Wednesday, March 23, 11:00 am Le conferenze si terranno in aula 1B, edificio H3, via Valerio, Trieste
Monday, March 14, 2011
Bulma Bunny Wallpaper
conferenze a trieste
Bulma Bunny Wallpaper
conferenze a trieste
Wednesday, March 23, 11:00 am Le conferenze si terranno in aula 1B, edificio H3, via Valerio, Trieste
Tay Du Ki Game Online
Dying to Tripoli? Do not even think about it!
di Lupo Rex
Mi hanno stupito e non poco amici blogger e giornalisti che stimo, i quali hanno invitato il nostro Paese a partecipare ancora una volta alle crociate come ai bei tempi antichi. L'unica differenza è che anziché combattere per il Santo Sepolcro ci si deve battere per il Santo Petrolio, l'unica cosa santa che unisce tutte le religioni. Io invece mi chiedo: morire per Tripoli? Grazie, preferisco di no. Ecco perchè.
Per primi, come sempre, si sono mossi gli americani. Pare che il guru che consiglia Obama sia un teorico delle “rivoluzioni sweet "to Mahatma Gandhi, for instance, and that the revolutionary fire that burns in the Middle East is the result of his thought and cunning CIA, so that someone had already commented that this was the" first success "of Obama. Findings reckless, I think, because the thing got out of hand and now Obama calls much to bomb Libya and to provide weapons to the insurgents, and this would be the interpretation of Gandhi's thought? Do not make me laugh. Someone once said "Nobody ever went bankrupt to have underestimated the intelligence of the American people." Exactly.
A wheel came the British, as always ready to go into battle to "fight until the last American come sempre. Gli inglesi di casini in questa area del mondo ne hanno creati a strafottere, ma sembrano non averne mai abbastanza e non si rassegnano a non essere più quella grande potenza del passato, di cui hanno conservato solo la spocchia di ex nobili caduti in miseria, con la loro regina dai cappellini ridicoli che ben rappresenta il Paese. In Medio Oriente hanno già dato: cessino!
Poco convincenti anche i francesi in questa e molte altre occasioni che, guidati da un isterico ungherese e con un dieci per cento di popolazione nordafricana, vanta un passato mediorientale finito a calci in culo ed ora è addirittura in prima linea a favore dell'intervento militare con la minaccia di “sciaboletta Sarkozy” di bombardare Gaddafi himself, tired of the hesitation. Tiens!
The reason for all these bellicose ideas? Friends bloggers the question explains it this way: we are a short walk from Libya, which has oil and gas with which we use cars and heat our homes. If American, British and French before we go we scrub the oil: we have to go now, for our part!
Now, given that the story of a place in the sun had already proposed and achieved in the past one of my fellow (then ended badly) I would urge everyone to remain calm. The longing of the North Africans for democracy does not convince me that their idea of \u200b\u200bdemocracy is very much like a dictatorship of a few dozen chiefs instead of one: If soup is not wet bread. According to reason, then these cutthroats the menano with terrorism for decades, against which the bombs do not work, as we saw in Afghanistan, Iraq and so on. Third - and I'm done - we Italians are not suitable for war: we are afraid to hurt someone, not to mention the fear that he hurt us. Our role would be to always go to the assault with gauze and bandages, which we are already doing in Tunisia.
In conclusion, I would not have such a hurry because in any case we will end up victorious, having identified who among the two contenders, is destined to win. For example in Libya it turns out that Gaddafi is to prevail. In this case we could ...
di Lupo Rex
Mi hanno stupito e non poco amici blogger e giornalisti che stimo, i quali hanno invitato il nostro Paese a partecipare ancora una volta alle crociate come ai bei tempi antichi. L'unica differenza è che anziché combattere per il Santo Sepolcro ci si deve battere per il Santo Petrolio, l'unica cosa santa che unisce tutte le religioni. Io invece mi chiedo: morire per Tripoli? Grazie, preferisco di no. Ecco perchè.
Per primi, come sempre, si sono mossi gli americani. Pare che il guru che consiglia Obama sia un teorico delle “rivoluzioni sweet "to Mahatma Gandhi, for instance, and that the revolutionary fire that burns in the Middle East is the result of his thought and cunning CIA, so that someone had already commented that this was the" first success "of Obama. Findings reckless, I think, because the thing got out of hand and now Obama calls much to bomb Libya and to provide weapons to the insurgents, and this would be the interpretation of Gandhi's thought? Do not make me laugh. Someone once said "Nobody ever went bankrupt to have underestimated the intelligence of the American people." Exactly.
A wheel came the British, as always ready to go into battle to "fight until the last American come sempre. Gli inglesi di casini in questa area del mondo ne hanno creati a strafottere, ma sembrano non averne mai abbastanza e non si rassegnano a non essere più quella grande potenza del passato, di cui hanno conservato solo la spocchia di ex nobili caduti in miseria, con la loro regina dai cappellini ridicoli che ben rappresenta il Paese. In Medio Oriente hanno già dato: cessino!
Poco convincenti anche i francesi in questa e molte altre occasioni che, guidati da un isterico ungherese e con un dieci per cento di popolazione nordafricana, vanta un passato mediorientale finito a calci in culo ed ora è addirittura in prima linea a favore dell'intervento militare con la minaccia di “sciaboletta Sarkozy” di bombardare Gaddafi himself, tired of the hesitation. Tiens!
The reason for all these bellicose ideas? Friends bloggers the question explains it this way: we are a short walk from Libya, which has oil and gas with which we use cars and heat our homes. If American, British and French before we go we scrub the oil: we have to go now, for our part!
Now, given that the story of a place in the sun had already proposed and achieved in the past one of my fellow (then ended badly) I would urge everyone to remain calm. The longing of the North Africans for democracy does not convince me that their idea of \u200b\u200bdemocracy is very much like a dictatorship of a few dozen chiefs instead of one: If soup is not wet bread. According to reason, then these cutthroats the menano with terrorism for decades, against which the bombs do not work, as we saw in Afghanistan, Iraq and so on. Third - and I'm done - we Italians are not suitable for war: we are afraid to hurt someone, not to mention the fear that he hurt us. Our role would be to always go to the assault with gauze and bandages, which we are already doing in Tunisia.
In conclusion, I would not have such a hurry because in any case we will end up victorious, having identified who among the two contenders, is destined to win. For example in Libya it turns out that Gaddafi is to prevail. In this case we could ...
Tay Du Ki Game Online
Dying to Tripoli? Do not even think about it!
di Lupo Rex
Mi hanno stupito e non poco amici blogger e giornalisti che stimo, i quali hanno invitato il nostro Paese a partecipare ancora una volta alle crociate come ai bei tempi antichi. L'unica differenza è che anziché combattere per il Santo Sepolcro ci si deve battere per il Santo Petrolio, l'unica cosa santa che unisce tutte le religioni. Io invece mi chiedo: morire per Tripoli? Grazie, preferisco di no. Ecco perchè.
