Thursday, January 20, 2011

Disconnect Phone Service Letter Sample

Impunity exists: that of the magistrates

John Agretti

The story the media judicial-that sees the protagonist once again Silvio Berlusconi also reveals aspects that we planned and put on paper here. Today, however, will receive a confirmation clear and indisputable and that what is most disturbing, as Napolitano said, inspires awe. Here's what it is.

When there was the split with Fini in the spring of last year, all to wonder why, for what purpose he had a reckless action and free markets with little or no chance of success. There must be a very important reason for such risky behavior. Even Felt, that they will be Fini, in an interview a few days ago to the week now admits it has not yet figured out why it was so precipitous Fini: "He had come to terms with reality, cioè che un centrodestra alternativo a Berlusconi non ha mercato. Doveva aspettare, il suo turno sarebbe arrivato. Magari, i temi a lui cari, tipo la laicità dello Stato, avrebbero trovato spazio nel Pdl”.

Strano, eppure un motivo importante doveva esserci e lo vediamo proprio in questi giorni, anche se stupisce che personaggi solitamente così attenti non lo abbiano visto. Vi ricordate l'analogo voltafaccia che fece Bossi con il suo ribaltone, coronato però da un successo effimero? Bene, il motivo è lo stesso. Bossi che qualcuno definisce “tanto intelligente” credette alle parole del Barone Oscar Luigi Scalfaro, a cui anche uno sprovveduto non avrebbe dato il minimo credito conoscendo la persona, Fini instead believed the promises of judges red. Magistrates who have promised impunity (such as the silting up of the story of Monte Carlo "secret" and the use of capital AN, defense against attacks by the media and so on) and of course the most important thing: the head of Berlusconi on a Plate 'silver. Fini believed and that group of judges, to be honest, these days are trying with all their might to keep that promise.

Remember when newspapers and politicians tore their clothes to remove the immunity thus putting their own future and that of Italy in the hands of a group of judges who by their own admission they intended "Turn Italy like a sock? Well. For years, the same objective so tirelessly spending millions of euro "our" against us, our choices and our votes. It is not a genius?

These judges are not, however, would like to paint them as heroes and Fini Bocchino, do not risk anything because it is in fact the only ones in Italy to enjoy full impunity with which promises to deliver an Italy and according to their different tastes. But I'm not sure I have the same taste of Boccassini, with his slippers under those robes. And not just on the slippers.



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