Next stop:
John Agretti
worry, I will not bother with the story of the tireless magistrates in Milan after the Constitutional Court had already with the open mouth to bite the premier! I had already planned and written, as it had already provided nearly all of the Italians, so we'll see how it ends. No, I want to go further even at the cost of making a mistake, this time, and try to guess who will be the next target This judiciary is now mad and launched into a mad rush to nowhere.
Again it is not difficult to guess. In my next victim is another great entrepreneur hated the Communists: Sergio Marchionne! It has all the features required by this group of politicized judges: it is rich, and powerful, is a successful man and dared to challenge the octopus of the Italian left, which now we realize it, had now spread its tentacles in all public sectors of the country, from information to the judiciary, before Berlusconi is skewing its path towards the "red spring."
The similarity with the situation of Berlusconi is solo nell'aver preso di petto i comunisti italiani con l'aggravante del successo, ma le reazioni non cambieranno di molto. In entrambi i casi chi sarà incaricata di contrastare questo nuovo “nemico” del comunismo sarà ancora una volta quella parte di magistratura politicizzata il cui comportamento delirante ci fa collocare nel mondo dopo molti Paesi africani in fatto di libertà.
D'accordo, per ora sulla strada di Marchionne si sono schierate in assetto di battaglia "solo" la Cgil, la Fiom e l'esercito di fantaccini della sinistra, ma come sapete sono stati sonoramente sconfitti. Ora tocca ai comandanti in carica, vale a dire i magistrati rossi. Il meccanismo è semplice e collaudato: ad ogni piè pushed the union will turn to their referents that judges do their job, which we all now know well. So it is no coincidence that we find Gian Carlo Caselli head of the Prosecutor of Turin, a character known to the news that does not have to spend a few words, and should be suitable to the task that has already sent out in the past.
The train of the Judiciary is now running. Next stop: Sergio Marchionne. Want to bet?
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