An ancient proverb quotes, very wisely: "He who finds a friend finds a treasure" true. Especially nowadays, let's be honest: in this crazy world go away as fast as the wind, where there is everything and more, where there are many beautiful things, but just as bad, because it is difficult to find a true friend? And how difficult it is also store it?
is paradoxical, in the era Internet, phone, email, and mobile phones, yet is still easy to lose sight at times, but sincerely wanting good. You know, I've met a lot of people are, in many areas: from school to jobs, and yet I have few friends than other people. But as they say, I learned to carefully choose my friends, and maintain relationships only with people I care really. I have a small circle, but selected ^ ^ .. But I have always been friendly and chattering since kindergarten. And my best friends go back to your childhood. Yet, one of them, for various vicissitudes of life, I lost it view for several years, unless found by accident, thanks to this incredible tool that clears the distances in a click. Now life is giving us a new opportunity to stay in touch, which I hope to do porter, so I will give you some advice: Come around to your friends and do not loose sight of!
dear friend, if passed through here: I dedicate this message to you. :)
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