. di Giovanni Agretti Ieri Bersani nel corso della sua giornaliera richiesta di dimissioni del premier ha aggiunto anche, con tono appassionato: “Voglio un Parlamento metà uomo e metà donna!”. Sul momento ho creduto che avesse trovato una intera comunità composta da emuli di Nichi Vendola, ma è stato solo un attimo, poi ho immediatamente realizzato che lui intendeva solo dire “un Parlamento composto per la metà da uomini e per l'altra metà da donne”.
Una delle tante idee bislacche della sinistra, who dreams of time required by law to vote for women in politics, ridiculous but the left is enthusiastic acclaim. Then when one applies it, as did Berlusconi, branding the minister or the parliamentary women were whores because they are not even babbione as Bindi, the Finocchiaro, the Turkish and the list could go on the left of the virago. The reason for this criticism? Why are beautiful, gosh! and therefore can not also be brave and smart and this is the only reason I hated Berlusconi pushes them to elect or her minister. Elementary, Watson-Bersani!
that women have a different intelligence (some say better) than the male is also an argument by eminent scientists, but not necessarily to impose law is a smart thing. One area where skills count for nothing and you only career based on length of service is arguably one of the judiciary, not by chance see a dominant female presence. In Milan, many consider the most Prosecutor disqualified in Italy (and beat Rome, Naples and Palermo was not a Sgambati!) Just see the women take center stage.
The current structure of the Milan prosecutors had seen before the battle for supremacy between two women: Tiziana Parenti and Ilda Boccassini. He won it, my fellow boys are entered politics becoming elected from the ranks of the left or are andanti in pensione e quelli odierni sono solo piccole comparse. Ovvio quindi che la resa dei conti con l'odiato nemico Silvio Berlusconi fosse una cosa riservata proprio a loro: cinque donne, appunto. Qualcuno ha voluto vedere in quella che appare la finale dello scontro tra politica e magistratura una nemesi tutta al femminile per Silvio, per i noti motivi. La sinistra invece considera le donne forti e coraggiose, salvo quelle che hanno rapporti con Berlusconi, perché allora diventano semplici oggetti e incapaci di intendere e volere.
La piccola, ma agguerrita pattuglie di magistrate decisa a redimere il Silvio è composta dall'anziana Ilda Boccassini che ha formulato la richiesta di processo, da Cristina Di Censo, il pm che ha accettato a tempo record of the request and the three judges: the president Giulia Turri, flanked by the assessors Orsola De Christopher and Carmen D'Elia (pictured above). Someone smiles and notes that the insistence and determination with which they pursue their goal is a skill typically female. It is no coincidence that in the female nature is invariably the most ferocious of the species and some say that the human is no exception. Perhaps many have forgotten - just as an example - that the Red Brigades who fired more have been the women themselves. The determination of the Thatcher and Merkel yesterday today, are also a confirmation of this thesis. In some cases this determination was made in the service of just causes (and Thatcher Merkel) in other cases for the wrong reasons (Br), but always with the same determination. A thesis perhaps a bit 'too macho, but not without good arguments in support.
Milan prosecutors in the case of the general good of the public is that some sins and little commendable conduct of the premier political fanaticism and are treated as if they were crimes so serious that they deserve to bring down an entire government . Another aspect is not secondary, is that while, for example, in the case of Thatcher and Merkel was their inflexibility to the benefit of their nation, that of Milan prosecutors is just the opposite: weak thesis but which are causing enormous damage to 'whole country per la particolare situazione economica e internazionale che stiamo attraversando ed in totale assenza di alternative valide.
Tornando all'inizio, imporre per legge la presenza delle donne in politica o in qualsivoglia incarico pubblico è una delle tante battaglie perdenti portate avanti dalla sinistra. Le donne non hanno bisogno di aiuto e devono farcela da sole, come tutti. Margaret Thatcher non a caso amava dire: “Non devo niente al movimento per la liberazione della donna”. Altra donna, altra classe.