Per primi, come sempre, si sono mossi gli americani. Pare che il guru che consiglia Obama sia un teorico delle “rivoluzioni sweet "to Mahatma Gandhi, for instance, and that the revolutionary fire that burns in the Middle East is the result of his thought and cunning CIA, so that someone had already commented that this was the" first success "of Obama. Findings reckless, I think, because the thing got out of hand and now Obama calls much to bomb Libya and to provide weapons to the insurgents, and this would be the interpretation of Gandhi's thought? Do not make me laugh. Someone once said "Nobody ever went bankrupt to have underestimated the intelligence of the American people." Exactly.
A wheel came the British, as always ready to go into battle to "fight until the last American come sempre. Gli inglesi di casini in questa area del mondo ne hanno creati a strafottere, ma sembrano non averne mai abbastanza e non si rassegnano a non essere più quella grande potenza del passato, di cui hanno conservato solo la spocchia di ex nobili caduti in miseria, con la loro regina dai cappellini ridicoli che ben rappresenta il Paese. In Medio Oriente hanno già dato: cessino!
Poco convincenti anche i francesi in questa e molte altre occasioni che, guidati da un isterico ungherese e con un dieci per cento di popolazione nordafricana, vanta un passato mediorientale finito a calci in culo ed ora è addirittura in prima linea a favore dell'intervento militare con la minaccia di “sciaboletta Sarkozy” di bombardare Gaddafi himself, tired of the hesitation. Tiens!
The reason for all these bellicose ideas? Friends bloggers the question explains it this way: we are a short walk from Libya, which has oil and gas with which we use cars and heat our homes. If American, British and French before we go we scrub the oil: we have to go now, for our part!
Now, given that the story of a place in the sun had already proposed and achieved in the past one of my fellow (then ended badly) I would urge everyone to remain calm. The longing of the North Africans for democracy does not convince me that their idea of \u200b\u200bdemocracy is very much like a dictatorship of a few dozen chiefs instead of one: If soup is not wet bread. According to reason, then these cutthroats the menano with terrorism for decades, against which the bombs do not work, as we saw in Afghanistan, Iraq and so on. Third - and I'm done - we Italians are not suitable for war: we are afraid to hurt someone, not to mention the fear that he hurt us. Our role would be to always go to the assault with gauze and bandages, which we are already doing in Tunisia.
In conclusion, I would not have such a hurry because in any case we will end up victorious, having identified who among the two contenders, is destined to win. For example in Libya it turns out that Gaddafi is to prevail. In this case we could ...
di Lupo Rex
Mi hanno stupito e non poco amici blogger e giornalisti che stimo, i quali hanno invitato il nostro Paese a partecipare ancora una volta alle crociate come ai bei tempi antichi. L'unica differenza è che anziché combattere per il Santo Sepolcro ci si deve battere per il Santo Petrolio, l'unica cosa santa che unisce tutte le religioni. Io invece mi chiedo: morire per Tripoli? Grazie, preferisco di no. Ecco perchè.
Per primi, come sempre, si sono mossi gli americani. Pare che il guru che consiglia Obama sia un teorico delle “rivoluzioni sweet "to Mahatma Gandhi, for instance, and that the revolutionary fire that burns in the Middle East is the result of his thought and cunning CIA, so that someone had already commented that this was the" first success "of Obama. Findings reckless, I think, because the thing got out of hand and now Obama calls much to bomb Libya and to provide weapons to the insurgents, and this would be the interpretation of Gandhi's thought? Do not make me laugh. Someone once said "Nobody ever went bankrupt to have underestimated the intelligence of the American people." Exactly.
A wheel came the British, as always ready to go into battle to "fight until the last American come sempre. Gli inglesi di casini in questa area del mondo ne hanno creati a strafottere, ma sembrano non averne mai abbastanza e non si rassegnano a non essere più quella grande potenza del passato, di cui hanno conservato solo la spocchia di ex nobili caduti in miseria, con la loro regina dai cappellini ridicoli che ben rappresenta il Paese. In Medio Oriente hanno già dato: cessino!
Poco convincenti anche i francesi in questa e molte altre occasioni che, guidati da un isterico ungherese e con un dieci per cento di popolazione nordafricana, vanta un passato mediorientale finito a calci in culo ed ora è addirittura in prima linea a favore dell'intervento militare con la minaccia di “sciaboletta Sarkozy” di bombardare Gaddafi himself, tired of the hesitation. Tiens!
The reason for all these bellicose ideas? Friends bloggers the question explains it this way: we are a short walk from Libya, which has oil and gas with which we use cars and heat our homes. If American, British and French before we go we scrub the oil: we have to go now, for our part!
Now, given that the story of a place in the sun had already proposed and achieved in the past one of my fellow (then ended badly) I would urge everyone to remain calm. The longing of the North Africans for democracy does not convince me that their idea of \u200b\u200bdemocracy is very much like a dictatorship of a few dozen chiefs instead of one: If soup is not wet bread. According to reason, then these cutthroats the menano with terrorism for decades, against which the bombs do not work, as we saw in Afghanistan, Iraq and so on. Third - and I'm done - we Italians are not suitable for war: we are afraid to hurt someone, not to mention the fear that he hurt us. Our role would be to always go to the assault with gauze and bandages, which we are already doing in Tunisia.
In conclusion, I would not have such a hurry because in any case we will end up victorious, having identified who among the two contenders, is destined to win. For example in Libya it turns out that Gaddafi is to prevail. In this case we could ...
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Compare Bushnell 1500 Vs 1600
Dagospia sinks
John Agretti
In the letter D Garzantine Dagospia heading reads: 'Website founded in 2000 by journalist Roberto D'Agostino. He innovated the society news and gossip curiosity focusing on characters in the world economy, information and policy, than the traditional pink gleanings jet set and the show titled ". Oh well, the Garzantine could also add at least a nod to the most important Dagospia, consisting of a vulgarity by trasbordante Sports Bar in the long run instead of hitting the target backfires on the site, causing a crisis of rejection by many readers.
Dagospia, according to the same D'Agostino, has used for a long time rumors of a big as Cossiga, whose knowledge of the facts of the policy was not afraid of some rivals. He revealed, with his usual elegance, Cossiga when it could no longer replicate. Cossiga is gone and now Dagospia suffers heavily. I had already written in very difficult times here but these days I also understood the because: D'Agostino Cossiga was replaced with Mouthpiece! It does not take a genius to realize that the replacement of former President Emeritus of the Republic with a little peons of the policy was a tumor, a guy who with Fini, who in fact is a professional unparalleled failures, have made the largest bankruptcy Italian politics and the result could only be consequent: another failure.
All this we learned when D'Agostino Mouthpiece sued because the latter called him a "racketeer." Many readers are now outraged and claimed that D'Agostino is unfair to disclose their sources. The reality is un'altra: a quel tipo di lettori non frega una mazza della lealtà che non è certo un plus di Dagospia ma il disincanto è di apprendere che le balle sul “cavalier pompetta” le pompava sottobanco “l'onorevole pompino”. Scrive infatti D'Agostino “Dopo oltre trent'anni di professione e undici anni di Dagospia, essere accusato di ricattare una persona è un oltraggio che non solo va mondato in tribunale ma rivelando anche il rapporto di amicizia ultra-ventennale tra il sottoscritto e Gabriella e Italo Bocchino” .
