liberal democracy is considered sacrosanct in modern societies, is an impediment to finding environmentally sustainable solutions for the planet.
In other words they believe that we need fascism to save the planet.
Shearman and co-author Gary Sauer-Thompson in "Green or Gone " propose the formation of a leadership elite "
  • The government will in future based on .... a supreme office of the biosphere. The office ospitererà philosophers / trained ecologists. These guardians or govern themselves well, or advise on an authoritarian government policies based on their knowledge of ecology and philosophical sensibilities. These guardians will specially trained for this task.
Promote the formation of "eco warriors " universities to "fight the enemies of life . They go even further enhance the appearance when the Green movement and New Age as green alternatives to Christianity and Islam:
  • is not impossible that the green movement and aspects of the new age arises alternative religion to Christianity and Islam. It is not difficult to imagine that this new form will religion. one that requires a transcendent God who would punish and reward why humans seem to need a carrot and a truncheon .
One wonders if the soldiers Green Peace and the well-meaning things like that really make you realize how crazy and are anti-human ideologies of these "climate scientists".
For Professor Shearman, as for her husband the Queen of England , the human being is an eco-tumor, a malignant virus that we must control and suppress.

The "transcendent God" Spearman is the God-State che castiga il cittadino schiavizzato per ogni eco-infiltrazione sotto il nuovo totalitarismo verde.  Shearman   chiede   inoltre la creazione di  centri speciali di rieducazione dove gli eco-zombi siano addestrati per trasformarsi in una parte dell’esercito verde.

Il capitolo 9 del suo libro descrive nel dettaglio come potremo cominciare il processo di costruzione di tali università reali per educare gli eco-compatibili a lottare contro i nemici della vita-  “Dobbiamo accompagnare questa educazione con la stessa dedizione impiegata per educare i guerrieri. Come in Sparta queste élite naturali saranno allenate fin dall’infanzia per risolvere i problemi più urgenti del nostro tempo” , scrive.

Altri “pensatori” ed “esperti” con idee simili sono i guru ambientalisti ed allarmisti del riscaldamento globale,  Pentti Linkola, ha fatto un appello pubblico a quelli che negano il cambiamento climatico: affinché siano rieducati in “eco-gulag” , così come James Lovelock,  creatore dell’ Ipotesi Gaia  ha detto ai media recentemente that democracy can be left in "stand by" in order to combat climate change; Keith Farnish or author and environmentalist, who in his recent book has called to carry out acts of environmental sabotage and terrorism to destroy the city and return the world land at the time, or the prominent warming alarmist and ally of Al Gore, Dr. James Hansen that ha scritto il prologo del libro di Farnish, o l’attuale zar della scienza della Casa Bianca, John P. Holdren che ha chiesto le più eco-fasciste pratiche in nome dell'ambiente. In un libro scritto ormai nel 1977 “ Eco scienza , Holdren voleva  un “regime planetario” per forzare aborti e sterilizzazioni in massa , così come   l'introduzione   di   farmaci   nella fornitura   di acqua  nello sforzo di eliminare il "surplus" humanity.
Another important figure is the echo fascism Dr. Erik R. Pianka, a biologist at American University of Texas. During a speech at the Academy of Sciences in Texas in 2006 reinforced the need to exterminate 90% of world population by the Ebola virus from aircraft.

Translated and reported to Voices from the Street Vanesa


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