Adriano Sofri and ass
John Agretti
. In a
articolessa today on Republic , Adriano Sofri with haughty and pedantic tone that is common and takes loving lick with the emphasis that is intended for use when Giuliano Ferrara, his mentor, and opens with a warning: "I feel that in the lines that follow, devoted to the current race between the evolution of things and words to tell her, you repeatedly used the common name: ass." An article in vain long, just to say, trivially, that Piero Ostellino not being aligned to them is not that great but we all know that journalists, for defending the privacy of "B" (as he modestly calls the ex-con) and "B" if it should go. Having
inevitably end his long-winded writing, Sofri summed up his thoughts: "On the relationship between throne and ass, I remembered a conversation I had when I was a kind of political leader with a leading historian of the Communist Party, and old-fashioned upright man, who wanted to warn them (perhaps he had heard some of my debauchery) on the difference between man and ape. "The monkey - he said - up more room, more exposed to the stares his ass. " There. Now I am on the side of the Apes. The men pushed too high, it is time for fall. "
regret to admit that, once again, I do not agree with the unknown leader of the Communist Party and ex-con and former leader of Lotta Continua which I "had heard some of his debauchery." Today, these old tools of a past that insists, overwhelmed by the defeats inflicted on them by history, are now reduced to only the role of voyeurs ass Berlusconi, as they themselves admit. But in doing so should pay up their beautiful face and the result is sadly disappointing: an ass. It is not a beautiful view.
Borrowing, only this time, the gloss of Sofri, one might conclude that "Men have gone too low, it is time for fall: definitely."
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