Capito? Da dieci anni su Dagospia ci sorbivamo le puttanate di Bocchino e lui lo ha rivelato. Facile immaginare cosa ne pensano gli altri “informatori” similar company around and with the fear of ending up honor from those who disgraced the profession and made it a reason for living. I am increasingly convinced that Naomi and Ruby, workhorse of the two former friends, in terms of morality are far worse than their informers sinking deeper into the shit that they handle themselves with such abundance and candor, if the taking and if the eat, because that is what they eat to live, we can do without So be it.
John Agretti
In the letter D Garzantine Dagospia heading reads: 'Website founded in 2000 by journalist Roberto D'Agostino. He innovated the society news and gossip curiosity focusing on characters in the world economy, information and policy, than the traditional pink gleanings jet set and the show titled ". Oh well, the Garzantine could also add at least a nod to the most important Dagospia, consisting of a vulgarity by trasbordante Sports Bar in the long run instead of hitting the target backfires on the site, causing a crisis of rejection by many readers.
Dagospia, according to the same D'Agostino, has used for a long time rumors of a big as Cossiga, whose knowledge of the facts of the policy was not afraid of some rivals. He revealed, with his usual elegance, Cossiga when it could no longer replicate. Cossiga is gone and now Dagospia suffers heavily. I had already written in very difficult times here but these days I also understood the because: D'Agostino Cossiga was replaced with Mouthpiece! It does not take a genius to realize that the replacement of former President Emeritus of the Republic with a little peons of the policy was a tumor, a guy who with Fini, who in fact is a professional unparalleled failures, have made the largest bankruptcy Italian politics and the result could only be consequent: another failure.
All this we learned when D'Agostino Mouthpiece sued because the latter called him a "racketeer." Many readers are now outraged and claimed that D'Agostino is unfair to disclose their sources. The reality is un'altra: a quel tipo di lettori non frega una mazza della lealtà che non è certo un plus di Dagospia ma il disincanto è di apprendere che le balle sul “cavalier pompetta” le pompava sottobanco “l'onorevole pompino”. Scrive infatti D'Agostino “Dopo oltre trent'anni di professione e undici anni di Dagospia, essere accusato di ricattare una persona è un oltraggio che non solo va mondato in tribunale ma rivelando anche il rapporto di amicizia ultra-ventennale tra il sottoscritto e Gabriella e Italo Bocchino” .
Capito? Da dieci anni su Dagospia ci sorbivamo le puttanate di Bocchino e lui lo ha rivelato. Facile immaginare cosa ne pensano gli altri “informatori” similar company around and with the fear of ending up honor from those who disgraced the profession and made it a reason for living. I am increasingly convinced that Naomi and Ruby, workhorse of the two former friends, in terms of morality are far worse than their informers sinking deeper into the shit that they handle themselves with such abundance and candor, if the taking and if the eat, because that is what they eat to live, we can do without So be it.
Compare Bushnell 1500 Vs 1600
Dagospia sinks
John Agretti
In the letter D Garzantine Dagospia heading reads: 'Website founded in 2000 by journalist Roberto D'Agostino. He innovated the society news and gossip curiosity focusing on characters in the world economy, information and policy, than the traditional pink gleanings jet set and the show titled ". Oh well, the Garzantine could also add at least a nod to the most important Dagospia, consisting of a vulgarity by trasbordante Sports Bar in the long run instead of hitting the target backfires on the site, causing a crisis of rejection by many readers.
Dagospia, according to the same D'Agostino, has used for a long time rumors of a big as Cossiga, whose knowledge of the facts of the policy was not afraid of some rivals. He revealed, with his usual elegance, Cossiga when it could no longer replicate. Cossiga is gone and now Dagospia suffers heavily. I had already written in very difficult times here but these days I also understood the because: D'Agostino Cossiga was replaced with Mouthpiece! It does not take a genius to realize that the replacement of former President Emeritus of the Republic with a little peons of the policy was a tumor, a guy who with Fini, who in fact is a professional unparalleled failures, have made the largest bankruptcy Italian politics and the result could only be consequent: another failure.
All this we learned when D'Agostino Mouthpiece sued because the latter called him a "racketeer." Many readers are now outraged and claimed that D'Agostino is unfair to disclose their sources. The reality is un'altra: a quel tipo di lettori non frega una mazza della lealtà che non è certo un plus di Dagospia ma il disincanto è di apprendere che le balle sul “cavalier pompetta” le pompava sottobanco “l'onorevole pompino”. Scrive infatti D'Agostino “Dopo oltre trent'anni di professione e undici anni di Dagospia, essere accusato di ricattare una persona è un oltraggio che non solo va mondato in tribunale ma rivelando anche il rapporto di amicizia ultra-ventennale tra il sottoscritto e Gabriella e Italo Bocchino” .
Capito? Da dieci anni su Dagospia ci sorbivamo le puttanate di Bocchino e lui lo ha rivelato. Facile immaginare cosa ne pensano gli altri “informatori” similar company around and with the fear of ending up honor from those who disgraced the profession and made it a reason for living. I am increasingly convinced that Naomi and Ruby, workhorse of the two former friends, in terms of morality are far worse than their informers sinking deeper into the shit that they handle themselves with such abundance and candor, if the taking and if the eat, because that is what they eat to live, we can do without So be it.
John Agretti
In the letter D Garzantine Dagospia heading reads: 'Website founded in 2000 by journalist Roberto D'Agostino. He innovated the society news and gossip curiosity focusing on characters in the world economy, information and policy, than the traditional pink gleanings jet set and the show titled ". Oh well, the Garzantine could also add at least a nod to the most important Dagospia, consisting of a vulgarity by trasbordante Sports Bar in the long run instead of hitting the target backfires on the site, causing a crisis of rejection by many readers.
Dagospia, according to the same D'Agostino, has used for a long time rumors of a big as Cossiga, whose knowledge of the facts of the policy was not afraid of some rivals. He revealed, with his usual elegance, Cossiga when it could no longer replicate. Cossiga is gone and now Dagospia suffers heavily. I had already written in very difficult times here but these days I also understood the because: D'Agostino Cossiga was replaced with Mouthpiece! It does not take a genius to realize that the replacement of former President Emeritus of the Republic with a little peons of the policy was a tumor, a guy who with Fini, who in fact is a professional unparalleled failures, have made the largest bankruptcy Italian politics and the result could only be consequent: another failure.
All this we learned when D'Agostino Mouthpiece sued because the latter called him a "racketeer." Many readers are now outraged and claimed that D'Agostino is unfair to disclose their sources. The reality is un'altra: a quel tipo di lettori non frega una mazza della lealtà che non è certo un plus di Dagospia ma il disincanto è di apprendere che le balle sul “cavalier pompetta” le pompava sottobanco “l'onorevole pompino”. Scrive infatti D'Agostino “Dopo oltre trent'anni di professione e undici anni di Dagospia, essere accusato di ricattare una persona è un oltraggio che non solo va mondato in tribunale ma rivelando anche il rapporto di amicizia ultra-ventennale tra il sottoscritto e Gabriella e Italo Bocchino” .
