Friday, December 3, 2010

Preschool Fire Saftey

Climategate? no conspiracy and there is climate change ... (Silting Climategate)

Here faziosissimo blog as a silt and minimizes the environmental Scandal Climategate :
LINK ORIGINAL: climate-change-there-and-you-see

ClimateGate: an innocent misunderstanding, hoax, fraud scam against the scientists or the scientists against the world?

remain vague about the scandal and how Climategate not showing any links for further information on this issue , and notice how a priori accuse scientists skeptical to be paid by corporations that have an interest in denying the 'Greenhouse Effect (read: multinational petreolifere). Notice how not give any evidence to substantiate what they say
, and as claiming pompously that "
climate change is undeniable and thus remains
Irrefutable? Based on what? I do not have conclusive data led ... What's more the temperature will not rise (indeed fall) since 1998! is not, as claimed by the article, some irrelevant mail deleted by mistake.
Then if the evidence were so clear and irrefutable because it's never " experts" in question would have had to throw out incriminating information, agree to skeptical colleagues to prevent the publication of the work and hinder their careers, make up the data etc?
THIS is why they say the emails in question!

also the story that everything started from an analysis of some trees (no swirl marks, as the article states showing off ignorance and carelessness on the environment: it probably refers to the practice of analyze the width of growth rings of old trees and old wood to make an estimate of past climate because the climate is more warm and more humid trees grow, and vice-versa) that "
gave hope to the skeptics," I've never heard, and the article clearly does not indicate a referral link.
far as I know ClimateGate scandal started when hackers, probably belonging to the Russian intelligence services (but the data are unclear) have entered the server of the University of 'East Anglia and have downloaded mail of researchers (in They're basically the researchers give to 'IPCC data which are decided to propose comprehensive measures relating to the environment), then circulating on the Web From LI started it all! .. And pull out the history of the trees is just a sinister attempt to discredit those who do not believe in Global Warming Buffalo Anthropic .

Good Reading:
[will make you get annoyed they blatantly lie and minimize]

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Climategate: no conspiracy among scientists, climate change is and it shows

Thursday, July 8, 2010 14:41 Written by Editor

were acquitted scientists accused of having manipulated and concealed a series of emails that would have refuted the state data
climate change
According to the reconstructions, in November the group of scientists would have disappeared over a thousand emails with important information about the status of climate change
which were however intercepted by the server of the University of East Anglia English and disclosed in At the delle'inaugurazione
Copenhagen summit on climate .

exploited the wave of confusion, the scientists skeptical of climate variations (often fodder for American companies that have every incentive to deny this fact) have the opportunity to accuse the team of experts to have deliberately manipulated the data for support the theory of global warming by man . After months of investigations, however the team to shed light on what has been dubbed Climategate, led by Muir Russell, head of the 'Independent

IO I sent a comment
I report below (currently in moderation: I wonder if they ever publish a second which takes more ...), my observation about the story that " analysis of circular signs of some trees come abbianofatto all " :

----------------- Studio Scienze Naturali e sono da sempre interessata alla salvaguardia dell'ambiente, però SE si analizzano i dati venuti fuori dallo scandalo ClimateGate si nota subito che ciò che sostiene questo articolo è errato e fazioso (ad es accusa senza portare prove che le tesi scettiche siano dovute a collusioni con industrie petrolifere e simili..)!

Non sono state cancellate ancune mail per errore, ma anni di dati grezzi che avrebbero permesso di verificare gli studi sull'
Effetto Serra
sono stati deliberatamente cancellati e i risultati truccati! I lavori di scienziati Non-Aligned sunk on purpose regardless of the quality etc..
It is also not true that most scientists agree on the theory of Global Warming
Anthropic .

scientists' University of the East Angles to have lied, the evidence clearly their mail! If they really had a lot of data to confirm the Anthropic Global Warming NOT it should lie, nor destroy the raw data (making it impossible to check the results and the scientific method is based precisely on the possibility for any other scientist reproduce an experiment or a studio!) ne coalizzarsi per non far pubblicare studi di colleghi scettici! Se si è in buona fede NON si può liquidare il Climategate come un insignificante equivoco:
si deve come minimo ammettere che quegli scienziati si sono comportati male facendo cattiva scienza e per questo dovrebbero essere rimossi dai loro incarichi e i loro studi andrebbero considerati nulli o ripetuti da personale neutrale.

La verità è che ad oggi NON ci sono dati scientifici certi riguardo al Riscaldamento Globale Antropico
, ma anzi molti dati paiono manipolati come il grafico a "
mazza da Hockey
" (che ignora sia il periodo del cosiddetto "
Medioevo Caldo
" sia il leggero raffreddamento Globale avuto dopo il 1998, sia il fatto che il periodo di riscaldamento è stato fra il 1850 circa e appunto l'98, e nel 1850 finiva la cosiddetta " piccola era glaciale " in cui ad es il Tamigi era sempre ghiacciato d'inverno), e molte storie sono state propagandate al fine di colpire il pubblico ignorante (gli orsi polari che annegano o diventano cannibali, le isole coralline che vengono sommerse quando si sa che il normale destino di un isola corallina è SPROFONDARE lentamete nel mare per subduzione dovuta al peso del cono vulcanico ecc).

Concentrarsi solo sul falso problem of 'greenhouse
harms the environment because it prevents you from worrying about more serious problems such as pollution by chemicals (fertilizers, pesticides, industrial byproducts, waste, etc.) or the conservation of fishery resources etc..

Main'm doing a blog that collects news about the 'Greenhouse Effect adding my comments and links to external sources:

and" published. I thanked them for publishing these comments even though they were in stark contrast to their beliefs ..



ML: http://groups / group / greenhouse effect

by @ lice ( Beyond the Looking Glass)
.. Follow the ConiglioBianco!
Blog: ML:
aliceoltrelospecchio @ gmail . com _____________________


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