Capito? Da dieci anni su Dagospia ci sorbivamo le puttanate di Bocchino e lui lo ha rivelato. Facile immaginare cosa ne pensano gli altri “informatori” similar company around and with the fear of ending up honor from those who disgraced the profession and made it a reason for living. I am increasingly convinced that Naomi and Ruby, workhorse of the two former friends, in terms of morality are far worse than their informers sinking deeper into the shit that they handle themselves with such abundance and candor, if the taking and if the eat, because that is what they eat to live, we can do without So be it.
Funny Questions About Tampons
mostra sul liberty a trieste
mostra al salone degli incanti - ex pescheria. per chi fosse interessato la mostra rimane aperta fino al 19 giugno L-D con orario 10-20.
Funny Questions About Tampons
mostra sul liberty a trieste
mostra al salone degli incanti - ex pescheria. per chi fosse interessato la mostra rimane aperta fino al 19 giugno L-D con orario 10-20.
Touching Sisters Boobs
mostre di architettura
già segnalato martedì sera a lezione. la mostra prosegue ed è visitabile fino al 3 aprile.
già segnalato martedì sera a lezione. la mostra prosegue ed è visitabile fino al 3 aprile.
for the redevelopment of the former hospital of Gorizia, with pleasure forwards the call at the opening of
exhibition of the participants and the award ceremony and reported
, which will be held
the days
Thursday, March 10, 2011 in Gorizia at 16:00 , Galerie Dora Netherlands Via Roma. The opening and awards ceremony will be followed at 18.00 by a seminar on architecture submission of technical projects Winners
Touching Sisters Boobs
mostre di architettura
già segnalato martedì sera a lezione. la mostra prosegue ed è visitabile fino al 3 aprile.
già segnalato martedì sera a lezione. la mostra prosegue ed è visitabile fino al 3 aprile.
for the redevelopment of the former hospital of Gorizia, with pleasure forwards the call at the opening of
exhibition of the participants and the award ceremony and reported
, which will be held
the days
Thursday, March 10, 2011 in Gorizia at 16:00 , Galerie Dora Netherlands Via Roma. The opening and awards ceremony will be followed at 18.00 by a seminar on architecture submission of technical projects Winners
Why Left Testicle Hurts When I Sit
testi e teorie> re:cp - cedric price
if it may concern:
if it may concern:
Why Left Testicle Hurts When I Sit
testi e teorie> re:cp - cedric price
if it may concern:
if it may concern:
What Happens To The Fibroid After Degeneration
But how MUCH? ' An important link
The Italians are distracted by an incessant propaganda of television, public and private, put up by the premier.
Maybe if you did a little 'pocket in the accounts would see what this government is costing them .
-2 to pay the salary of the premier lawyers in active learning: Ghedini
-Longo and pay at least some of popes escort: Nicole Minetti, Lombardy Regional Council in 3000 pay- day, 5 minutes drive to the "journalist" of the sheet, Giuliano Ferrara
-Sgarbi and what will?
-how much they cost and Masi Minzolini already know
-League to pay the salary of Trout
-As well as fines for milk quota is not met by "his" farmers
and these are just little things concrete and understandable by all.
Let's see what they took, only recently :
fund for non-self-sufficiency: the disabled and the elderly are the poorest-
money for major diseases: cancer patients are treated less
- money to schools not in nursery places, not full-time in primary schools, fewer teachers for disabled
-money to Police for the operation of the patrols, but were not those Law and Order?
-funds for culture to be damaged we will be just us citizens of the suburbs;
Voltri rischia seriamente di chiudere il Teatro CARGO
In cambio PDL e Lega ci regaleranno il federalismo fiscale che,tradotto in soldoni,significa questo:
lo Stato dà meno soldi a Regione,Provincia,Comune ma gli riconosce il diritto di aumentare le tasse,le cosiddette addizionali Irpef,che hanno questa bella caratteristica :di pesare di più su chi guadagna meno.
The Italians are distracted by an incessant propaganda of television, public and private, put up by the premier.
Maybe if you did a little 'pocket in the accounts would see what this government is costing them .
-2 to pay the salary of the premier lawyers in active learning: Ghedini
-Longo and pay at least some of popes escort: Nicole Minetti, Lombardy Regional Council in 3000 pay- day, 5 minutes drive to the "journalist" of the sheet, Giuliano Ferrara
-Sgarbi and what will?
-how much they cost and Masi Minzolini already know
-League to pay the salary of Trout
-As well as fines for milk quota is not met by "his" farmers
and these are just little things concrete and understandable by all.
Let's see what they took, only recently :
fund for non-self-sufficiency: the disabled and the elderly are the poorest-
money for major diseases: cancer patients are treated less
- money to schools not in nursery places, not full-time in primary schools, fewer teachers for disabled
-money to Police for the operation of the patrols, but were not those Law and Order?
-funds for culture to be damaged we will be just us citizens of the suburbs;
Voltri rischia seriamente di chiudere il Teatro CARGO
In cambio PDL e Lega ci regaleranno il federalismo fiscale che,tradotto in soldoni,significa questo:
lo Stato dà meno soldi a Regione,Provincia,Comune ma gli riconosce il diritto di aumentare le tasse,le cosiddette addizionali Irpef,che hanno questa bella caratteristica :di pesare di più su chi guadagna meno.
C o n t e n t i?
What Happens To The Fibroid After Degeneration
But how MUCH? ' An important link
The Italians are distracted by an incessant propaganda of television, public and private, put up by the premier.
Maybe if you did a little 'pocket in the accounts would see what this government is costing them .
-2 to pay the salary of the premier lawyers in active learning: Ghedini
-Longo and pay at least some of popes escort: Nicole Minetti, Lombardy Regional Council in 3000 pay- day, 5 minutes drive to the "journalist" of the sheet, Giuliano Ferrara
-Sgarbi and what will?
-how much they cost and Masi Minzolini already know
-League to pay the salary of Trout
-As well as fines for milk quota is not met by "his" farmers
and these are just little things concrete and understandable by all.
Let's see what they took, only recently :
fund for non-self-sufficiency: the disabled and the elderly are the poorest-
money for major diseases: cancer patients are treated less
- money to schools not in nursery places, not full-time in primary schools, fewer teachers for disabled
-money to Police for the operation of the patrols, but were not those Law and Order?
-funds for culture to be damaged we will be just us citizens of the suburbs;
Voltri rischia seriamente di chiudere il Teatro CARGO
In cambio PDL e Lega ci regaleranno il federalismo fiscale che,tradotto in soldoni,significa questo:
lo Stato dà meno soldi a Regione,Provincia,Comune ma gli riconosce il diritto di aumentare le tasse,le cosiddette addizionali Irpef,che hanno questa bella caratteristica :di pesare di più su chi guadagna meno.
The Italians are distracted by an incessant propaganda of television, public and private, put up by the premier.
Maybe if you did a little 'pocket in the accounts would see what this government is costing them .
-2 to pay the salary of the premier lawyers in active learning: Ghedini
-Longo and pay at least some of popes escort: Nicole Minetti, Lombardy Regional Council in 3000 pay- day, 5 minutes drive to the "journalist" of the sheet, Giuliano Ferrara
-Sgarbi and what will?
-how much they cost and Masi Minzolini already know
-League to pay the salary of Trout
-As well as fines for milk quota is not met by "his" farmers
and these are just little things concrete and understandable by all.
Let's see what they took, only recently :
fund for non-self-sufficiency: the disabled and the elderly are the poorest-
money for major diseases: cancer patients are treated less
- money to schools not in nursery places, not full-time in primary schools, fewer teachers for disabled
-money to Police for the operation of the patrols, but were not those Law and Order?
-funds for culture to be damaged we will be just us citizens of the suburbs;
Voltri rischia seriamente di chiudere il Teatro CARGO
In cambio PDL e Lega ci regaleranno il federalismo fiscale che,tradotto in soldoni,significa questo:
lo Stato dà meno soldi a Regione,Provincia,Comune ma gli riconosce il diritto di aumentare le tasse,le cosiddette addizionali Irpef,che hanno questa bella caratteristica :di pesare di più su chi guadagna meno.
C o n t e n t i?
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Ontario Drivers License Generator
Bmi That Takes Muscle Into Consideration
viaggio studio - info
during the free visits could be useful to bring a student card or booklet. entry to some museums or the like has a reduced price if not free, but we have to produce a document attesting to membership of a school of architecture.
during the free visits could be useful to bring a student card or booklet. entry to some museums or the like has a reduced price if not free, but we have to produce a document attesting to membership of a school of architecture.
Ontario Drivers License Generator
Bmi That Takes Muscle Into Consideration
viaggio studio - info
during the free visits could be useful to bring a student card or booklet. entry to some museums or the like has a reduced price if not free, but we have to produce a document attesting to membership of a school of architecture.
during the free visits could be useful to bring a student card or booklet. entry to some museums or the like has a reduced price if not free, but we have to produce a document attesting to membership of a school of architecture.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Sala Boggian
il sabato del paesaggio

sabato 12 marzo 2011
Nunes – PROAP – Lisbona (PT)
presentato da Fiorenzo Meneghelli Nunes – PROAP – Lisbona (PT)
Adriaan Geuze – West 8 – Rotterdam (NL) presentato da Giovanni Policante sabato 16 aprile 2011
ore 10.30
– LAND – Milano (IT) sabato 30 aprile 2011 ore 10.30 Christine
Dalnoky – Gordes (FR)
presentata da Francesca Benati
Sala Boggian
il sabato del paesaggio

sabato 12 marzo 2011
Nunes – PROAP – Lisbona (PT)
presentato da Fiorenzo Meneghelli Nunes – PROAP – Lisbona (PT)
Adriaan Geuze – West 8 – Rotterdam (NL) presentato da Giovanni Policante sabato 16 aprile 2011
ore 10.30
– LAND – Milano (IT) sabato 30 aprile 2011 ore 10.30 Christine
Dalnoky – Gordes (FR)
presentata da Francesca Benati
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Church New Membership Letter

Data 14/03/2011 Ora 20.00 Type Municipal Council Number: 4 Place Square
Gaggero, 2 - Session 1, 16158 Genova Convocation
Gaggero, 2 - Session 1, 16158 Genova Convocation
number with the following AGENDA
1 President Communications and information about the activities of the Board (pursuant to Art. 70 Genoa City Charter);
2 Approval of the Municipal Councils verbal discussions 25/01/2011 - 09/02/2011 - 24/02/2011;
3 Unification Evangelical Hospital with the Hospital San Carlo Voltri. Regional Minister called on the health Claudio Montaldo at 20.30;
Resolution 4: Ref. 6 Expression of opinion in accordance with Art. 59 Reg.Dec. Proposal Now in 6 of the City Council on February 25, 2011 cover: "Adoption of new regulations for the implementation of the fee for the installation of advertising"
5 Resolution Sch. 7 Expression of opinion in accordance with Art. Reg Dec. 59 on the proposal to City Council Board No 11 on 03/03/2011 to the subject: "Adoption of amendments to the existing General Plan of advertising installations"
6 Proposed motion: presentation of the group object to the Northern League "Making local street 'Elder' (protocol No 71,373).
THE PRESIDENT Mauro handsome
Church New Membership Letter

Data 14/03/2011 Ora 20.00 Type Municipal Council Number: 4 Place Square
Gaggero, 2 - Session 1, 16158 Genova Convocation
Gaggero, 2 - Session 1, 16158 Genova Convocation
number with the following AGENDA
1 President Communications and information about the activities of the Board (pursuant to Art. 70 Genoa City Charter);
2 Approval of the Municipal Councils verbal discussions 25/01/2011 - 09/02/2011 - 24/02/2011;
3 Unification Evangelical Hospital with the Hospital San Carlo Voltri. Regional Minister called on the health Claudio Montaldo at 20.30;
Resolution 4: Ref. 6 Expression of opinion in accordance with Art. 59 Reg.Dec. Proposal Now in 6 of the City Council on February 25, 2011 cover: "Adoption of new regulations for the implementation of the fee for the installation of advertising"
5 Resolution Sch. 7 Expression of opinion in accordance with Art. Reg Dec. 59 on the proposal to City Council Board No 11 on 03/03/2011 to the subject: "Adoption of amendments to the existing General Plan of advertising installations"
6 Proposed motion: presentation of the group object to the Northern League "Making local street 'Elder' (protocol No 71,373).
THE PRESIDENT Mauro handsome
Designer Van De Bershka
cerco di chiarire a scanso di equivoci la seguente frase
nota a margine: va ottenuta la valutazione di tecnologia prima di accedere alla parte "progettuale" dell'esame. cerco di chiarire a scanso di equivoci la seguente frase
la valutazione farà media con i voti/valutazioni
già conseguiti al corso di caratteri e tecnologia.
chi non è stato valutato al corso di caratteri o vuole migliorare il voto ricevuto potrà ri-presentare all'esame di giugno/luglio i materiali "corretti" relativi alla prima esercitazione.
Designer Van De Bershka
cerco di chiarire a scanso di equivoci la seguente frase
nota a margine: va ottenuta la valutazione di tecnologia prima di accedere alla parte "progettuale" dell'esame. cerco di chiarire a scanso di equivoci la seguente frase
la valutazione farà media con i voti/valutazioni
già conseguiti al corso di caratteri e tecnologia.
chi non è stato valutato al corso di caratteri o vuole migliorare il voto ricevuto potrà ri-presentare all'esame di giugno/luglio i materiali "corretti" relativi alla prima esercitazione.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
What License You Need For A Sauna Gay
incontri architettura trieste
March 18, 2011, 15.00-19.00 room, "Risto Škuljevič", via Genova 12, Trieste
A seminar to reflect on situations, problems and prospects of social housing in Trieste, in the light of innovative experiences developed in the city of Vienna.
Speakers: ;
Andrea Dapretto (Order of Architects, Planners, Landscapers and Conservationists of the province of Trieste) Elena Marches (researcher in urban planning from the University of Trieste, Trieste Forum 2011)
Wolfgang Förster (Director of the Department of research on housing policies of the City of Vienna) Massimo Bricocoli (research in technical and planning of the Politecnico di Milano)
the discussion are also invited representatives from: Company land for housing, health services for Company No 1 'Trieste', Municipality of Trieste, Trieste Province, Unions and Associations of Citizens.
Forum Trieste 2011
March 19, 2011, 9:30 to 12:00 hours room, "Risto Škuljevič", via 12 Genoa, Trieste
A meeting where the Mayor candidates are confronted with the proposals made by Forum 2011 in Trieste on the construction of housing policies and social housing in Trieste
What License You Need For A Sauna Gay
incontri architettura trieste
March 18, 2011, 15.00-19.00 room, "Risto Škuljevič", via Genova 12, Trieste
A seminar to reflect on situations, problems and prospects of social housing in Trieste, in the light of innovative experiences developed in the city of Vienna.
Speakers: ;
Andrea Dapretto (Order of Architects, Planners, Landscapers and Conservationists of the province of Trieste) Elena Marches (researcher in urban planning from the University of Trieste, Trieste Forum 2011)
Wolfgang Förster (Director of the Department of research on housing policies of the City of Vienna) Massimo Bricocoli (research in technical and planning of the Politecnico di Milano)
the discussion are also invited representatives from: Company land for housing, health services for Company No 1 'Trieste', Municipality of Trieste, Trieste Province, Unions and Associations of Citizens.
Forum Trieste 2011
March 19, 2011, 9:30 to 12:00 hours room, "Risto Škuljevič", via 12 Genoa, Trieste
A meeting where the Mayor candidates are confronted with the proposals made by Forum 2011 in Trieste on the construction of housing policies and social housing in Trieste
Nausea With Tampon Use
stato di avanzamento lavori
as mentioned in the classroom: providing to conclude the collective model. contour lines to be spliced.
is inserted, the building of the former seminary.
is inserted, the building of the former seminary.
volumes are attached to the context. should be added to the trees.
than the former seminary, some digital materials were recovered in dwg format for some students. pdf or other similar materials have been distributed. can exchange with you. (These materials I am in my availability) the former for obvious reasons seminar will be "simplified", all parties can detect them with a dubious cordella metric, with the relief of modular elements and the comparison photo. compliance audits: a few and still "immature". speed up the flow of materials and adequate (in quantity and quality) to be discussed. missing a few lessons at the end of the course.
side note: the assessment of technology must be obtained before access to the "design" of the examination.
Nausea With Tampon Use
stato di avanzamento lavori
as mentioned in the classroom: providing to conclude the collective model. contour lines to be spliced.
is inserted, the building of the former seminary.
is inserted, the building of the former seminary.
volumes are attached to the context. should be added to the trees.
than the former seminary, some digital materials were recovered in dwg format for some students. pdf or other similar materials have been distributed. can exchange with you. (These materials I am in my availability) the former for obvious reasons seminar will be "simplified", all parties can detect them with a dubious cordella metric, with the relief of modular elements and the comparison photo. compliance audits: a few and still "immature". speed up the flow of materials and adequate (in quantity and quality) to be discussed. missing a few lessons at the end of the course.
side note: the assessment of technology must be obtained before access to the "design" of the examination.
What Type Of Dr Treats Bursitis
8 marzo
re-delivered the first tutorial book.
lesson of the course of recovery of typological and morphological architecture: maison à bordeaux.
to follow review of work on the university residence.
re-delivered the first tutorial book.
lesson of the course of recovery of typological and morphological architecture: maison à bordeaux.
to follow review of work on the university residence.
What Type Of Dr Treats Bursitis
8 marzo
re-delivered the first tutorial book.
lesson of the course of recovery of typological and morphological architecture: maison à bordeaux.
to follow review of work on the university residence.
re-delivered the first tutorial book.
lesson of the course of recovery of typological and morphological architecture: maison à bordeaux.
to follow review of work on the university residence.
Milena Velba Station Milk
The PD joins Genoa the mobilization for the Public School
the March 12
Accession of the event for the PD Genoa Public School, Saturday, March 12 at 15 in Piazza De Ferrari \\ Largo Pertini
There is no end of indignation and protest about the declarations of the Prime Minister on the public school.
offends me hear you say that the school is ideological and "instills" an education to children who do not is that many families would like, who should be the first defender of an institution so important in the life of any modern, democratic country,
The Italian school in his roles include thousands of teachers over the past 10 years have had to deal with staff reductions, funding cuts, cuts timetable. ... Yet they continue to be present in these institutions continue to convey passion and love for the school to all pupils who want to follow them, where possible supported by their families, who do not hesitate to cooperate and provide the material that should be provided by the school, but that is missing far too long (I think the photocopies or toilet paper).
The public school is the place where kids learn to think for themselves, to make informed choices, to work together, helping and difficulty integrating with their peers: in short, an excellent example of a society in which certain values \u200b\u200bshould be taught and transmitted daily. Unfortunately it is not so in real life now the models are only standards of beauty, image, careerism, reducing and diminishing those characteristics that make each individual unique. The approval desired by the television (of which our Prime Minister is the deus ex machina) reduces people to a snapshot, a picture: the experience of each, which is part of the history of each of us, do not care, what matters is what appears.
Stop this drift becomes an obligation for those who believe that la misura sia colma!
La scuola pubblica è un bene di tutti i cittadini, non è né di destra, né di sinistra e tutti abbiamo il dovere di difenderla e chiedere che venga sostenuta, non demolita, con tagli sistematici, che il ministro Gelmini spaccia come una grande riforma.
Un Paese dove la scuola pubblica affonda non ha futuro, si impoveriscono le nuove generazioni e verrà meno la possibilità di un confronto laico, aperto, plurale, che invece è proprio caratteristico della scuola pubblica in quanto tale.
Per questi motivi anche il Partito Democratico di Genova sarà in piazza sabato 12 marzo alle 15.00, a fianco dei comitati in difesa della scuola pubblica, delle associazioni dei genitori, degli insegnanti e di tutti gli operatori che rendono viva la scuola ogni giorno.
Invitiamo tutti i cittadini che hanno a cuore il futuro dell’Italia ad essere presenti in piazza, per gridare il proprio sdegno e la propria rabbia contro questo ultimo grave attacco , mosso da chi dovrebbe tutelare un patrimonio così importante!
Laura Cevasco
Resp.le Scuola Segreteria PD Genova
scritto e foto sono stati tratti dal sito del
There is no end of indignation and protest about the declarations of the Prime Minister on the public school.
offends me hear you say that the school is ideological and "instills" an education to children who do not is that many families would like, who should be the first defender of an institution so important in the life of any modern, democratic country,

The Italian school in his roles include thousands of teachers over the past 10 years have had to deal with staff reductions, funding cuts, cuts timetable. ... Yet they continue to be present in these institutions continue to convey passion and love for the school to all pupils who want to follow them, where possible supported by their families, who do not hesitate to cooperate and provide the material that should be provided by the school, but that is missing far too long (I think the photocopies or toilet paper).
The public school is the place where kids learn to think for themselves, to make informed choices, to work together, helping and difficulty integrating with their peers: in short, an excellent example of a society in which certain values \u200b\u200bshould be taught and transmitted daily. Unfortunately it is not so in real life now the models are only standards of beauty, image, careerism, reducing and diminishing those characteristics that make each individual unique. The approval desired by the television (of which our Prime Minister is the deus ex machina) reduces people to a snapshot, a picture: the experience of each, which is part of the history of each of us, do not care, what matters is what appears.
Stop this drift becomes an obligation for those who believe that la misura sia colma!
La scuola pubblica è un bene di tutti i cittadini, non è né di destra, né di sinistra e tutti abbiamo il dovere di difenderla e chiedere che venga sostenuta, non demolita, con tagli sistematici, che il ministro Gelmini spaccia come una grande riforma.
Un Paese dove la scuola pubblica affonda non ha futuro, si impoveriscono le nuove generazioni e verrà meno la possibilità di un confronto laico, aperto, plurale, che invece è proprio caratteristico della scuola pubblica in quanto tale.
Per questi motivi anche il Partito Democratico di Genova sarà in piazza sabato 12 marzo alle 15.00, a fianco dei comitati in difesa della scuola pubblica, delle associazioni dei genitori, degli insegnanti e di tutti gli operatori che rendono viva la scuola ogni giorno.
Invitiamo tutti i cittadini che hanno a cuore il futuro dell’Italia ad essere presenti in piazza, per gridare il proprio sdegno e la propria rabbia contro questo ultimo grave attacco , mosso da chi dovrebbe tutelare un patrimonio così importante!
Laura Cevasco
Resp.le Scuola Segreteria PD Genova
scritto e foto sono stati tratti dal sito del
Milena Velba Station Milk
The PD joins Genoa the mobilization for the Public School
the March 12
Accession of the event for the PD Genoa Public School, Saturday, March 12 at 15 in Piazza De Ferrari \\ Largo Pertini
There is no end of indignation and protest about the declarations of the Prime Minister on the public school.
offends me hear you say that the school is ideological and "instills" an education to children who do not is that many families would like, who should be the first defender of an institution so important in the life of any modern, democratic country,
The Italian school in his roles include thousands of teachers over the past 10 years have had to deal with staff reductions, funding cuts, cuts timetable. ... Yet they continue to be present in these institutions continue to convey passion and love for the school to all pupils who want to follow them, where possible supported by their families, who do not hesitate to cooperate and provide the material that should be provided by the school, but that is missing far too long (I think the photocopies or toilet paper).
The public school is the place where kids learn to think for themselves, to make informed choices, to work together, helping and difficulty integrating with their peers: in short, an excellent example of a society in which certain values \u200b\u200bshould be taught and transmitted daily. Unfortunately it is not so in real life now the models are only standards of beauty, image, careerism, reducing and diminishing those characteristics that make each individual unique. The approval desired by the television (of which our Prime Minister is the deus ex machina) reduces people to a snapshot, a picture: the experience of each, which is part of the history of each of us, do not care, what matters is what appears.
Stop this drift becomes an obligation for those who believe that la misura sia colma!
La scuola pubblica è un bene di tutti i cittadini, non è né di destra, né di sinistra e tutti abbiamo il dovere di difenderla e chiedere che venga sostenuta, non demolita, con tagli sistematici, che il ministro Gelmini spaccia come una grande riforma.
Un Paese dove la scuola pubblica affonda non ha futuro, si impoveriscono le nuove generazioni e verrà meno la possibilità di un confronto laico, aperto, plurale, che invece è proprio caratteristico della scuola pubblica in quanto tale.
Per questi motivi anche il Partito Democratico di Genova sarà in piazza sabato 12 marzo alle 15.00, a fianco dei comitati in difesa della scuola pubblica, delle associazioni dei genitori, degli insegnanti e di tutti gli operatori che rendono viva la scuola ogni giorno.
Invitiamo tutti i cittadini che hanno a cuore il futuro dell’Italia ad essere presenti in piazza, per gridare il proprio sdegno e la propria rabbia contro questo ultimo grave attacco , mosso da chi dovrebbe tutelare un patrimonio così importante!
Laura Cevasco
Resp.le Scuola Segreteria PD Genova
scritto e foto sono stati tratti dal sito del
There is no end of indignation and protest about the declarations of the Prime Minister on the public school.
offends me hear you say that the school is ideological and "instills" an education to children who do not is that many families would like, who should be the first defender of an institution so important in the life of any modern, democratic country,

The Italian school in his roles include thousands of teachers over the past 10 years have had to deal with staff reductions, funding cuts, cuts timetable. ... Yet they continue to be present in these institutions continue to convey passion and love for the school to all pupils who want to follow them, where possible supported by their families, who do not hesitate to cooperate and provide the material that should be provided by the school, but that is missing far too long (I think the photocopies or toilet paper).
The public school is the place where kids learn to think for themselves, to make informed choices, to work together, helping and difficulty integrating with their peers: in short, an excellent example of a society in which certain values \u200b\u200bshould be taught and transmitted daily. Unfortunately it is not so in real life now the models are only standards of beauty, image, careerism, reducing and diminishing those characteristics that make each individual unique. The approval desired by the television (of which our Prime Minister is the deus ex machina) reduces people to a snapshot, a picture: the experience of each, which is part of the history of each of us, do not care, what matters is what appears.
Stop this drift becomes an obligation for those who believe that la misura sia colma!
La scuola pubblica è un bene di tutti i cittadini, non è né di destra, né di sinistra e tutti abbiamo il dovere di difenderla e chiedere che venga sostenuta, non demolita, con tagli sistematici, che il ministro Gelmini spaccia come una grande riforma.
Un Paese dove la scuola pubblica affonda non ha futuro, si impoveriscono le nuove generazioni e verrà meno la possibilità di un confronto laico, aperto, plurale, che invece è proprio caratteristico della scuola pubblica in quanto tale.
Per questi motivi anche il Partito Democratico di Genova sarà in piazza sabato 12 marzo alle 15.00, a fianco dei comitati in difesa della scuola pubblica, delle associazioni dei genitori, degli insegnanti e di tutti gli operatori che rendono viva la scuola ogni giorno.
Invitiamo tutti i cittadini che hanno a cuore il futuro dell’Italia ad essere presenti in piazza, per gridare il proprio sdegno e la propria rabbia contro questo ultimo grave attacco , mosso da chi dovrebbe tutelare un patrimonio così importante!
Laura Cevasco
Resp.le Scuola Segreteria PD Genova
scritto e foto sono stati tratti dal sito del
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Maxi Mounds In Micro Bikini
From March 26 to May 8 at the Museum Revoltella. Finnish architecture and design - 18 hour opening March 25 at the Museum with the conference Nordic Landscape Architects Ala study in Helsinki. Enjoy the following ... Finland showrooom SpazioCavana.
From March 26 to May 8 at the Museum Revoltella. Finnish architecture and design - 18 hour opening March 25 at the Museum with the conference Nordic Landscape Architects Ala study in Helsinki. Enjoy the following ... Finland showrooom SpazioCavana.
Maxi Mounds In Micro Bikini
From March 26 to May 8 at the Museum Revoltella. Finnish architecture and design - 18 hour opening March 25 at the Museum with the conference Nordic Landscape Architects Ala study in Helsinki. Enjoy the following ... Finland showrooom SpazioCavana.
From March 26 to May 8 at the Museum Revoltella. Finnish architecture and design - 18 hour opening March 25 at the Museum with the conference Nordic Landscape Architects Ala study in Helsinki. Enjoy the following ... Finland showrooom SpazioCavana.
Build Short Wave Antenna
Liberty a Trieste
From March 13 to June 19 at the Hall of Enchantment - former fish: Trieste Libety, an exhibition of plans, drawings and photographs.
Opening hours 12 March 19. Recommended:)
From March 13 to June 19 at the Hall of Enchantment - former fish: Trieste Libety, an exhibition of plans, drawings and photographs.
Opening hours 12 March 19. Recommended:)
Build Short Wave Antenna
Liberty a Trieste
From March 13 to June 19 at the Hall of Enchantment - former fish: Trieste Libety, an exhibition of plans, drawings and photographs.
Opening hours 12 March 19. Recommended:)
From March 13 to June 19 at the Hall of Enchantment - former fish: Trieste Libety, an exhibition of plans, drawings and photographs.
Opening hours 12 March 19. Recommended:)
Friday, March 4, 2011
Crushing Oral Papillomas
Napolitano terrifies Gaddafi
Wolf Rex
This is one of unmatched services that only your correspondent Wolf Rex could give you very special. Here's what it is and directly from the scenario of war, with a scoop is intended to grow old all of a sudden international matches from Libya.
This morning the army chief rushed to the office of the Libyan Qadhafi and almost did not take a hail of gunfire from the Rais, who had taken him by the time an insurgent, even because of that face mug ostentatious. "Colonel - urlacchiato has the poor guy holding out a press release - we ended up! Read here ...!" .
Gaddafi has taken the paper with understandable emotion and read aloud "Napolitano intimate Gaddafi: still with their arms! Is defying the world, I fear unpredictable developments. The head of state has called for Wednesday, the Supreme Defence Council ".
The Rais had laughed and commented that the American threats from Vietnam on had not won anything more (except in movies) and Obama does not understand that Libya will become another Afghanistan, because it is people rather surly and had observed that the British are always fighting to the last of which are American girth. The French already escaped from Dien Bien Phu leaving the Americans to get shot in the ass, have home more than 10 percent of the population of North Africa which last year put the country on fire for the defeat of the Algerian football team.
But back to the Rais, just read the fatal news was let go a grimace of despair, exclaiming "Americans, British and French did not make me afraid. But the Italians, led by this Napolitano, an octogenarian and a little bellicose 'hung that would exchange the Russian tanks in Hungary as bearers of freedom, they scare me! Their incredible ferocity in war is well known. Do you think we have come, have crapped, made streets and the waterfront of Tripoli and then we have even paid for the damage! And they are invincible. They won two world wars, apart from the initial uncertainty for the second, a problem which they then successfully resolved. How do you fight with people like that? "
The Rais has remained a little thought then exclaimed: " I have an idea. Still bombing the rebels, and we raise the doubt the Italians that we can win ...! Then we see what happens. "" But you'll never believe! " noted military leader. "Idiot, you do not know the Italians: half of them believed to Berlusconi and the other half believes that Bersani is a leader, a true Fini Di Pietro, chairman of the House and a guy who gave 22 exams in 31 months! We believe, go and shoot. " Detto e fatto.
Repubblica già nella serata di oggi riportava le reazioni del governo agli ukase di Napolitano: “Il Viminale invita a calibrare le minacce di intervento militare: "Si rischia di aiutare ascesa di terroristi" . Isterica la reazione della Francia che ha dichiarato: "Allora tenetevi i tunisini". Loro, guidati da un ungherese di nome Sarkozy e pieni di algerini, a noi. Da schiattare dalle risate.
E' inutile, Gheddafi è probabilmente l'unico che in questa confusione generale ci capisce ancora qualcosa. Il vostro inviato specialissimo, in arte Lupo Rex, non è preoccupato, perché ha il polso della situazione. In caso conflict we have no doubt: just wait to see who is winning and then act with resolve and courage (so to speak ...) and just jump on the bandwagon. Troooooppo strong!
Wolf Rex
This is one of unmatched services that only your correspondent Wolf Rex could give you very special. Here's what it is and directly from the scenario of war, with a scoop is intended to grow old all of a sudden international matches from Libya.
This morning the army chief rushed to the office of the Libyan Qadhafi and almost did not take a hail of gunfire from the Rais, who had taken him by the time an insurgent, even because of that face mug ostentatious. "Colonel - urlacchiato has the poor guy holding out a press release - we ended up! Read here ...!" .
Gaddafi has taken the paper with understandable emotion and read aloud "Napolitano intimate Gaddafi: still with their arms! Is defying the world, I fear unpredictable developments. The head of state has called for Wednesday, the Supreme Defence Council ".
The Rais had laughed and commented that the American threats from Vietnam on had not won anything more (except in movies) and Obama does not understand that Libya will become another Afghanistan, because it is people rather surly and had observed that the British are always fighting to the last of which are American girth. The French already escaped from Dien Bien Phu leaving the Americans to get shot in the ass, have home more than 10 percent of the population of North Africa which last year put the country on fire for the defeat of the Algerian football team.
But back to the Rais, just read the fatal news was let go a grimace of despair, exclaiming "Americans, British and French did not make me afraid. But the Italians, led by this Napolitano, an octogenarian and a little bellicose 'hung that would exchange the Russian tanks in Hungary as bearers of freedom, they scare me! Their incredible ferocity in war is well known. Do you think we have come, have crapped, made streets and the waterfront of Tripoli and then we have even paid for the damage! And they are invincible. They won two world wars, apart from the initial uncertainty for the second, a problem which they then successfully resolved. How do you fight with people like that? "
The Rais has remained a little thought then exclaimed: " I have an idea. Still bombing the rebels, and we raise the doubt the Italians that we can win ...! Then we see what happens. "" But you'll never believe! " noted military leader. "Idiot, you do not know the Italians: half of them believed to Berlusconi and the other half believes that Bersani is a leader, a true Fini Di Pietro, chairman of the House and a guy who gave 22 exams in 31 months! We believe, go and shoot. " Detto e fatto.
Repubblica già nella serata di oggi riportava le reazioni del governo agli ukase di Napolitano: “Il Viminale invita a calibrare le minacce di intervento militare: "Si rischia di aiutare ascesa di terroristi" . Isterica la reazione della Francia che ha dichiarato: "Allora tenetevi i tunisini". Loro, guidati da un ungherese di nome Sarkozy e pieni di algerini, a noi. Da schiattare dalle risate.
E' inutile, Gheddafi è probabilmente l'unico che in questa confusione generale ci capisce ancora qualcosa. Il vostro inviato specialissimo, in arte Lupo Rex, non è preoccupato, perché ha il polso della situazione. In caso conflict we have no doubt: just wait to see who is winning and then act with resolve and courage (so to speak ...) and just jump on the bandwagon. Troooooppo strong!
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